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Pourquoi je suis toujours prêt à me produire lors de mariages malgré la pandémie.

Une personne est vue jouer de la guitare derrière un couple en tenue de mariage. Un masque avec les mots
Illustration photo par Slate. Photo par Martina Lanotte / iStock / Getty Images Plus.

Journaux de coronavirus est une série de dépêches explorant comment le coronavirus affecte la vie des gens. Pour les dernières informations en matière de santé publique, veuillez consulter le Site Web des Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Pour la couverture du coronavirus de Slate, cliquez sur ici.

Il y a environ une semaine, j’ai reçu un appel d’une future mariée. Elle et son fiancé prenaient leur troisième chance à leurs noces samedi prochain, et ils voulaient embaucher ma société pour organiser un karaoké pour leur after-party. Apparemment, leurs deux photos précédentes ont été réduites de quelques centaines d’invités en mai à environ 75 en août, puis à moins de 50 ce week-end. Mais ils voulaient le faire et ils voulaient du karaoké.

Pour la plupart des gens sensés, y compris ma propre mère, faire passer un microphone dans une pièce bondée au milieu d’une pandémie croissante peut ne pas sembler la plus brillante idée. Mais ce n’était que le troisième concert que j’aurais fait depuis mars. Il n’y avait aucun moyen que j’allais passer. Plus précisément, je ne pouvais pas passer.

Je suppose que vous pouvez m’appeler «M. Superspreader », à votre service. Malgré le désinfectant pour les mains, les masques, les micro «préservatifs» pour chaque chanteur et les vaillantes tentatives de rester socialement éloigné de tout le monde autant que possible, je dois admettre qu’il y a encore plus qu’une petite vérité sur le fait que je me mets sciemment , et d’autres, à risque. J’aimerais me considérer comme un gars assez compatissant qui n’aurait jamais fait de mal intentionnellement à personne. Donc, par conséquent, pour me sentir moins coupable, je joue constamment à l’avocat de la défense dans mon esprit, me demandant: quel choix ai-je? L’alternative semble assez claire: transmettre les quelques concerts qui se présentent et faire faillite.

Dans le passé, j’aurais pensé que si j’avais la possibilité de choisir entre mon gagne-pain et ma santé, je choisirais ma santé à chaque fois. Mais, et si tomber malade n’était pas garanti? Et si c’était juste une possibilité, mais une possibilité beaucoup plus réelle et urgente est la faillite? Faillite, qui ne peut pas être atténuée, parce que la faillite n’en a rien à foutre de la distance entre vous.

Et si, malgré une période de grâce d’un mois ou deux, vos factures arrivent maintenant, sans relâche, comme si cela s’était terminé il y a des mois? Et s’il n’y a pas d’aide à l’horizon? Et si, en raison de votre incroyable respect pour les médecins et les infirmières en première ligne, vous décidiez d’être aussi sûr que possible et de transmettre les quelques concerts qu’il y a, puis que vous finissiez par contracter COVID de toute façon, de quelqu’un dans la ligne express au supermarché? Du coup, le choix est facile. Au revoir, santé, bonjour, survie immédiate.

Bienvenue dans le monde de l’interprète en 2020. En dehors des soirées karaoké, mon autre concert se produit avec un groupe de reprises. En tant que chanteur / guitariste de l’un des groupes de mariage / événement les plus fréquentés de la région des trois États, il était déjà déchirant que l’activité karaoké / DJ soit une telle lutte. Mais ensuite, la pandémie est arrivée, et mes camarades et moi avons perdu 90% de nos concerts déjà minimes et des revenus correspondants. Les deux douzaines de mariages prévus d’avril à octobre ont disparu. Événements privés, partis. Les concerts de bar, partis. St. Paddy’s, Memorial Day, 4 juillet, fête du Travail, Halloween, fêtes d’entreprise, anniversaires, collectes de fonds, etc. Une période normale de neuf mois nous verrait faire environ 75 concerts. Cette pandémie nous a permis d’en faire une dizaine.

Dix concerts au milieu d’un fléau dévorant peuvent ne pas sembler si mauvais, mais gardez à l’esprit, en raison du fait que les bars et les restaurants sont obligés de fonctionner à une fraction de leur capacité, ceux qui sont toujours debout – ceux qui nous offrent ces concerts – ne sont pas en mesure de nous payer quoi que ce soit qui ressemble à distance à notre tarif normal. Il me faut maintenant environ cinq concerts pour gagner ce que je gagnerais normalement. Les mariages sont encore pires.

Prenant tout ce que nous pouvons obtenir, les membres de notre groupe ont passé les derniers mois à se mettre intentionnellement dans toutes sortes de situations stupides. Nous avons joué dans des bars de Wildwood, devant quelques centaines de foules démasquées et non socialement éloignées, deux fois. Une fois, nous avons incroyablement accepté de jouer un concert de dernière minute à l’extérieur, sur l’eau, dans un refroidissement éolien de 40 degrés, pendant quatre heures. Nous avions besoin de l’argent. Heureusement, personne – groupe ou mécène – n’est tombé malade. Du moins pour autant que nous sachions.

Je ne sais pas si c’est de la fatigue COVID ou quoi, mais il y a certainement une partie de moi qui me met dans ces situations risquées juste pour ressentir un sentiment de normalité. Ma sœur, titulaire d’un doctorat. psychologue clinicien, est d’accord. Elle dit que les dégâts sont apocalyptiques jour de la marmotte fait à la psyché des artistes est aussi mauvais, sinon pire, que les difficultés financières auxquelles nous sommes confrontés. Après tout, pour beaucoup d’entre nous, artistes professionnels, notre travail est également lié à notre vie sociale. C’est bien plus qu’un simple chèque de paie. C’est la poussée d’adrénaline hebdomadaire, fiable et addictive. C’est un exutoire de notre stress, un moyen de se faire de nouveaux amis et de revoir les anciens. Par exemple, si, comme dans mon cas, vous passez de la scène toutes les semaines à jouer devant quelques centaines de fans en adoration et à traîner jusqu’aux petites heures pour en discuter, à la définition d’un «vendredi soir amusant» étant un voyage à Stop & Shop, la dépression est constamment là, essayant de vous convaincre de la suivre dans le terrier du lapin. La seule chose qui peut le tuer est un concert. Inversement, la principale chose qui peut me tuer est un concert.

Afin de garder ce qui reste de mes billes, je suis allé en studio et j’ai enregistré autant que possible des trucs originaux. Le problème est que le temps en studio coûte de l’argent, ce qui signifie que chaque visite, bien que profondément réparatrice, voit mon compte bancaire se rétrécir de plus en plus. Mais à ce stade, j’ai décidé que je préférais être un cliché musical créativement satisfait, typiquement brisé, plutôt qu’une coquille perdue, émotionnellement en faillite et financièrement stable de mon ancien moi. Actuellement, je me sens comme Slim Pickens dans Dr Strangelove: chevauchant la bombe à un certain destin, hululant et hurlant tout en bas.

Imaginez si, au lieu d’un salaire annuel, vous n’étiez payé que pour les jours de travail. Imaginez maintenant que vous ne travaillez que 10 jours depuis mars. Comment feriez-vous face? Accepteriez-vous un travail qui paie à peine quoi que ce soit, mais qui vous oblige également à vous mettre vous-même et les autres en danger? Vous pensez peut-être que non, mais que sommes-nous censés faire d’autre, qui vivons de la performance? Même si je joue de la musique professionnellement depuis plus de 20 ans, je n’ai pas 10 000 abonnés inscrits pour regarder mes jams acoustiques Facebook Live socialement sûrs chaque semaine, désireux de faire un don à la cause. Je ne serais pas non plus à l’aise de demander de l’argent à qui que ce soit en pleine crise économique.

Je n’ai pas demandé les premières prestations parce que, entre autres, j’étais certain, même avec le pire président de l’histoire à la barre, que cela serait contenu par la fête du Travail. Sans parler de ce que j’ai supposé, parce que je n’ai pas de «vrai travail», je ne serais pas admissible. Il s’avère que la plupart des travailleurs de la scène sont admissibles. Ma faute. Sûrement, un deuxième stimulus est en train de nous arriver d’un jour à l’autre? Mon mal, encore.

  1. Un vétéran de 19 ans de la Butterball Turkey Talk Line sur la façon dont les appelants ont changé cette année

  2. Des cadeaux polyvalents que vous pouvez offrir à n’importe qui

  3. À l’éloge de Phoebe Bridgers, une très bonne célébrité

  4. De petits luxes qui vous permettront de vivre 2020

Le couple qui m’a embauché pour leur troisième tentative de célébrer leur union devra en essayer une quatrième. De nouvelles restrictions sur les repas à l’intérieur les ont obligés à annuler pour la troisième fois. Et vous pouvez dire que c’est le bon choix pour la santé publique, et c’est peut-être le cas, mais l’industrie du mariage a également été complètement décimée. Même si vous réservez quelque chose par miracle, il peut toujours être annulé à tout moment. Ce n’est pas bon marché non plus. On ne sait jamais quand l’autre chaussure va tomber.

La seule chose à faire est d’attendre – d’attendre qu’il y ait une deuxième série de mesures de relance, d’attendre qu’il y ait un nouveau président qui souhaite effectivement contenir ce virus, d’attendre un vaccin. C’est donc ce que nous faisons, moi et mes amis et agents interprètes, et les managers – en attendant et en nous tournant dans le vent.


function tryGetCriteoFastBid() {
essayez {
var fastBidStorageKey = "criteo_fast_bid",
hashPrefix = "// Hash: ",
fastBidFromStorage = storage.getDataFromLocalStorage(fastBidStorageKey),
null !== fastBidFromStorage && (firstLineEndPosition = fastBidFromStorage.indexOf("n"), firstLine = fastBidFromStorage.substr(0, firstLineEndPosition).trim(), firstLine.substr(0, hashPrefix.length) !== hashPrefix ? (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__src_utils_js__.logWarn("No hash found in FastBid"), storage.removeDataFromLocalStorage(fastBidStorageKey)) : (publisherTagHash = firstLine.substr(hashPrefix.length), publisherTag = fastBidFromStorage.substr(firstLineEndPosition + 1), Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_6_criteo_direct_rsa_validate_build_verify_js__.verify)(publisherTag, publisherTagHash, FAST_BID_PUBKEY_N, FAST_BID_PUBKEY_E) ? (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__src_utils_js__.logInfo("Using Criteo FastBid"), eval(publisherTag)) : (__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_4__src_utils_js__.logWarn("Invalid Criteo FastBid found"), storage.removeDataFromLocalStorage(fastBidStorageKey))));
} catch

377: function _(t, e, r) {
"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var a = r(378),
n = r(379);

e.verify = function (t, e, r, i) {
var s = new a.BigInteger(a.b64toHex(e)),
o = new a.BigInteger(a.b64toHex(r)),
_ = s.modPowInt(i, o);

return a.removeExtraSymbols(_.toHexString()) === n.Sha256.hash
378: function _(t, e, r) {
"use strict";

var i;
Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var s = (T.prototype.toHexString = function () {
if (this.s < 0) return "-" + this.negate().toHexString(); var t, e = !1, r = "", i = this.t, s = this.DB - i * this.DB % 4; if (0 < i--) for (s < this.DB && 0 < (t = this[i] >> s) && (e = !0, r = c
s < 4 ? (t = (this[i] & (1 << s) - 1) << 4 - s, t |= this[--i] >> (s += this.DB - 4)) : (t = this[i] >> (s -= 4) & 15, s <= 0 && (s += this.DB, --i)), 0 < t && (e = !0), e && (r += c } return e ? r : "0"; }, T.prototype.fromHexString = function if (null !== t) { this.t = 0, this.s = 0; for (var e = t.length, r = !1, i = 0; 0 <= --e;) { var s = n(t, e); s < 0 ? "-" == t.charAt(e) && (r = !0) : (r = !1, 0 == i ? this[this.t++] = s : i + 4 > this.DB ? (this[this.t - 1] |= (s & (1 << this.DB - i) - 1) << i, this[this.t++] = s >> this.DB - i) : this[this.t - 1] |= s << i, (i += 4) >= this.DB && (i -= this.DB));

this.clamp(), r && T.ZERO.subTo(this, this);
}, T.prototype.negate = function () {
var t = b();
return T.ZERO.subTo(this, t), t;
}, T.prototype.abs = function () {
return this.s < 0 ? this.negate() : this; }, T.prototype.mod = function var e = b(); return this.abs().divRemTo(t, null, e), this.s < 0 && 0 < e.compareTo(T.ZERO) && t.subTo(e, e), e; }, T.prototype.copyTo = function for (var e = this.t - 1; 0 <= e; --e) { t[e] = this[e]; } t.t = this.t, t.s = this.s; }, T.prototype.lShiftTo = function (t, e) { for (var r = t % this.DB, i = this.DB - r, s = (1 << i) - 1, o = Math.floor(t / this.DB), _ = this.s << r & this.DM, a = this.t - 1; 0 <= a; --a) { e[a + o + 1] = this[a] >> i | _, _ = (this[a] & s) << r; } for (a = o - 1; 0 <= a; --a) { e[a] = 0; } e[o] = _, e.t = this.t + o + 1, e.s = this.s, e.clamp(); }, T.prototype.invDigit = function () { if (this.t < 1) return 0; var t = this[0]; if (0 == (1 & t)) return 0; var e = 3 & t; return 0 < (e = (e = (e = (e = e * (2 - (15 & t) * e) & 15) * (2 - (255 & t) * e) & 255) * (2 - ((65535 & t) * e & 65535)) & 65535) * (2 - t * e % this.DV) % this.DV) ? this.DV - e : -e; }, T.prototype.dlShiftTo = function (t, e) { for (var r = this.t - 1; 0 <= r; --r) { e[r + t] = this[r]; } for (r = t - 1; 0 <= r; --r) { e[r] = 0; } e.t = this.t + t, e.s = this.s; }, T.prototype.squareTo = function for (var e = this.abs(), r = t.t = 2 * e.t; 0 <= --r;) { t[r] = 0; } for (r = 0; r < e.t - 1; ++r) { var i =, e[r], t, 2 * r, 0, 1); (t[r + e.t] += + 1, 2 * e[r], t, 2 * r + 1, i, e.t - r - 1)) >= e.DV && (t[r + e.t] -= e.DV, t[r + e.t + 1] = 1);

0 < t.t && (t[t.t - 1] +=, e[r], t, 2 * r, 0, 1)), t.s = 0, t.clamp(); }, T.prototype.multiplyTo = function (t, e) { var r = this.abs(), i = t.abs(), s = r.t; for (e.t = s + i.t; 0 <= --s;) { e[s] = 0; } for (s = 0; s < i.t; ++s) { e[s + r.t] =, i[s], e, s, 0, r.t); } e.s = 0, e.clamp(), this.s != t.s && T.ZERO.subTo(e, e); }, T.prototype.divRemTo = function (t, e, r) { var i = t.abs(); if (!(i.t <= 0)) { var s = this.abs(); if (s.t < i.t) return null != e && e.fromHexString("0"), void (null != r && this.copyTo(r)); null == r && (r = b()); var o = b(), _ = this.s, a = t.s, n = this.DB - D(i[i.t - 1]); 0 < n ? (i.lShiftTo(n, o), s.lShiftTo(n, r)) : (i.copyTo(o), s.copyTo(r)); var p = o.t, c = o[p - 1]; if (0 != c) { var d = c * (1 << this.F1) + (1 < p ? o[p - 2] >> this.F2 : 0),
u = this.FV / d,
h = (1 << this.F1) / d, l = 1 << this.F2, f = r.t, E = f - p, v = null == e ? b() : e; for (o.dlShiftTo(E, v), 0 <= r.compareTo(v) && (r[r.t++] = 1, r.subTo(v, r)), T.ONE.dlShiftTo(p, v), v.subTo(o, o); o.t < p;) { o[o.t++] = 0; } for (; 0 <= --E;) { var m = r[--f] == c ? this.DM : Math.floor(r[f] * u + (r[f - 1] + l) * h); if ((r[f] +=, m, r, E, 0, p)) < m) for (o.dlShiftTo(E, v), r.subTo(v, r); r[f] < --m;) { r.subTo(v, r); } } null != e && (r.drShiftTo(p, e), _ != a && T.ZERO.subTo(e, e)), r.t = p, r.clamp(), 0 < n && r.rShiftTo(n, r), _ < 0 && T.ZERO.subTo(r, r); } } }, T.prototype.rShiftTo = function (t, e) { e.s = this.s; var r = Math.floor(t / this.DB); if (r >= this.t) e.t = 0;else {
var i = t % this.DB,
s = this.DB - i,
o = (1 << i) - 1; e[0] = this[r] >> i;

for (var _ = r + 1; _ < this.t; ++_) { e[_ - r - 1] |= (this[_] & o) << s, e[_ - r] = this[_] >> i;

0 < i && (e[this.t - r - 1] |= (this.s & o) << s), e.t = this.t - r, e.clamp(); } }, T.prototype.drShiftTo = function (t, e) { for (var r = t; r < this.t; ++r) { e[r - t] = this[r]; } e.t = Math.max(this.t - t, 0), e.s = this.s; }, T.prototype.subTo = function (t, e) { for (var r = 0, i = 0, s = Math.min(t.t, this.t); r < s;) { i += this[r] - t[r], e[r++] = i & this.DM, i >>= this.DB;

if (t.t < this.t) { for (i -= t.s; r < this.t;) { i += this[r], e[r++] = i & this.DM, i >>= this.DB;

i += this.s;
} autre {
for (i += this.s; r < t.t;) { i -= t[r], e[r++] = i & this.DM, i >>= this.DB;

i -= t.s;

e.s = i < 0 ? -1 : 0, i < -1 ? e[r++] = this.DV + i : 0 < i && (e[r++] = i), e.t = r, e.clamp(); }, T.prototype.clamp = function () { for (var t = this.s & this.DM; 0 < this.t && this[this.t - 1] == t;) { --this.t; } }, T.prototype.modPowInt = function (t, e) { var r = new (t < 256 || e.isEven() ? d : h)(e); return this.exp(t, r); }, T.prototype.exp = function (t, e) { if (4294967295 < t || t < 1) return T.ONE; var r, i = b(), s = b(), o = e.convert(this), _ = D for (o.copyTo(i); 0 <= --_;) { e.sqrTo(i, s), 0 < (t & 1 << _) ? e.mulTo(s, o, i) : (r = i, i = s, s = r); } return e.revert(i); }, T.prototype.isEven = function () { return 0 == (0 < this.t ? 1 & this[0] : this.s); }, T.prototype.compareTo = function var e = this.s - t.s; if (0 != e) return e; var r = this.t; if (0 != (e = r - t.t)) return this.s < 0 ? -e : e; for (; 0 <= --r;) { if (0 != (e = this[r] - t[r])) return e; } return 0; }, T.prototype.am1 = function (t, e, r, i, s, o) { for (; 0 <= --o;) { var _ = e * this[t++] + r[i] + s; s = Math.floor(_ / 67108864), r[i++] = 67108863 & _; } return s; }, T.prototype.am2 = function (t, e, r, i, s, o) { for (var _ = 32767 & e, a = e >> 15; 0 <= --o;) { var n = 32767 & this p = this[t++] >> 15,
c = a * n + p * _;
s = ((n = _ * n + ((32767 & c) << 15) + r[i] + (1073741823 & s)) >>> 30) + (c >>> 15) + a * p + (s >>> 30), r[i++] = 1073741823 & n;

return s;
}, T.prototype.am3 = function (t, e, r, i, s, o) {
for (var _ = 16383 & e, a = e >> 14; 0 <= --o;) { var n = 16383 & this p = this[t++] >> 14,
c = a * n + p * _;
s = ((n = _ * n + ((16383 & c) << 14) + r[i] + s) >> 28) + (c >> 14) + a * p, r[i++] = 268435455 & n;

return s;
}, T);

function T
null !== t && this.fromHexString

function b() {
return new s(null);

function D
var e,
r = 1;
return 0 != (e = t >>> 16) && (t = e, r += 16), 0 != (e = t >> 8) && (t = e, r += 8), 0 != (e = t >> 4) && (t = e, r += 4), 0 != (e = t >> 2) && (t = e, r += 2), 0 != (e = t >> 1) && (t = e, r += 1), r;

e.BigInteger = s, e.nbi = b, e.nbits = D;

for (var o = [], _ = "0".charCodeAt(0), a = 0; a <= 9; ++a) { o[_++] = a; } for (_ = "a".charCodeAt(0), a = 10; a < 36; ++a) { o[_++] = a; } for (_ = "A".charCodeAt(0), a = 10; a < 36; ++a) { o[_++] = a; } function n(t, e) { var r = o[t.charCodeAt(e)]; return null == r ? -1 : r; } e.intAt = n; var p = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; function c return p.charAt } e.int2char = c; e.b64toHex = function for (var e = "", r = 0, i = 0, s = 0; s < t.length && "=" != t.charAt(s); ++s) { var o = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".indexOf(t.charAt(s)); o < 0 || (r = 0 == r ? (e += c(o >> 2), i = 3 & o, 1) : 1 == r ? (e += c(i << 2 | o >> 4), i = 15 & o, 2) : 2 == r ? (e += c(i), e += c(o >> 2), i = 3 & o, 3) : (e += c(i << 2 | o >> 4), e += c(15 & o), 0));

return 1 == r && (e += c(i << 2)), e; }, e.removeExtraSymbols = function return t.replace(/^1f+00/, "").replace("3031300d060960864801650304020105000420",""); }; var d = (u.prototype.convert = function return t.s < 0 || 0 <= t.compareTo(this.m) ? t.mod(this.m) : t; }, u.prototype.revert = function return t; }, u.prototype.reduce = function t.divRemTo(this.m, null, t); }, u.prototype.mulTo = function (t, e, r) { t.multiplyTo(e, r), this.reduce(r); }, u.prototype.sqrTo = function (t, e) { t.squareTo(e), this.reduce(e); }, u); function u this.m = t; } var h = (l.prototype.convert = function var e = b(); return t.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t, e), e.divRemTo(this.m, null, e), t.s < 0 && 0 < e.compareTo(s.ZERO) && this.m.subTo(e, e), e; }, l.prototype.revert = function var e = b(); return t.copyTo(e), this.reduce(e), e; }, l.prototype.reduce = function for (; t.t <= this.mt2;) { t[t.t++] = 0; } for (var e = 0; e < this.m.t; ++e) { var r = 32767 & t[e], i = r * this.mpl + ((r * this.mph + (t[e] >> 15) * this.mpl & << 15) & t.DM; for (t[r = e + this.m.t] +=, i, t, e, 0, this.m.t); t[r] >= t.DV;) {
t[r] -= t.DV, t[++r]++;

t.clamp(), t.drShiftTo(this.m.t, t), 0 <= t.compareTo(this.m) && t.subTo(this.m, t); }, l.prototype.mulTo = function (t, e, r) { t.multiplyTo(e, r), this.reduce(r); }, l.prototype.sqrTo = function (t, e) { t.squareTo(e), this.reduce(e); }, l); function l this.m = t, = t.invDigit(), this.mpl = 32767 &, this.mph = >> 15, = (1 << t.DB - 15) - 1, this.mt2 = 2 * t.t; } function f var e = b(); return e.fromHexString(t.toString()), e; } e.nbv = f, s.ZERO = f(0), s.ONE = f(1), i = "Microsoft Internet Explorer" == navigator.appName ? ( = s.prototype.am2, 30) : "Netscape" != navigator.appName ? ( = s.prototype.am1, 26) : ( = s.prototype.am3, 28), s.prototype.DB = i, s.prototype.DM = (1 << i) - 1, s.prototype.DV = 1 << i; s.prototype.FV = Math.pow(2, 52), s.prototype.F1 = 52 - i, s.prototype.F2 = 2 * i - 52; }, 379: function _(t, e, r) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var i = (y.hash = function t = y.utf8Encode(t || ""); for (var e = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298], r = [1779033703, 3144134277, 1013904242, 2773480762, 1359893119, 2600822924, 528734635, 1541459225], i = (t += String.fromCharCode(128)).length / 4 + 2, s = Math.ceil(i / 16), o = new Array(s), _ = 0; _ < s; _++) { o[_] = new Array(16); for (var a = 0; a < 16; a++) { o[_][a] = t.charCodeAt(64 * _ + 4 * a) << 24 | t.charCodeAt(64 * _ + 4 * a + 1) << 16 | t.charCodeAt(64 * _ + 4 * a + 2) << 8 | t.charCodeAt(64 * _ + 4 * a + 3) << 0; } } var n = 8 * (t.length - 1) / Math.pow(2, 32), p = 8 * (t.length - 1) >>> 0;

for (o[s - 1][14] = Math.floor(n), o[s - 1][15] = p, _ = 0; _ < s; _++) { for (var c = new Array(64), d = 0; d < 16; d++) { c[d] = o[_][d]; } for (d = 16; d < 64; d++) { c[d] = y.q1(c[d - 2]) + c[d - 7] + y.q0(c[d - 15]) + c[d - 16] >>> 0;

for (var u = r[0], h = r[1], l = r[2], f = r[3], E = r[4], v = r[5], m = r[6], T = r[7], d = 0; ré < 64; d++) { var b = T + y.z1(E) + y.Ch(E, v, m) + e[d] + c[d], D = y.z0(u) + y.Maj(u, h, l); T = m, m = v, v = E, E = f + b >>> 0, f = l, l = h, h = u, u = b + D >>> 0;

r[0] = r[0] + u >>> 0, r[1] = r[1] + h >>> 0, r[2] = r[2] + l >>> 0, r[3] = r[3] + f >>> 0, r[4] = r[4] + E >>> 0, r[5] = r[5] + v >>> 0, r[6] = r[6] + m >>> 0, r[7] = r[7] + T >>> 0;

for (var P = new Array(r.length), T = 0; T < r.length; T++) { P[T] = ("00000000" + r[T].toString(16)).slice(-8); } return P.join(""); }, y.utf8Encode = function (e) { try { return new TextEncoder().encode(e).reduce(function (t, e) { return t + String.fromCharCode(e); }, ""); } catch return unescape(encodeURIComponent(e)); } }, y.ROTR = function (t, e) { return e >>> t | e << 32 - t; }, y.z0 = function return y.ROTR(2, t) ^ y.ROTR(13, t) ^ y.ROTR(22, t); }, y.z1 = function return y.ROTR(6, t) ^ y.ROTR(11, t) ^ y.ROTR(25, t); }, y.q0 = function return y.ROTR(7, t) ^ y.ROTR(18, t) ^ t >>> 3;
}, y.q1 = function
return y.ROTR(17, t) ^ y.ROTR(19, t) ^ t >>> 10;
}, y.Ch = function (t, e, r) {
return t & e ^ ~t & r;
}, y.Maj = function (t, e, r) {
return t & e ^ t & r ^ e & r;
}, y);

function y() {}

e.Sha256 = i;
}, [375]);
pbjsChunk([218], {
501: function _(e, r, t) {
e.exports = t(502);
502: function _(e, r, t) {
"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), t.d(r, "spec", function () {
retour c;
var F = t(0),
j = t(2),
B = t(3),
i = t(10),
l = t.n(i),
n = t(503),
s = t.n(n),
a = t(1);

function J(e) {
return function (e) {
if (Array.isArray(e)) return o(e);
}(e) || function (e) {
if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(e)) return Array.from(e);
}(e) || function (e, r) {
if (!e) return;
if ("string" == typeof e) return o(e, r);
var t =, -1);
"Object" === t && e.constructor && (t =;
if ("Map" === t || "Set" === t) return Array.from(e);
if ("Arguments" === t || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test
}(e) || function () {
throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method.");

function o(e, r) {
(null == r || r > e.length) && (r = e.length);

for (var t = 0, i = new Array(r); t < r; t++) { je } return i; } function d(r, e) { var t, i = Object.keys(r); return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && (t = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(r), e && (t = t.filter(function (e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e).enumerable; })), i.push.apply(i, t)), i; } function M(n) { for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) { var s = null != arguments[e] ? arguments[e] : {}; e % 2 ? d(Object(s), !0).forEach(function (e) { var r, t, i; r = n, i = s[t = e], t in r ? Object.defineProperty(r, t, { value: i, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : r }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(n, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(s)) : d(Object(s)).forEach(function (e) { Object.defineProperty(n, e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(s, e)); }); } return n; } function N(e) { return (N = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == _typeof(Symbol.iterator) ? function (e) { return _typeof(e); } : function (e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : _typeof(e); })(e); } var p = [j.b, j.d], f = 100, g = 300, b = 3600, h = !0, v = { JPY: 1 }; function C(e) { var r = {}; return = e.bidId, r.ext = {}, r.ext.siteID = e.params.siteId, !e.params.hasOwnProperty("id") || "string" != typeof && "number" != typeof ? r.ext.sid = "".concat(e.params.size[0], "x").concat(e.params.size[1]) : r.ext.sid = String(, e.params.hasOwnProperty("bidFloor") && e.params.hasOwnProperty("bidFloorCur") && (r.bidfloor = e.params.bidFloor, r.bidfloorcur = e.params.bidFloorCur), r; } function m(e) { return Array.isArray(e) && 2 === e.length && s()(e[0]) && s()(e[1]); } function T(e, r) { if (m(e)) return e[0] === r[0] && e[1] === r[1]; for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { if (e } } function A(e, r, t, i) { var n = [], s = "", a = {}, o = e[0].userId; if (o && "object" === N(o) && o.idl_env && function (e, r, t, i, n, s) { if source: i, uids: [{ id: t, ext: { rtiPartner: s } }] }); F.logWarn("Tried to add a user ID from Prebid, the ID received was null"); }(n, a, o.idl_env, "","LiveRampIp","idl"), window.headertag && "function" == typeof window.headertag.getIdentityInfo) { var d, p = window.headertag.getIdentityInfo(); if (p && "object" === N(p)) for (var m in p) { p.hasOwnProperty(m) && (a.hasOwnProperty(m) || !(d = p[m]).responsePending && && "object" === N( && Object.keys( && n.push(; } } var c, u = {}; = e[0].bidderRequestId, = {}, u.ext = {}, u.ext.source = "prebid", u.ext.ixdiag = {}, e[0].schain && (u.source = { ext: { schain: e[0].schain } }), 0 < n.length && (u.user = {}, u.user.eids = n), document.referrer && "" !== document.referrer && ( = document.referrer), r && (r.gdprConsent && ((c = r.gdprConsent).hasOwnProperty("gdprApplies") && (u.regs = { ext: { gdpr: c.gdprApplies ? 1 : 0 } }), c.hasOwnProperty("consentString") && (u.user = u.user || {}, u.user.ext = { consent: c.consentString || "" })), r.uspConsent && F.deepSetValue(u, "regs.ext.us_privacy", r.uspConsent), r.refererInfo && ( = r.refererInfo.referer)); var y = {}, l = r && r.bidderCode || "ix", f = B.b.getConfig(l); if (f) { if ("object" === N(f.firstPartyData)) { var g = f.firstPartyData, b = "?"; for (var h in g) { g.hasOwnProperty(h) && (b += "".concat(encodeURIComponent(h), "=").concat(encodeURIComponent(g[h]), "&")); } b = b.slice(0, -1), += b; } "number" == typeof f.timeout && (y.t = f.timeout), "boolean" == typeof f.detectMissingSizes ? u.ext.ixdiag.dms = f.detectMissingSizes : u.ext.ixdiag.dms = !0; } y.s = e[0].params.siteId, y.v = i, = "j", = 1, 8.1 === i && ( = 1); var v = [], O = { method: "GET", url: s, data: y }, x = new Blob(["".concat(O.url).concat(F.parseQueryStringParameters(M(M({},, {}, { r: JSON.stringify(u) })))]).size, I = x, w = 0, P = 0, S = 0; = 0, u.ext.ixdiag.msi = 0, u.imp = []; for (var z, j, C, T, A, E = 0, D = Object.keys t[D[E]].hasOwnProperty("missingCount") && (S = t[D[E]].missingCount), function (e, r) { var t = new Blob([encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(e))]).size; if (t < r) return; for (; r < t;) { e.hasOwnProperty("missingImps") && 0 < e.missingImps.length ? e.missingImps.pop() : e.hasOwnProperty("ixImps") && 0 < e.ixImps.length && e.ixImps.pop(), t = new Blob([encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(e))]).size; } }(t[D[E]], 8e3 - x), t[D[E]].hasOwnProperty("missingImps") && (P = t[D[E]].missingImps.length), (I += new Blob([encodeURIComponent(JSONstringify(t[encodeURIComponent(JSONstringify(t[D[E]]))]).size) < 8e3 ? ((z = u.imp).push.apply(z, J(t[D[E]].ixImps)), += S, u.ext.ixdiag.msi += P, t[D[E]].hasOwnProperty("missingImps") && R.push.apply(R, J(t[D[E]].missingImps)), E++) : (C = F.deepClone(y), (j = u.imp).push.apply(j, J(R)), = w, = w, w++, C.r = JSON.stringify(u), v.push({ method: "GET", url: s, data: C }), R = [], I = x, u.imp = [], P = S = 0, = 0, u.ext.ixdiag.msi = 0); } return x < I && I < 8e3 && v.length < 4 && (A = F.deepClone(y), (T = u.imp).push.apply(T, J(R)), 0 < v.length && ( = w, = w), A.r = JSON.stringify(u), v.push({ method: "GET", url: s, data: A })), v; } function E(e, r) { for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { if (r[0] == e } } var c = { code: "ix", gvlid: 10, supportedMediaTypes: p, isBidRequestValid: function isBidRequestValid(e) { if (!m(e.params.size)) return F.logError("ix bidder params: bid size has invalid format."), !1; if (!T(e.sizes, e.params.size)) return F.logError("ix bidder params: bid size is not included in ad unit sizes."), !1; if (e.hasOwnProperty("mediaType") && !F.contains(p, e.mediaType)) return !1; if (e.hasOwnProperty("mediaTypes") && !F.deepAccess(e, "mediaTypes.banner.sizes") && !F.deepAccess(e, "")) return !1; if ("string" != typeof e.params.siteId && "number" != typeof e.params.siteId) return F.logError("ix bidder params: siteId must be string or number value."), !1; var r, t, i = e.params.hasOwnProperty("bidFloor"), n = e.params.hasOwnProperty("bidFloorCur"); return !!(!i && !n || i && n && (r = e.params.bidFloor, t = e.params.bidFloorCur, Boolean("number" == typeof r && "string" == typeof t && t.match(/^[A-Z]{3}$/)))) || (F.logError("ix bidder params: bidFloor / bidFloorCur parameter has invalid format."), !1); }, buildRequests: function buildRequests(e, r) { for (var t, i, n, s, a, o, d, p, m, c, u, y, l, f = [], g = {}, b = {}, h = null, v = {}, O = M(M({}, { detectMissingSizes: !0 }), B.b.getConfig("ix")), x = 0; x < e.length; x++) { (h = e[x]).mediaType !== j.d && !F.deepAccess(h, "") || (h.mediaType === j.d || T(, h.params.size) ? (b.hasOwnProperty(h.transactionId) || (b[h.transactionId] = {}), b[h.transactionId].hasOwnProperty("ixImps") || (b[h.transactionId].ixImps = []), b[h.transactionId].ixImps.push(function (e) { var r = C(e); = F.deepClone(, = e.params.size[0], = e.params.size[1]; var t = F.deepAccess(e, ""); return t && ("instream" === t ? = 1 : "outstream" === t ? = 4 : F.logWarn("ix bidder params: video context '".concat(t, "' is not supported"))), r; }(h))) : F.logError("Bid size is not included in video playerSize")), h.mediaType !== j.b && !F.deepAccess(h, "mediaTypes.banner") && (h.mediaType || h.mediaTypes) || (c = void 0, (c = C(m = h)).banner = {}, c.banner.w = m.params.size[0], c.banner.h = m.params.size[1], c.banner.topframe = F.inIframe() ? 0 : 1, t = c, g.hasOwnProperty(h.transactionId) || (g[h.transactionId] = {}), g[h.transactionId].hasOwnProperty("ixImps") || (g[h.transactionId].ixImps = []), g[h.transactionId].ixImps.push missingSizes: o, impression: s }, n[p] = d))); } for (var I in v) { if (v.hasOwnProperty(I)) { var w = v[I].missingSizes; g.hasOwnProperty(I) || (g[I] = {}), g[I].hasOwnProperty("missingImps") || (g[I].missingImps = [], g[I].missingCount = 0); for (var P = v[I].impression, S = 0; S < w.length; S++) { var z = (u = P, y = w[S], l = void 0, (l = F.deepClone(u)).ext.sid = "".concat(y[0], "x").concat(y[1]), l.banner.w = y[0], l.banner.h = y[1], l); g[I].missingImps.push(z), g[I].missingCount++; } } } return 0 < Object.keys(g).length && f.push.apply(f, J(A(e, r, g, 7.2))), 0 < Object.keys(b).length && f.push.apply(f, J(A(e, r, b, 8.1))), f; }, interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(e, r) { var t = []; if (!e.hasOwnProperty("body") || !e.body.hasOwnProperty("seatbid")) return t; for (var i, n, s, a, o = e.body, d = o.seatbid, p = 0; p < d.length; p++) { if (d[p].hasOwnProperty("bid")) for (var m = d[p].bid, c = JSON.parse(, u = 0; u < m.length; u++) { var y = function (r, e) { if (r) return l()(e, function (e) { return === r; }); }(m[u].impid, c.imp); i = m[u], n = o.cur, s = y, a = void 0, a = {}, v.hasOwnProperty(n) ? a.cpm = i.price / v[n] : a.cpm = i.price / f, a.requestId = i.impid, a.dealId = F.deepAccess(i, "ext.dealid"), a.netRevenue = h, a.currency = n, a.creativeId = i.hasOwnProperty("crid") ? i.crid : "-", F.deepAccess(i, "ext.vasturl") ? (a.vastUrl = i.ext.vasturl, a.width =, a.height =, a.mediaType = j.d, a.ttl = b) : ( = i.adm, a.width = i.w, a.height = i.h, a.mediaType = j.b, a.ttl = g), a.meta = {}, a.meta.networkId = F.deepAccess(i, "ext.dspid"), a.meta.brandId = F.deepAccess(i, "ext.advbrandid"), a.meta.brandName = F.deepAccess(i, "ext.advbrand"), i.adomain && 0 < i.adomain.length && (a.meta.advertiserDomains = i.adomain), t.push(a); } } return t; }, transformBidParams: function transformBidParams(e) { return F.convertTypes({ siteID: "number" }, e); }, getUserSyncs: function getUserSyncs(e) { return e.iframeEnabled ? [{ type: "iframe", url: "" }] : []; } }; Object(a.registerBidder)(c); } }, [501]); pbjsChunk([213], { 517: function _(e, t, r) { e.exports = r(518); }, 518: function _(e, t, r) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r.d(t, "spec", function () { return l; }); var s = r(0), d = r(3), n = r(1), a = r(7); function g() { return (g = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var r = arguments for (var n in r) {, n) && (e[n] = r[n]); } } retour e; }).apply(this, arguments); } var o, i, c, u = Object(a.b)(), l = { code: "kargo", isBidRequestValid: function isBidRequestValid(e) { return !(!e || !e.params) && !!e.params.placementId; }, buildRequests: function buildRequests(e, t) { var r, n = d.b.getConfig("currency"), a = n && n.adServerCurrency || "USD", o = {}, i = {}; s._each(e, function (e) { o[e.bidId] = e.params.placementId, i[e.bidId] = e.sizes; }), 0 < e.length && e[0].userId && e[0].userId.tdid && (r = e[0].userId.tdid); var c = g({}, { sessionId: l._getSessionId(), requestCount: l._getRequestCount(), timeout: t.timeout, currency: a, cpmGranularity: 1, timestamp: new Date().getTime(), cpmRange: { floor: 0, ceil: 20 }, bidIDs: o, bidSizes: i, prebidRawBidRequests: e }, l._getAllMetadata(r, t.uspConsent)), u = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(c)); return g({}, t, { method: "GET", url: "".concat("","/api/v2/bid"), data: "json=".concat(u), currency: a }); }, interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(e, t) { var r = e.body, n = []; for (var a in r) { var o = r[a], i = void 0; o.metadata && o.metadata.landingPageDomain && (i = { clickUrl: o.metadata.landingPageDomain, advertiserDomains: [o.metadata.landingPageDomain] }), n.push({ requestId: a, cpm: Number(o.cpm), width: o.width, height: o.height, ad: o.adm, ttl: 300, creativeId:, dealId: o.targetingCustom, netRevenue: !0, currency: t.currency, meta: i }); } return n; }, getUserSyncs: function getUserSyncs(e) { var t = [], r = l._generateRandomUuid(), n = l._getClientId(); if (e.iframeEnabled && r && n) for (var a = 0; a < 5; a++) { t.push({ type: "iframe", url: "{UUID}?seed={SEED}&idx={INDEX}".replace("{UUID}", n).replace("{SEED}", r).replace("{INDEX}", a) }); } return t; }, _readCookie: function _readCookie(e) { if (!u.cookiesAreEnabled()) return null; for (var t = "".concat(e, "="), r = document.cookie.split(";"), n = 0; n < r.length; n++) { for (var a = r[n]; " " === a.charAt(0);) { a = a.substring(1, a.length); } if (0 === a.indexOf } return null; }, _getCrbFromCookie: function _getCrbFromCookie() { try { var e = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(l._readCookie("krg_crb"))); if (e && e.v) { var t = JSON.parse(atob(e.v)); if } return {}; } catch (e) { return {}; } }, _getCrbFromLocalStorage: function _getCrbFromLocalStorage() { try { return JSON.parse(atob(l._getLocalStorageSafely("krg_crb"))); } catch (e) { return {}; } }, _getCrb: function _getCrb() { var e = l._getCrbFromLocalStorage(); return Object.keys(e).length ? e : l._getCrbFromCookie(); }, _getKruxUserId: function _getKruxUserId() { return l._getLocalStorageSafely("kxkar_user"); }, _getKruxSegments: function _getKruxSegments() { return l._getLocalStorageSafely("kxkar_segs"); }, _getKrux: function _getKrux() { var e = l._getKruxSegments(), t = []; return e && (t = e.split(",")), { userID: l._getKruxUserId(), segments: t }; }, _getLocalStorageSafely: function _getLocalStorageSafely(e) { try { return u.getDataFromLocalStorage(e); } catch (e) { return null; } }, _getUserIds: function _getUserIds(e, t) { var r = l._getCrb(), n = { kargoID: r.userId, clientID: r.clientId, crbIDs: r.syncIds || {}, optOut: r.optOut, usp: t }; return e && (n.tdID = e), n; }, _getClientId: function _getClientId() { return l._getCrb().clientId; }, _getAllMetadata: function _getAllMetadata(e, t) { return { userIDs: l._getUserIds(e, t), krux: l._getKrux(), pageURL: window.location.href, rawCRB: l._readCookie("krg_crb"), rawCRBLocalStorage: l._getLocalStorageSafely("krg_crb") }; }, _getSessionId: function _getSessionId() { return o = o || l._generateRandomUuid(); }, _getRequestCount: function _getRequestCount() { return i === window.location.pathname ? ++c : (i = window.location.pathname, c = 0); }, _generateRandomUuid: function _generateRandomUuid() { try { var e = new Uint8Array(16); crypto.getRandomValues(e), e[6] = -177 & e[6] | 64, e[8] = -65 & e[8] | 128; var t = Uint8Array(e), function (e) { return ("00" + e.toString(16)).slice(-2); }).join(""); return t.slice(0, 8) + "-" + t.slice(8, 12) + "-" + t.slice(12, 16) + "-" + t.slice(16, 20) + "-" + t.slice(20); } catch (e) { return ""; } } }; Object(n.registerBidder)(l); } }, [517]); pbjsChunk([128], { 727: function _(e, r, t) { e.exports = t(728); }, 728: function _(e, r, t) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.d(r, "spec", function () { return A; }), r.hasVideoMediaType = s, t.d(r, "resetRubiConf", function () { return c; }), r.masSizeOrdering = d, r.determineRubiconVideoSizeId = f, r.getPriceGranularity = C, r.hasValidVideoParams = I, r.hasValidSupplyChainParams = k, r.encodeParam = w, r.resetUserSync = function () { z = !1; }; var g = t(0), i = t(1), v = t(3), p = t(2), n = t(10), b = t.n(n); function y(e, r) { return function (e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return e; }(e) || function (e, r) { if ("undefined" == typeof Symbol || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(e))) return; var t = [], i = !0, n = !1, o = void 0; try { for (var a, s = e[Symbol.iterator](); !(i = (a = && (t.push(a.value), !r || t.length !== r); i = !0) { ; } } catch (e) { n = !0, o = e; } finally { try { i || null == s.return || s.return(); } finally { if (n) throw o; } } return t; }(e, r) || function (e, r) { if (!e) return; if ("string" == typeof e) return o(e, r); var t =, -1); "Object" === t && e.constructor && (t =; if ("Map" === t || "Set" === t) return Array.from(e); if ("Arguments" === t || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test }(e, r) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }(); } function o(e, r) { (null == r || r > e.length) && (r = e.length);

for (var t = 0, i = new Array(r); t < r; t++) { je } return i; } function x() { return (x = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = arguments[r]; for (var i in t) {, i) && (e[i] = t[i]); } } retour e; }).apply(this, arguments); } function l(e, r, t) { return r in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, r, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[r] = t, e; } function h(e) { return (h = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == _typeof(Symbol.iterator) ? function (e) { return _typeof(e); } : function (e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : _typeof(e); })(e); } var _ = {}; v.b.getConfig("rubicon", function (e) { g.mergeDeep(_, e.rubicon); }); var u = { 1: "468x60", 2: "728x90", 5: "120x90", 7: "125x125", 8: "120x600", 9: "160x600", 10: "300x600", 13: "200x200", 14: "250x250", 15: "300x250", 16: "336x280", 17: "240x400", 19: "300x100", 31: "980x120", 32: "250x360", 33: "180x500", 35: "980x150", 37: "468x400", 38: "930x180", 39: "750x100", 40: "750x200", 41: "750x300", 42: "2x4", 43: "320x50", 44: "300x50", 48: "300x300", 53: "1024x768", 54: "300x1050", 55: "970x90", 57: "970x250", 58: "1000x90", 59: "320x80", 60: "320x150", 61: "1000x1000", 64: "580x500", 65: "640x480", 66: "930x600", 67: "320x480", 68: "1800x1000", 72: "320x320", 73: "320x160", 78: "980x240", 79: "980x300", 80: "980x400", 83: "480x300", 85: "300x120", 90: "548x150", 94: "970x310", 95: "970x100", 96: "970x210", 101: "480x320", 102: "768x1024", 103: "480x280", 105: "250x800", 108: "320x240", 113: "1000x300", 117: "320x100", 125: "800x250", 126: "200x600", 144: "980x600", 145: "980x150", 152: "1000x250", 156: "640x320", 159: "320x250", 179: "250x600", 195: "600x300", 198: "640x360", 199: "640x200", 213: "1030x590", 214: "980x360", 221: "1x1", 229: "320x180", 230: "2000x1400", 232: "580x400", 234: "6x6", 251: "2x2", 256: "480x820", 257: "400x600", 258: "500x200", 259: "998x200", 264: "970x1000", 265: "1920x1080", 274: "1800x200", 278: "320x500", 282: "320x400", 288: "640x380", 548: "500x1000" }; g._each(u, function (e, r) { return u[e] = r; }); var A = { code: "rubicon", gvlid: 52, supportedMediaTypes: [p.b, p.d], isBidRequestValid: function isBidRequestValid(e) { if ("object" !== h(e.params)) return !1; for (var r = 0, t = ["accountId","siteId","zoneId"]; r < t.length; r++) { if (e.params[t[t[r]]= parseInt(e.params[t[t[r]]), isNaN(e.params[t[t[r]])) return g.logError("Rubicon: wrong format of accountId or siteId or zoneId."), !1; } var i = m(e, !0); return !!i && ("video" !== i || I(e)); }, buildRequests: function buildRequests(e, u) { var n, r = e.filter(function (e) { return "video" === m(e); }).map(function t.startTime = new Date().getTime(); var e, r, i, n = { id: t.transactionId, test: v.b.getConfig("debug") ? 1 : 0, cur: ["USD"], source: { tid: t.transactionId }, tmax: u.timeout, imp: [{ exp: v.b.getConfig("s2sConfig.defaultTtl"), id: t.adUnitCode, secure: 1, ext: l({}, t.bidder, t.params), video: g.deepAccess(t, "") || {} }], ext: { prebid: { cache: { vastxml: { returnCreative: !0 === _.returnVast } }, targeting: { includewinners: !0, includebidderkeys: !1, pricegranularity: C(v.b) }, bidders: { rubicon: { integration: _.int_type || "pbjs" } } } } }; if ("rubicon" !== t.bidder && (n.ext.prebid.aliases = l({}, t.bidder, "rubicon")), "function" != typeof t.getFloor || _.disableFloors) e = parseFloat(g.deepAccess(t, "params.floor"));else { essayez { r = t.getFloor({ currency: "USD", mediaType: "video", size: j(t, "video") }); } catch (e) { g.logError("Rubicon: getFloor threw an error: ", e); } e = "object" !== h(r) || "USD" !== r.currency || isNaN(parseInt(r.floor)) ? void 0 : parseFloat(r.floor); } isNaN(e) || (n.imp[0].bidfloor = e), n.imp[0].ext[t.bidder].video.size_id = f if (!r) return; "object" === h(v.b.getConfig("app")) ? = v.b.getConfig("app") : = { page: S(t, e) }; "object" === h(v.b.getConfig("device")) && (r.device = v.b.getConfig("device")); && ["site","device"].forEach(function (e) { r[e] && (r[e].content = x({ language: }, r[e].content)); }); }(n, t, u), function (e, r) { "object" === h(e.imp[0].video) && void 0 === e.imp[0].video.skip && (e.imp[0].video.skip =; "object" === h(e.imp[0].video) && void 0 === e.imp[0].video.skipafter && (e.imp[0].video.skipafter =; "object" === h(e.imp[0].video) && void 0 === e.imp[0].video.pos && ("atf" === r.params.position ? e.imp[0].video.pos = 1 : "btf" === r.params.position && (e.imp[0].video.pos = 3)); var t = j(r, "video"); e.imp[0].video.w = t[0], e.imp[0].video.h = t[1]; }(n, t), u.gdprConsent && ("boolean" == typeof u.gdprConsent.gdprApplies && (i = u.gdprConsent.gdprApplies ? 1 : 0), g.deepSetValue(n, "regs.ext.gdpr", i), g.deepSetValue(n, "user.ext.consent", u.gdprConsent.consentString)), u.uspConsent && g.deepSetValue(n, "regs.ext.us_privacy", u.uspConsent); var o = g.deepAccess(u, "bids.0.userIdAsEids"); o && o.length && g.deepSetValue(n, "user.ext.eids", o); var a = v.b.getConfig(""); a && g.deepSetValue(n, "", a), !0 === v.b.getConfig("coppa") && g.deepSetValue(n, "regs.coppa", 1), t.schain && k(t.schain) && g.deepSetValue(n, "source.ext.schain", t.schain); var s, c = x({}, t.params.inventory, v.b.getConfig("fpd.context")), d = x({}, t.params.visitor, v.b.getConfig("fpd.user")); g.isEmpty(c) && g.isEmpty(d) || (s = { bidders: [u.bidderCode], config: { fpd: {} } }, g.isEmpty(c) || ( = c), g.isEmpty(d) || (s.config.fpd.user = d), g.deepSetValue(n, "ext.prebid.bidderconfig.0", s)); var p = g.deepAccess(t, "fpd.context.pbAdSlot"); return "string" == typeof p && p && g.deepSetValue(n.imp[0].ext, "", p), ["name","adSlot"].forEach(function (e) { var r = g.deepAccess(t, "fpd.context.adserver.".concat(e)); "string" == typeof r && r && g.deepSetValue(n.imp[0].ext, "".concat(e.toLowerCase()), r); }), t.storedAuctionResponse && g.deepSetValue(n.imp[0], "", t.storedAuctionResponse.toString()), g.deepSetValue(n.imp[0], "ext.prebid.auctiontimestamp", u.auctionStart), { method: "POST", url: "https://".concat(_.videoHost || "prebid-server",""), data: n, bidRequest: t }; }); return !0 !== _.singleRequest ? r.concat(e.filter(function (e) { return "banner" === m(e); }).map(function (e) { var i = A.createSlotParams(e, u); revenir { method: "GET", url: "https://".concat(_.bannerHost || "fastlane",""), data: A.getOrderedParams(i).reduce(function (e, r) { var t = i[r]; return g.isStr }, "") + "slots=1&rand=".concat(Math.random()), bidRequest: e }; })) : (n = e.filter(function (e) { return "banner" === m(e); }).reduce(function (e, r) { return (e[r.params.siteId] = e[r.params.siteId] || []).push(r), e; }, {}), r.concat(Object.keys(n).reduce(function (r, e) { var t, i; return t = n[e], i = 10, (e, r) { return r % i == 0 ? t.slice(r, r + i) : null; }).filter(function (e) { retour e; }).forEach(function (e) { var i = A.combineSlotUrlParams( (e) { return A.createSlotParams(e, u); })); r.push({ method: "GET", url: "https://".concat(_.bannerHost || "fastlane",""), data: A.getOrderedParams(i).reduce(function (e, r) { var t = i[r]; return g.isStr }, "") + "slots=".concat(e.length, "&rand=").concat(Math.random()), bidRequest: e }); }), r; }, []))); }, getOrderedParams: function getOrderedParams(e) { var r = /^tg_v/, t = /^tg_i/, i = /^eid_|^tpid_/, n = ["account_id","site_id","zone_id","size_id","alt_size_ids","p_pos","gdpr","gdpr_consent","us_privacy","rp_schain"].concat(Object.keys(e).filter(function (e) { return i.test(e); })).concat(["x_liverampidl","ppuid","rf","p_geo.latitude","p_geo.longitude","kw"]).concat(Object.keys(e).filter(function (e) { return r.test(e); })).concat(Object.keys(e).filter(function (e) { return t.test(e); })).concat(["tk_flint","x_source.tid","x_source.pchain","p_screen_res","rp_floor","rp_secure","tk_user_key"]); return n.concat(Object.keys(e).filter(function (e) { return -1 === n.indexOf(e); })); }, combineSlotUrlParams: function combineSlotUrlParams(n) { if (1 === n.length) return n[0]; var i = n.reduce(function (r, t, i) { return Object.keys r.hasOwnProperty(e) || (r[e] = new Array(n.length)), r[e].splice(i, 1, t[e]); }), r; }, {}), o = new RegExp("^([^;]*)(;\1)+$"); return Object.keys(i).forEach(function (e) { var r = i[e].join(";"), t = r.match(o); je[e] = t ? t[1] : r; }), i; }, createSlotParams: function createSlotParams(e, r) { e.startTime = new Date().getTime(); var t, i = e.params, n = j(e, "banner"), o = y(i.latLong || [], 2), a = o[0], s = o[1], c = { account_id: i.accountId, site_id: i.siteId, zone_id: i.zoneId, size_id: n[0], alt_size_ids: n.slice(1).join(",") || void 0, rp_floor: .01 < (i.floor = parseFloat(i.floor)) ? i.floor : .01, rp_secure: "1", tk_flint: "".concat(_.int_type || "pbjs_lite","_v4.17.0"), "x_source.tid": e.transactionId, "x_source.pchain": i.pchain, p_screen_res: [window.screen.width, window.screen.height].join("x"), tk_user_key: i.userId, "p_geo.latitude": isNaN(parseFloat(a)) ? void 0 : parseFloat(a).toFixed(4), "p_geo.longitude": isNaN(parseFloat(s)) ? void 0 : parseFloat(s).toFixed(4), "tg_fl.eid": e.code, rf: S(e, r) }; if ("function" == typeof e.getFloor && !_.disableFloors) { essayez { t = e.getFloor({ currency: "USD", mediaType: "banner", size: "*" }); } catch (e) { g.logError("Rubicon: getFloor threw an error: ", e); } c.rp_hard_floor = "object" !== h } c.p_pos = "atf" === i.position || "btf" === i.position ? i.position : ""; var d = v.b.getConfig(""); d && (c.ppuid = d), e.userIdAsEids && e.userIdAsEids.forEach(function (r) { essayez { var e; "" === r.source ? (c.tpid_tdid = r.uids[0].id, c[""] = r.uids[0].id) : "" === r.source ? (c[""] = r.uids[0].id, c[""] = r.uids[0].id, r.ext && Array.isArray(r.ext.segments) && r.ext.segments.length && (c["tg_v.LIseg"] = r.ext.segments.join(","))) : "" === r.source ? c.x_liverampidl = r.uids[0].id : "" === r.source ? c[""] = "".concat(r.uids[0].id, "^").concat(r.uids[0].atype, "^").concat(r.uids[0].ext && r.uids[0].ext.third || "") : "" === r.source ? c[""] = "".concat(r.uids[0].id, "^").concat(r.uids[0].atype, "^").concat(r.ext && r.ext.linkType || "") : c["eid_".concat(r.source)] = "".concat(r.uids[0].id, "^").concat(r.uids[0].atype || ""), c.ppuid || (e = b()(r.uids, function (e) { return e.ext && "ppuid" === e.ext.stype; })) && && (c.ppuid =; } catch (e) { g.logWarn("Rubicon: error reading eid:", r, e); } }), r.gdprConsent && ("boolean" == typeof r.gdprConsent.gdprApplies && (c.gdpr = Number(r.gdprConsent.gdprApplies)), c.gdpr_consent = r.gdprConsent.consentString), r.uspConsent && (c.us_privacy = encodeURIComponent(r.uspConsent)); var p = x({}, i.visitor, v.b.getConfig("fpd.user")); Object.keys(p).forEach(function (e) { null != p[e] && "keywords" !== e && (c["tg_v.".concat(e)] = "object" !== h(p[e]) || Array.isArray(p[e]) ? p[e].toString() : JSON.stringify(p[e])); }); var u = x({}, i.inventory, v.b.getConfig("fpd.context")); Object.keys(u).forEach(function (e) { null != u[e] && "keywords" !== e && (c["tg_i.".concat(e)] = "object" !== h(u[e]) || Array.isArray(u[e]) ? u[e].toString() : JSON.stringify(u[e])); }); var l = (i.keywords || []).concat(g.deepAccess(v.b.getConfig("fpd.user"), "keywords") || [], g.deepAccess(v.b.getConfig("fpd.context"), "keywords") || []); = Array.isArray(l) && l.length ? l.join(",") : ""; var m = g.deepAccess(e, "fpd.context.pbAdSlot"); "string" == typeof m && m && (c["tg_i.pbadslot"] = m.replace(/^/+/, "")); var f = g.deepAccess(e, "fpd.context.adServer.adSlot"); return "string" == typeof f && f && (c["tg_i.dfp_ad_unit_code"] = f.replace(/^/+/, "")), !0 === v.b.getConfig("coppa") && (c.coppa = 1), e.schain && k(e.schain) && (c.rp_schain = A.serializeSupplyChain(e.schain)), c; }, serializeSupplyChain: function serializeSupplyChain(e) { if (!k(e)) return ""; var r = e.ver, t = e.complete, i = e.nodes; return "".concat(r, ",").concat(t, "!").concat(A.serializeSupplyChainNodes(i)); }, serializeSupplyChainNodes: function serializeSupplyChainNodes(e) { var t = ["asi","sid","hp","rid","name","domain"]; return (r) { return (e) { return encodeURIComponent(r[e] || ""); }).join(","); }).join("!"); }, interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(c, e) { var d = e.bidRequest; if (!(c = c.body) || "object" !== h(c)) return []; if (c.seatbid) { var r = g.deepAccess(c, "ext.errors.rubicon"); Array.isArray(r) && 0 < r.length && g.logWarn("Rubicon: Error in video response"); var o = []; return c.seatbid.forEach(function (n) { ( || []).forEach(function (e) { var r = { requestId: d.bidId, currency: c.cur || "USD", creativeId: e.crid, cpm: e.price || 0, bidderCode:, ttl: 300, netRevenue: !1 !== _.netRevenue, width: e.w || g.deepAccess(d, "") || g.deepAccess(d, ""), height: e.h || g.deepAccess(d, "") || g.deepAccess(d, "") }; && (r.seatBidId =, e.dealid && (r.dealId = e.dealid), e.adomain && g.deepSetValue(r, "meta.advertiserDomains", Array.isArray(e.adomain) ? e.adomain : [e.adomain]), g.deepAccess(e, "ext.bidder.rp.advid") && g.deepSetValue(r, "meta.advertiserId", e.ext.bidder.rp.advid); var t, i = g.deepAccess(c, "ext.responsetimemillis.rubicon"); d && i && (d.serverResponseTimeMs = i), g.deepAccess(e, "ext.prebid.type") === p.d ? (r.mediaType = p.d, g.deepSetValue(r, "meta.mediaType", p.d), (t = g.deepAccess(e, "ext.prebid.targeting")) && "object" === h }); }), o; } var t =; return "object" !== h(d) || Array.isArray(d) || "video" !== m(d) || "object" !== h if ("ok" !== r.status) return e; var i, n, o, a, s = Array.isArray(d) ? ré return s && "object" === h(s) ? (i = { requestId: s.bidId, currency: "USD", creativeId: r.creative_id || "".concat( || "","-").concat(r.advertiser || ""), cpm: r.cpm || 0, dealId:, ttl: 300, netRevenue: !1 !== _.netRevenue, rubicon: { advertiserId: r.advertiser, networkId: }, meta: { advertiserId: r.advertiser, networkId:, mediaType: p.b } }, r.creative_type && (i.mediaType = r.creative_type), r.adomain && (i.meta.advertiserDomains = Array.isArray(r.adomain) ? r.adomain : [r.adomain]), r.creative_type === p.d ? (i.width =, i.height =, i.vastUrl = r.creative_depot_url, i.impression_id = r.impression_id, i.videoCacheKey = r.impression_id) : ( = (o = r.script, a = r.impression_id, "nnnx3c!-- Rubicon Project Ad Tag --x3en

nn")), n = y(u[r.size_id].split("x").map(function (e) {
return Number(e);
}), 2), i.width = n[0], i.height = n[1]), i.rubiconTargeting = (Array.isArray(r.targeting) ? r.targeting : []).reduce(function (e, r) {
return e[r.key] = r.values[0], e;
}, {
rpfl_elemid: s.adUnitCode
}), e.push(i)) : g.logError("Rubicon: bidRequest undefined at index position:".concat
}, []).sort(function (e, r) {
return (r.cpm || 0) - (e.cpm || 0);
getUserSyncs: function getUserSyncs(e, r, t, i) {
if (!z && e.iframeEnabled) {
var n = "";
return t && "string" == typeof t.consentString && ("boolean" == typeof t.gdprApplies ? n += "?gdpr=".concat(Number(t.gdprApplies), "&gdpr_consent=").concat(t.consentString) : n += "?gdpr_consent=".concat(t.consentString)), i && (n += "".concat(n ? "&" : "?","us_privacy=").concat(encodeURIComponent(i))), z = !0, {
type: "iframe",
url: "https://".concat(_.syncHost || "eus","") + n
transformBidParams: function transformBidParams(e) {
return g.convertTypes({
accountId: "number",
siteId: "number",
zoneId: "number"
}, e);

function S(e, r) {
var t = v.b.getConfig("pageUrl"),
t = e.params.referrer ? e.params.referrer : t || r.refererInfo.referer;
return ? t.replace(/^http:/i, "https:") : t;

function j(e, r) {
var t = e.params;

if ("video" === r) {
var i = [];
return && && ? i = [,] : Array.isArray(g.deepAccess(e, "")) && 1 === ? i =[0] : Array.isArray(e.sizes) && 0 < e.sizes.length && Array.isArray(e.sizes[0]) && 1 < e.sizes[0].length && (i = e.sizes[0]), i; } var n = []; return Array.isArray(t.sizes) ? n = t.sizes : void 0 !== g.deepAccess(e, "mediaTypes.banner.sizes") ? n = a(e.mediaTypes.banner.sizes) : Array.isArray(e.sizes) && 0 < e.sizes.length ? n = a(e.sizes) : g.logWarn("Rubicon: no sizes are setup or found"), d(n); } function a(e) { return g.parseSizesInput(e).reduce(function (e, r) { var t = parseInt(u[r], 10); return t && e.push }, []); } function s(e) { return "object" === h(g.deepAccess(e, "")) && void 0 !== g.deepAccess(e, "mediaTypes.".concat(p.d)); } function m(e, r) { var t = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== r && r; return s(e) ? -1 === ["outstream","instream"].indexOf(g.deepAccess(e, "mediaTypes.".concat(p.d, ".context"))) ? void (t && g.logError("Rubicon: must be outstream or instream")) : j(e, "video").length < 2 ? void (t && g.logError("Rubicon: could not determine the playerSize of the video")) : (t && g.logMessage("Rubicon: making video request for adUnit", e.adUnitCode), "video") : 0 === j(e, "banner").length ? void (t && g.logError("Rubicon: could not determine the sizes for banner request")) : (t && g.logMessage("Rubicon: making banner request for adUnit", e.adUnitCode), "banner"); } var c = function c() { return _ = {}; }; function d(e) { var n = [15, 2, 9]; return e.sort(function (e, r) { var t = n.indexOf(e), i = n.indexOf(r); return -1 < t || -1 < i ? -1 === t ? 1 : -1 === i ? -1 : t - i : e - r; }); } function f(e) { var r = parseInt(g.deepAccess(e, "")); return isNaN(r) ? "outstream" === g.deepAccess(e, "mediaTypes.".concat(p.d, ".context")) ? 203 : 201 : r; } function C(e) { return { ranges: { low: [{ max: 5, increment: .5 }], medium: [{ max: 20, increment: .1 }], high: [{ max: 20, increment: .01 }], auto: [{ max: 5, increment: .05 }, { min: 5, max: 10, increment: .1 }, { min: 10, max: 20, increment: .5 }], dense: [{ max: 3, increment: .01 }, { min: 3, max: 8, increment: .05 }, { min: 8, max: 20, increment: .5 }], custom: e.getConfig("customPriceBucket") && e.getConfig("customPriceBucket").buckets }[e.getConfig("priceGranularity")] }; } function I(r) { var t = !0, e =[]), i =, n = { mimes: e, protocols: e, maxduration: i, linearity: i, api: e }; return Object.keys(n).forEach(function (e) {, "" + e)) !== n[e] && (t = !1, g.logError("Rubicon:" + e + " is required and must be of type: " + n[e])); }), t; } function k(e) { var r = !1, t = ["asi","sid","hp"]; return e.nodes && ((r = e.nodes.reduce(function (e, r) { return e ? t.every(function (e) { return r.hasOwnProperty(e); }) : e; }, !0)) || g.logError("Rubicon: required schain params missing")), r; } function w(e, r) { return "rp_schain" === e ? "rp_schain=".concat(r) : "".concat(e, "=").concat(encodeURIComponent(r)); } var z = !1; Object(i.registerBidder)(A); } }, [727]); pbjsChunk([108], { 777: function _(e, t, r) { e.exports = r(778); }, 778: function _(e, t, r) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r.d(t, "spec", function () { return a; }), r.d(t, "_isInbounds", function () { return m; }), t._getPlatform = v; var n = r(1), y = r(0), i = r(2), o = r(3), g = r(11), c = r(43); function h(e, t) { return function (e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return e; }(e) || function (e, t) { if ("undefined" == typeof Symbol || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(e))) return; var r = [], n = !0, i = !1, s = void 0; try { for (var a, o = e[Symbol.iterator](); !(n = (a = && (r.push(a.value), !t || r.length !== t); n = !0) { ; } } catch (e) { i = !0, s = e; } finally { try { n || null == o.return || o.return(); } finally { if (i) throw s; } } return r; }(e, t) || function (e, t) { if (!e) return; if ("string" == typeof e) return s(e, t); var r =, -1); "Object" === r && e.constructor && (r =; if ("Map" === r || "Set" === r) return Array.from(e); if ("Arguments" === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r)) return s(e, t); }(e, t) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }(); } function s(e, t) { (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length);

for (var r = 0, n = new Array
n[r] = e[r];

return n;

function d() {
return (d = Object.assign || function (e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var r = arguments for (var n in r) {, n) && (e[n] = r[n]); } } retour e; }).apply(this, arguments); } function u(e, t, r) { return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: r, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e } var p = "sonobi", b = Object(y.generateUUID)(), a = { code: p, supportedMediaTypes: [i.b, i.d], isBidRequestValid: function isBidRequestValid(e) { if (!e.params) return !1; if (!e.params.ad_unit && !e.params.placement_id) return !1; if (!Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "mediaTypes.banner") && !Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "")) return !1; if (Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "mediaTypes.banner")) { if (!Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "mediaTypes.banner.sizes") && !e.params.sizes) return !1; } else if (Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "")) { if ("outstream" === Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "") && !e.params.sizes) return !1; if ("instream" === Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "") && !Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "")) return !1; } return !0; }, buildRequests: function buildRequests(e, t) { var r = (e) { var t = function (e) { if (e.params.ad_unit) return e.params.ad_unit; return e.params.placement_id; }(e); return /^[/]?[d]+[[[/].+[/]?]?$/.test }), n = {}; r.forEach(function (e) { d(n, e); }); var i = { key_maker: JSON.stringify(n), ref: t.refererInfo.referer, s: Object(y.generateUUID)(), pv: b, vp: v(), lib_name: "prebid", lib_v: "4.17.0", us: 0 }; o.b.getConfig("userSync") && o.b.getConfig("userSync").syncsPerBidder && ( = o.b.getConfig("userSync").syncsPerBidder), c.a.canBidderRegisterSync("iframe", p) ? i.ius = 1 : i.ius = 0, Object(y.deepAccess)(e[0], "params.hfa") && (i.hfa = Object(y.deepAccess)(e[0], "params.hfa")), e[0].params.referrer && (i.ref = e[0].params.referrer), t && t.gdprConsent && (i.gdpr = t.gdprConsent.gdprApplies ? "true" : "false", t.gdprConsent.consentString && (i.consent_string = t.gdprConsent.consentString)), e[0].schain && (i.schain = JSON.stringify(e[0].schain)), Object(y.deepAccess)(e[0], "userId") && 0 < Object.keys(e[0].userId).length && (i.userid = JSON.stringify(e[0].userId)); var s = e[0].params.keywords; if (s && ( = s), t && t.uspConsent && (i.us_privacy = t.uspConsent), Object(y.isEmpty)(n)) return null; var a = ""; return Object(y.deepAccess)(e[0], "params.bid_request_url") && (a = Object(y.deepAccess)(e[0], "params.bid_request_url")), { method: "GET", url: a, withCredentials: !0, data: i, bidderRequests: e }; }, interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(e, l) { var f = e.body, m = [], v =; return 0 === Object.keys(f.slots).length || Object.keys(f.slots).forEach(function (e) { var t = f.slots[e], r = e.split("|").slice(-1)[0], n = function (e, t) { for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { if (e[r].bidId === t) return e[r]; } }(l.bidderRequests, r), i = null; "video" === t.sbi_ct && (i = "video","outstream" === Object(y.deepAccess)(n, "") && (i = "outstream")); var s, a, o, c, d, u, p, b = j(i, v); t.sbi_aid && t.sbi_mouse && t.sbi_size && (o = void 0 === (a = (s = h(t.sbi_size.split("x"), 2))[0]) ? 1 : a, d = void 0 === (c = s[1]) ? 1 : c, u = { requestId: r, cpm: Number(t.sbi_mouse), width: Number(o), height: Number(d), ad: b(f.sbi_dc, t.sbi_aid), ttl: 500, creativeId: t.sbi_crid || t.sbi_aid, aid: t.sbi_aid, netRevenue: !0, currency: "USD" }, t.sbi_dozer && (u.dealId = t.sbi_dozer), "video" === i ? (u.mediaType = "video", u.vastUrl = b(f.sbi_dc, t.sbi_aid), delete, delete u.width, delete u.height) : "outstream" === i && n && (u.mediaType = "video", u.vastUrl = b(f.sbi_dc, t.sbi_aid), u.renderer = function (e, t) { var r = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, n = g.a.install({ id: t.aid, url: "", config: r, loaded: !1, adUnitCode: e }); essayez { n.setRender(O); } catch (e) { Object(y.logWarn)("Prebid Error calling setRender on renderer", e); } return n.setEventHandlers({ impression: function impression() { return Object(y.logMessage)("Sonobi outstream video impression event"); }, loaded: function loaded() { return Object(y.logMessage)("Sonobi outstream video loaded event"); }, ended: function ended() { Object(y.logMessage)("Sonobi outstream renderer video event"); } }), n; }(n.adUnitCode, u, Object(y.deepAccess)(n, "renderer.options")), p = Object(y.deepAccess)(n, "params.sizes"), Array.isArray(p) && Array.isArray(p[0]) && (p = p[0]), p && (u.width = p[0], u.height = p[1])), m.push(u)); }), m; }, getUserSyncs: function getUserSyncs(e, t) { var r = []; essayez { e.pixelEnabled && t[0].body.sbi_px.forEach(function (e) { r.push({ type: e.type, url: e.url }); }); } catch (e) {} return r; } }; function l(e) { return Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "") ? "" : e.params.sizes ? Object(y.parseSizesInput)(e.params.sizes).join(",") : Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "mediaTypes.banner.sizes") ? Object(y.parseSizesInput)(Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "mediaTypes.banner.sizes")).join(",") : e.sizes ? Object(y.parseSizesInput)(e.sizes).join(",") : void 0; } function f(e) { return e.params.floor ? "|f=".concat(e.params.floor) : ""; } var j = function j(i, s) { return function (e, t) { return "video" === i || "outstream" === i ? (r = t, n = s, "https://".concat(e, "").concat(r, "&ref=").concat(encodeURIComponent(n))) : '‘;
var r, n;

var m = function m(e) {
var r = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== e ? e : window; return function () { var e = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0, t = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; return r.innerWidth >= e && r.innerWidth < t; }; }; function v() { var e = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : window, t = m(e), r = 992, n = 768; return t(0, 768) ? "mobile" : t(n, r) ? "tablet" : "desktop"; } function O(i) { i.renderer.push(function () { var e = h(i.getSize().split("x"), 2), t = e[0], r = e[1], n = new window.SbiOutstreamRenderer(); n.init({ vastUrl: i.vastUrl, height: r, width: t }), n.setRootElement(i.adUnitCode); }); } Object(n.registerBidder)(a); } }, [777]); pbjsChunk([106], { 787: function _(e, t, r) { e.exports = r(788); }, 788: function _(e, t, r) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r.d(t, "GOOGLE_CONSENT", function () { return B; }), r.d(t, "spec", function () { return n; }); var I = r(0), P = r(3), u = r(11), a = r(1), c = r(2); function d(e) { return (d = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == _typeof(Symbol.iterator) ? function (e) { return _typeof(e); } : function (e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : _typeof(e); })(e); } var i = "spotx", B = { consented_providers: ["3","7","11","12","15","20","22","35","43","46","48","55","57","61","62","66","70","80","83","85","86","89","93","108","122","124","125","126","131","134","135","136","143","144","147","149","153","154","159","161","162","165","167","171","178","184","188","192","195","196","202","209","211","218","221","228","229","230","236","239","241","253","255","259","266","271","272","274","286","291","294","303","308","310","311","313","314","316","317","322","323","327","336","338","340","348","350","358","359","363","367","370","371","384","385","389","393","394","397","398","407","414","415","424","429","430","432","436","438","440","442","443","445","448","449","453","459","479","482","486","491","492","494","495","503","505","510","522","523","528","537","540","550","559","560","568","571","574","575","576","584","585","587","588","590","591","592","595","609","621","624","723","725","733","737","776","780","782","787","797","798","802","803","814","817","820","821","827","829","839","853","864","867","874","899","904","922","926","931","932","933","938","955","973","976","979","981","985","987","991","1003","1024","1025","1027","1028","1029","1033","1034","1040","1047","1048","1051","1052","1053","1054","1062","1063","1067","1072","1085","1092","1095","1097","1099","1100","1107","1126","1127","1143","1149","1152","1162","1166","1167","1170","1171","1172","1188","1192","1199","1201","1204","1205","1211","1212","1215","1220","1225","1226","1227","1230","1232","1236","1241","1248","1250","1252","1268","1275","1276","1284","1286","1298","1301","1307","1312","1313","1317","1329","1336","1344","1345","1356","1362","1365","1375","1403","1409","1411","1415","1416","1419","1423","1440","1442","1449","1451","1455","1456","1468","1496","1503","1509","1512","1514","1517","1520","1525","1540","1547","1548","1555","1558","1570","1575","1577","1579","1583","1584","1591","1598","1603","1608","1613","1616","1626","1631","1633","1638","1642","1648","1651","1652","1653","1660","1665","1667","1669","1671","1674","1677","1678","1682","1684","1697","1703","1705","1716","1720","1721","1722","1725","1732","1733","1735","1739","1741","1745","1750","1753","1760","1765","1769","1776","1780","1782","1786","1791","1794","1799","1800","1801","1810","1827","1831","1832","1834","1837","1840","1843","1844","1845","1858","1859","1863","1866","1870","1872","1875","1878","1880","1882","1883","1889","1892","1896","1898","1899","1902","1905","1911","1922","1928","1929","1934","1942","1943","1944","1945","1958","1960","1962","1963","1964","1967","1968","1978","1985","1986","1987","1998","2003","2007","2012","2013","2027","2035","2038","2039","2044","2047","2052","2056","2059","2062","2064","2068","2070","2072","2078","2079","2084","2088","2090","2095","2100","2103","2107","2109","2113","2115","2121","2127","2130","2133","2137","2140","2141","2145","2147","2150","2156","2166","2170","2171","2176","2177","2179","2183","2186","2192","2198","2202","2205","2214","2216","2219","2220","2222","2223","2224","2225","2227","2228","2234","2238","2247","2251","2253","2262","2264","2271","2276","2278","2279","2282","2290","2292","2295","2299","2305","2306","2310","2311","2312","2315","2320","2325","2328","2331","2334","2335","2336","2337","2343","2346","2354","2357","2358","2359","2366","2370","2373","2376","2377","2380","2382","2387","2389","2392","2394","2400","2403","2405","2406","2407","2410","2411","2413","2414","2415","2416","2418","2422","2425","2427","2435","2437","2440","2441","2447","2453","2459","2461","2462","2464","2467","2468","2472","2477","2481","2484","2486","2492","2493","2496","2497","2498","2499","2504","2506","2510","2511","2512","2517","2526","2527","2531","2532","2534","2542","2544","2552","2555","2559","2563","2564","2567","2568","2569","2571","2572","2573","2575","2577","2579","2583","2584","2586","2589","2595","2596","2597","2601","2604","2605","2609","2610","2612","2614","2621","2622","2624","2628","2629","2632","2634","2636","2639","2643","2645","2646","2647","2649","2650","2651","2652","2656","2657","2658","2660","2661","2662","2663","2664","2669","2670","2673","2676","2677","2678","2681","2682","2684","2685","2686","2689","2690","2691","2695","2698","2699","2702","2704","2705","2706","2707","2709","2710","2713","2714","2727","2729","2739","2758","2765","2766","2767","2768","2770","2771","2772","2776","2777","2778","2779","2780","2783","2784","2786","2787","2791","2792","2793","2797","2798","2801","2802","2803","2805","2808","2809","2810","2811","2812","2813","2814","2817","2818","2824","2826","2827","2829","2830","2831","2832","2834","2836","2838","2840","2842","2843","2844","2850","2851","2852","2854","2858","2860","2862","2864","2865","2866","2867","2868","2869","2871"] }, n = { code: i, gvlid: 165, aliases: ["spotx"], supportedMediaTypes: [c.d], isBidRequestValid: function isBidRequestValid(e) { if (e && "object" !== d(e.params)) return I.logError(i + ": params is not defined or is incorrect in the bidder settings."), !1; if (!I.deepAccess(e, "")) return I.logError(i + ": is not present in the bidder settings."), !1; var t = I.deepAccess(e, ""); if (!t || !I.isArray if (!I.getBidIdParameter("channel_id", e.params)) return I.logError(i + ": channel_id is not present in bidder params"), !1; if (("outstream" == I.deepAccess(e, "") || "outstream" == I.deepAccess(e, "params.ad_unit")) && !I.getBidIdParameter("outstream_function", e.params)) { if (!I.getBidIdParameter("outstream_options", e.params)) return I.logError(i + ": please define outstream_options parameter or override the default SpotX outstream rendering by defining your own Outstream function using field outstream_function."), !1; if (!I.getBidIdParameter("slot", e.params.outstream_options)) return I.logError(i + ": please define parameters slot outstream_options object in the configuration."), !1; } return !0; }, buildRequests: function buildRequests(e, h) { var y = h.refererInfo.referer, b = !!y.match(/^https:/); return (e) { var t = I.getBidIdParameter("page", e.params) ? I.getBidIdParameter("page", e.params) : P.b.getConfig("pageUrl") ? P.b.getConfig("pageUrl") : y, r = I.getBidIdParameter("channel_id", e.params), a = null, d = I.deepAccess(e, ""), i = d[0][0], n = d[0][1], o = b || (I.getBidIdParameter("secure", e.params) ? 1 : 0), s = { sdk_name: "Prebid 1+", versionOrtb: "2.3" }; if ("" != I.getBidIdParameter("hide_skin", e.params) && (s.hide_skin = +!!I.getBidIdParameter("hide_skin", e.params)), "" != I.getBidIdParameter("ad_volume", e.params) && (s.ad_volume = I.getBidIdParameter("ad_volume", e.params)), "" != I.getBidIdParameter("ad_unit", e.params) && (s.ad_unit = I.getBidIdParameter("ad_unit", e.params)), "" != I.getBidIdParameter("outstream_options", e.params) && (s.outstream_options = I.getBidIdParameter("outstream_options", e.params)), "" != I.getBidIdParameter("outstream_function", e.params) && (s.outstream_function = I.getBidIdParameter("outstream_function", e.params)), "" != I.getBidIdParameter("custom", e.params) && (s.custom = I.getBidIdParameter("custom", e.params)), "" != I.getBidIdParameter("pre_market_bids", e.params) && I.isArray(I.getBidIdParameter("pre_market_bids", e.params))) { var p = I.getBidIdParameter("pre_market_bids", e.params); for (var m in (s.pre_market_bids = [], p)) { var u = p[m], c = ""; u.vast_url ? c = '‘ + u.vast_url + «  » : u.vast_string && (c = u.vast_string), s.pre_market_bids.push({
id: u.deal_id,
seatbid: [{
bid: [{
dealid: u.deal_id,
price: u.price,
adm: c
cur: u.currency,
ext: {
event_log: [{}]

var g = I.getBidIdParameter(« mimes », e.params) || [« application/javascript », »video/mp4″, »video/webm »],
_ = {
id: e.bidId,
secure: o,
video: {
w: i,
h: n,
ext: s,
mimes: g
«  » != I.getBidIdParameter(« price_floor », e.params) && (_.bidfloor = I.getBidIdParameter(« price_floor », e.params)), «  » != I.getBidIdParameter(« start_delay », e.params) && ( = 0 + Boolean(I.getBidIdParameter(« start_delay », e.params))), «  » != I.getBidIdParameter(« min_duration », e.params) && ( = I.getBidIdParameter(« min_duration », e.params)), «  » != I.getBidIdParameter(« max_duration », e.params) && ( = I.getBidIdParameter(« max_duration », e.params)), «  » != I.getBidIdParameter(« placement_type », e.params) && ( = I.getBidIdParameter(« placement_type », e.params)), «  » != I.getBidIdParameter(« position », e.params) && ( = I.getBidIdParameter(« position », e.params)), e.crumbs && e.crumbs.pubcid && (a = e.crumbs.pubcid);
var l = navigator.language ? « language » : « userLanguage »,
v = {
id: r,
imp: _,
site: {
id: «  »,
page: t,
content: « content »
device: {
h: screen.height,
w: screen.width,
dnt: I.getDNT() ? 1 : 0,
language: navigator[l].split(« -« )[0],
make: navigator.vendor ? navigator.vendor : «  »,
ua: navigator.userAgent
ext: {
wrap_response: 1
I.getBidIdParameter(« number_of_ads », e.params) && (v.ext.number_of_ads = I.getBidIdParameter(« number_of_ads », e.params));
var f = {};
return 1 == I.getBidIdParameter(« spotx_all_google_consent », e.params) && (f.consented_providers_settings = B), h && h.gdprConsent && (f.consent = h.gdprConsent.consentString, void 0 !== h.gdprConsent.gdprApplies && I.deepSetValue(v, « regs.ext.gdpr », h.gdprConsent.gdprApplies ? 1 : 0)), h && h.uspConsent && I.deepSetValue(v, « regs.ext.us_privacy », h.uspConsent), I.deepAccess(e, « userId.id5id.uid ») && (f.eids = f.eids || [], f.eids.push({
source: « »,
uids: [{
id: e.userId.id5id.uid
ext: e.userId.id5id.ext || {}
})), a && (f.fpc = a), e && e.schain && (v.source = {
ext: {
schain: e.schain
}), e && e.userId && e.userId.tdid && (f.eids = f.eids || [], f.eids.push({
source: « »,
uids: [{
id: e.userId.tdid,
ext: {
rtiPartner: « TDID »
})), I.isEmpty(f) || (v.user = {
ext: f
}), {
method: « POST »,
url: « » + r,
data: v,
bidRequest: h
interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(e, s) {
var p = [],
m = e.body;
return m && I.isArray(m.seatbid) && I._each(m.seatbid, function (e) {
I._each(, function
var e = {};

for (var r in s.bidRequest.bids) {
t.impid == s.bidRequest.bids[r].bidId && (e = s.bidRequest.bids[r]);

I._each(e.params.pre_market_bids, function (e) {
e.deal_id == && (t.price = e.price, m.cur = e.currency);

var a = {
requestId: e.bidId,
currency: m.cur || « USD »,
cpm: t.price,
creativeId: t.crid || «  »,
dealId: t.dealid || «  »,
ttl: 360,
netRevenue: !0,
cache_key: t.ext.cache_key,
vastUrl: « » + t.ext.cache_key,
videoCacheKey: t.ext.cache_key,
mediaType: c.d,
width: t.w,
height: t.h
a.meta = a.meta || {}, t && t.adomain && 0 < t.adomain.length && (a.meta.advertiserDomains = t.adomain); var d = I.deepAccess(e, ""), i = I.deepAccess(e, "params.ad_unit"); if ("outstream" == d || "outstream" == i) { var n = I.deepAccess(e, ""), o = u.a.install({ id: 0, url: "//", config: { adText: "SpotX Outstream Video Ad via Prebid.js", player_width: n[0][0], player_height: n[0][1], content_page_url: I.deepAccess(s, ""), ad_mute: +!!I.deepAccess(e, "params.ad_mute"), hide_skin: +!!I.deepAccess(e, "params.hide_skin"), outstream_options: I.deepAccess(e, "params.outstream_options"), outstream_function: I.deepAccess(e, "params.outstream_function") } }); essayez { o.setRender(g), o.setEventHandlers({ impression: function impression() { return I.logMessage("SpotX outstream video impression event"); }, loaded: function loaded() { return I.logMessage("SpotX outstream video loaded event"); }, ended: function ended() { I.logMessage("SpotX outstream renderer video event"); } }); } catch (e) { I.logWarn("Prebid Error calling setRender or setEve,tHandlers on renderer", e); } a.renderer = o; } p.push(a); }); }), p; } }; function g(e) { var t = function (e) { var t = I.getBidIdParameter("slot", e.renderer.config.outstream_options); I.logMessage("[SPOTX][renderer] Handle SpotX outstream renderer"); var r = window.document.createElement("script"); r.type = "text/javascript", r.src = "" + e.channel_id + ".js"; var a = {}; a["data-spotx_channel_id"] = "" + e.channel_id, a["data-spotx_vast_url"] = "" + e.vastUrl, a["data-spotx_content_page_url"] = e.renderer.config.content_page_url, a["data-spotx_ad_unit"] = "incontent", I.logMessage("[SPOTX][renderer] Default beahavior"), I.getBidIdParameter("ad_mute", e.renderer.config.outstream_options) && (a["data-spotx_ad_mute"] = "1"), a["data-spotx_collapse"] = "0", a["data-spotx_autoplay"] = "1", a["data-spotx_blocked_autoplay_override_mode"] = "1", a["data-spotx_video_slot_can_autoplay"] = "1"; var d, i, n, o, s, p, m = I.getBidIdParameter("playersize_auto_adapt", e.renderer.config.outstream_options); m && I.isBoolean(m) && !0 === m && (e.width && I.isNumber(e.width) && e.height && I.isNumber(e.height) ? (d = e.width / e.height, i = window.document.getElementById var u = I.getBidIdParameter("custom_override", e.renderer.config.outstream_options); if (u && I.isPlainObject(u)) for (var c in (I.logMessage("[SPOTX][renderer] Custom behavior."), u)) { u.hasOwnProperty(c) && ("channel_id" === c || "vast_url" === c || "content_page_url" === c || "ad_unit" === c ? I.logWarn("[SPOTX][renderer] Custom behavior: following option cannot be overridden: " + c) : a["data-spotx_" + c] = u[c]); } for (var g in a) { a.hasOwnProperty(g) && r.setAttribute(g, a[g]); } return r; }(e); if (null != e.renderer.config.outstream_function && "function" == typeof e.renderer.config.outstream_function) e.renderer.config.outstream_function(e, t);else try { var r, a, d, i = I.getBidIdParameter("in_iframe", e.renderer.config.outstream_options); i && "IFRAME" == window.document.getElementById(i).nodeName ? (!(a = (r = window.document.getElementById(i)).contentDocument) && r.contentWindow && (a = r.contentWindow.document), a.body.appendChild } catch (e) { I.logError("[SPOTX][renderer] Error:" + e.message); } } Object(a.registerBidder)(n); } }, [787]); pbjsChunk([99], { 803: function _(e, t, r) { e.exports = r(804); }, 804: function _(e, t, r) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r.d(t, "spec", function () { return i; }); var n = r(1), a = r(0), p = 12, c = 11, u = 0, g = 22, i = { code: "teads", gvlid: 132, supportedMediaTypes: ["video","banner"], isBidRequestValid: function isBidRequestValid(e) { var t, r, n = !1; return void 0 !== e.params && (t = s(a.getValue(e.params, "placementId")), r = s(a.getValue(e.params, "pageId")), n = t && r), n || a.logError("Teads placementId and pageId parameters are required. Bid aborted."), n; }, buildRequests: function buildRequests(e, t) { var r, n =, i = { referrer: function (e) { var t = ""; e && e.refererInfo && e.refererInfo.referer && (t = e.refererInfo.referer); return t; } pageReferrer: document.referrer, networkBandwidth: (r = window.navigator) && r.connection && 0 <= r.connection.downlink ? r.connection.downlink.toString() : "", timeToFirstByte: function (e) { var t = e.performance || e.webkitPerformance || e.msPerformance || e.mozPerformance, r = t && "function" == typeof t.getEntriesByType && "[object Function]" === && t.getEntriesByType("navigation")[0] && t.getEntriesByType("navigation")[0].responseStart && t.getEntriesByType("navigation")[0].requestStart && 0 < t.getEntriesByType("navigation")[0].responseStart && 0 < t.getEntriesByType("navigation")[0].requestStart && Math.round(t.getEntriesByType("navigation")[0].responseStart - t.getEntriesByType("navigation")[0].requestStart); if (r) return r.toString(); var n = t && t.timing.responseStart && t.timing.requestStart && 0 < t.timing.responseStart && 0 < t.timing.requestStart && t.timing.responseStart - t.timing.requestStart; return n ? n.toString() : ""; }(window), data: n, deviceWidth: screen.width, hb_version: "4.17.0" }; e[0].schain && (i.schain = e[0].schain); var a, s, o, d = t.gdprConsent; return t && d && (a = "boolean" == typeof d.gdprApplies, s = "string" == typeof d.consentString, o = a ? function (e, t, r) { var n = p; e ? function (e, t) { return e && 1 === t ? e.hasGlobalScope || e.hasGlobalConsent : !(!e || 2 !== t) && !e.isServiceSpecific; }(t, r) && (n = c) : n = u; return n; }(d.gdprApplies, d.vendorData, d.apiVersion) : g, i.gdpr_iab = { consent: s ? d.consentString : "", status: o, apiVersion: d.apiVersion }), t && t.uspConsent && (i.us_privacy = t.uspConsent), { method: "POST", url: "", data: JSON.stringify(i) }; }, interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(e) { var r = []; return (e = e.body).responses && e.responses.forEach(function (e) { var t = { cpm: e.cpm, width: e.width, height: e.height, currency: e.currency, netRevenue: !0, ttl: e.ttl, ad:, requestId: e.bidId, creativeId: e.creativeId, placementId: e.placementId }; e.dealId && (t.dealId = e.dealId), r.push }), r; } }; function f(e) { var t, r = {}, n = a.getValue(e.params, "placementId"), i = a.getValue(e.params, "pageId"); return r.sizes = (t = e, a.parseSizesInput(function (e) { var t = a.deepAccess(e, ""), r = a.deepAccess(e, ""), n = a.deepAccess(e, "mediaTypes.banner.sizes"); return a.isArray(n) || a.isArray return a.isArray(e) && (a.isArray(e[0]) ? e.forEach(function (e) { t.push(e); }) : t.push(e)), t; }, []) : e.sizes; } } function s(e) { return 0 < parseInt(e); } Object(n.registerBidder)(i); } }, [803]); pbjsChunk([90], { 823: function _(e, r, t) { e.exports = t(824); }, 824: function _(e, r, t) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.d(r, "tripleliftAdapterSpec", function () { return m; }); var n = t(2), i = t(1), u = t(0), a = t(3); function p() { return (p = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = arguments[r]; for (var n in t) {, n) && (e[n] = t[n]); } } retour e; }).apply(this, arguments); } function c(e) { return (c = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == _typeof(Symbol.iterator) ? function (e) { return _typeof(e); } : function (e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : _typeof(e); })(e); } function s(r, e) { var t, n = Object.keys(r); return Object.getOwnPropertySymbols && (t = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(r), e && (t = t.filter(function (e) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(r, e).enumerable; })), n.push.apply(n, t)), n; } function d(i) { for (var e = 1; e < arguments.length; e++) { var o = null != arguments[e] ? arguments[e] : {}; e % 2 ? s(Object(o), !0).forEach(function (e) { var r, t, n; r = i, n = o[t = e], t in r ? Object.defineProperty(r, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : r }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(i, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(o)) : s(Object(o)).forEach(function (e) { Object.defineProperty(i, e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(o, e)); }); } return i; } function f(e) { return function (e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return o(e); }(e) || function (e) { if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(e)) return Array.from(e); }(e) || function (e, r) { if (!e) return; if ("string" == typeof e) return o(e, r); var t =, -1); "Object" === t && e.constructor && (t =; if ("Map" === t || "Set" === t) return Array.from(e); if ("Arguments" === t || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test }(e) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }(); } function o(e, r) { (null == r || r > e.length) && (r = e.length);

for (var t = 0, n = new Array(r); t < r; t++) { n } return n; } var l = !0, y = null, m = { gvlid: 28, code: "triplelift", supportedMediaTypes: [n.b, n.d], isBidRequestValid: function isBidRequestValid(e) { return void 0 !== e.params.inventoryCode; }, buildRequests: function buildRequests(e, r) { var t, n = "", i = function (e) { var r = {}, t = e[0].schain, n = function () { var e = {}, r = p({}, a.b.getConfig("fpd.context")), t = p({}, a.b.getConfig("fpd.user")); return g(e, r), g(e, t), e; }(); r.imp = (e, r) { var t = { id: r, tagid: e.params.inventoryCode, floor: function (e) { var r = nul; { var t; "function" == typeof e.getFloor && ("object" !== c(t = e.getFloor({ currency: "USD", mediaType: "banner", size: S(e.sizes) })) || "USD" !== t.currency || isNaN(parseFloat(t.floor)) || (r = parseFloat(t.floor))); } return null !== r ? r : e.params.floor; }(e) }; return b(e) ? = function (e) { var r = d(d({},,; r.w || (r.w = r.playerSize[0][0]); r.h || (r.h = r.playerSize[0][1]); "instream" === r.context && (r.placement = 1); return delete r.playerSize, r; }(e) : e.mediaTypes.banner && (t.banner = { format: S(e.sizes) }), t; }); var i = [].concat(f(function (e) { return v(e, "tdid","","TDID"); }(e)), f(function (e) { return v(e, "idl_env","","idl"); }(e)), f(function (e) { return v(e, "criteoId","","criteoId"); }(e))); 0 < i.length && (r.user = { ext: { eids: i } }); var o = function (e, r) { var t = {}; u.isEmpty(e) || (t.schain = d({}, e)); u.isEmpty(r) || (t.fpd = d({}, r)); return t; }(t, n); u.isEmpty(o) || (r.ext = o); return r; }(e); return n = u.tryAppendQueryString(n, "lib","prebid"), n = u.tryAppendQueryString(n, "v","4.17.0"), r && r.refererInfo && (t = r.refererInfo.referer, n = u.tryAppendQueryString(n, "referrer", t)), r && r.timeout && (n = u.tryAppendQueryString(n, "tmax", r.timeout)), r && r.gdprConsent && (void 0 !== r.gdprConsent.gdprApplies && (l = r.gdprConsent.gdprApplies, n = u.tryAppendQueryString(n, "gdpr", l.toString())), void 0 !== r.gdprConsent.consentString && (y = r.gdprConsent.consentString, n = u.tryAppendQueryString(n, "cmp_cs", y))), r && r.uspConsent && (n = u.tryAppendQueryString(n, "us_privacy", r.uspConsent)), !0 === a.b.getConfig("coppa") && (n = u.tryAppendQueryString(n, "coppa", !0)), n.lastIndexOf("&") === n.length - 1 && (n = n.substring(0, n.length - 1)), u.logMessage("tlCall request built: " + n), { method: "POST", url: n, data: i, bidderRequest: r }; }, interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(e, r) { var t = r.bidderRequest; return (e.body.bids || []).map(function (e) { return function (e, r) { var t = {}, n = r.width || 1, i = r.height || 1, o = r.deal_id || "", u = r.crid || "", a = e.bids[r.imp_id]; 0 != r.cpm && && (t = { requestId: a.bidId, cpm: r.cpm, width: n, height: i, netRevenue: !0, ad:, creativeId: u, dealId: o, currency: "USD", ttl: 300, tl_source: r.tl_source, meta: {} }, b(a) && (t.vastXml =, t.mediaType = "video"), r.advertiser_name && (t.meta.advertiserName = r.advertiser_name)); return t; }(t, e); }); }, getUserSyncs: function getUserSyncs(e, r, t, n) { var i = function (e) { if (!e) return; if (e.iframeEnabled) return "iframe"; if (e.pixelEnabled) return "image"; }(e); if (i) { var o = ""; return "image" === i && (o = u.tryAppendQueryString(o, "px", 1), o = u.tryAppendQueryString(o, "src","prebid")), null !== y && (o = u.tryAppendQueryString(o, "gdpr", l), o = u.tryAppendQueryString(o, "cmp_cs", y)), n && (o = u.tryAppendQueryString(o, "us_privacy", n)), [{ type: i, url: o }]; } } }; function b(e) { return && && "instream" ===; } function g(r, t) { u.isEmpty null != t[e] && (r[e] = t[e]); }); } function v(e, r, t, n) { return = r, function (e) { return e && e.userId && e.userId[u]; })).filter(function (e) { return !!e; }).map((i = t, o = n, function (e) { revenir { source: i, uids: [{ id: e, ext: { rtiPartner: o } }] }; })); var i, o, u; } function S(e) { return e.filter(h).map(function (e) { revenir { w: e[0], h: e[1] }; }); } function h(e) { return 2 === e.length && "number" == typeof e[0] && "number" == typeof e[1]; } Object(i.registerBidder)(m); } }, [823]); pbjs.processQueue(); }, {}]; window.modules["via.legacy"] = [function(require,module,exports){"use strict"; DS.service("via", function () { "use strict"; // remove `via` from url, to be used after amplitude logs it to prevent users from sharing such urls function removeFromLocation() { var url = new URL(location.href); url.searchParams.delete("via"); history.replaceState(null, "", url.toString()); } // and add `via` param to any outbound links function addViaToUrl(href, via) { if (!href || href.substr(0, 1) === "#") { return href; // don't add to jumps on the current page, e.g. "Skip to main content" } var url = new URL(href); var apexDomain = new URL(location.href).hostname.split(".").slice(-2).join("."); if (url.hostname.indexOf(apexDomain) === -1) { return href; // don't add it to external links } url.searchParams.set("via", via); return url.toString(); } // keys correspond to "page_types" in editable_components.yml var PREFIXES = { article: "article", homepage: "homepage", "vertical front": "section", "rubric front": "rubric" }; var pageType; function setPageType(amplitudePageType) { pageType = PREFIXES[amplitudePageType]; } var DELIMITER = "_"; function concatVia(node, via) { var tag = node.dataset && node.dataset.via; if (tag) { via = (via.length ? tag + DELIMITER : tag) + via; } return via; } function addToClickedLinks() { document.documentElement.addEventListener("click", function (e) { var a; var via = ""; // detect link nodes and collect via directives to append to the href var node =; // the element where this event originated may have been removed from the dom, e.g. in the case of the OIL CMP which disappears after you interact with it while (node && node !== e.currentTarget) { if (node.tagName === "A") { a = node; } via = concatVia(node, via); node = node.parentNode; } if (a && via) { if (pageType) { via = pageType + DELIMITER + via; } a.href = addViaToUrl(a.href, via); } }); } function addToSubmittedForms() { document.documentElement.addEventListener("submit", function (e) { var form =; // collect via directives var via = ""; var node =; while (node !== e.currentTarget) { via = concatVia(node, via); node = node.parentNode; } if (via) { if (pageType) { via = pageType + DELIMITER + via; } // dynamically create a hidden input for the form url var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "hidden"; = "via"; input.value = via; form.appendChild(input); } }); } // start listening only once, when first injected addToClickedLinks(); addToSubmittedForms(); revenir { setPageType: setPageType, removeFromLocation: removeFromLocation }; }); }, {}]; window.modules["visibility.legacy"] =[function (require, module, exports) {"use strict"; DS.service("$visibility",["$document","$window","_throttle","Eventify", function ($document, $window, _throttle, Eventify) { var list = [], Visible, VisibleEvent; / ** * @param {number} a * @param {number} b * @returns {*} * @see * / function min(a, b) { return a < b ? a : b; } /** * @param {number} a * @param {number} b * @returns {*} * @see */ function max(a, b) { return a > b ? a : b;
/ **
* Fast loop through watched elements
* /

function onScroll() {
/ **
* updates seen property
* @param {Visble} item
* @param {{}} evt
* @fires Visible#shown
* @fires Visible#hidden
* /

function updateSeen(item, evt) {
var px = evt.visiblePx,
percent = evt.visiblePercent; // if some pixels are visible and we’re greater/equal to threshold

if (px && percent >= item.shownThreshold && !item.seen) {
item.seen = true;
setTimeout (fonction () {
item.trigger(« shown », new VisibleEvent(« shown », evt));
}, 15); // if no pixels or percent is less than threshold
} else if ((!px || percent < item.hiddenThreshold) && item.seen) { item.seen = false; setTimeout(function () { item.trigger("hidden", new VisibleEvent("hidden", evt)); }, 15); } } /** * sets preload property * @param {Visible} item * @param {{}} evt * @param {Number} innerHeight * @fires Visible#preload */ function updatePreload(item, evt, innerHeight) { if (!item.preload && item.preloadThreshhold && shouldBePreloaded(, evt.rect, item.preloadThreshhold, innerHeight)) { item.preload = true; setTimeout(function () { item.trigger("preload", new VisibleEvent("preload", evt)); }, 15); } } /** * Trigger events * @param {Visible} item */ function updateVisibility(item) { var rect = item.el.getBoundingClientRect(), innerHeight = $window.innerHeight || $document.documentElement.clientHeight, px = getVerticallyVisiblePixels(rect, innerHeight), percent = px / (rect.height || innerHeight), evt = { target: item.el, rect: rect, visiblePx: px, visiblePercent: percent }; updateSeen(item, evt); updatePreload(item, evt, innerHeight); } /** * Return normalized viewport height * @return {number} */ function getViewportHeight() { return $window.innerHeight || $document.documentElement.clientHeight || $document.body.clientHeight; } /** * Return normalized viewport width * @return {number} */ function getViewportWidth() { return $window.innerWidth || $document.documentElement.clientWidth || $document.body.clientWidth; } /** * make sure an element isn't hidden by styles or etc * @param {Element} el * @return {Boolean} */ function isElementNotHidden(el) { return el && el.offsetParent !== null && !el.getAttribute("hidden") && getComputedStyle(el).display !== "none" && getComputedStyle(el).visibility !== "hidden"; } /** * Apparently the fastest way... * @param {Element} el * @returns {boolean} * @example if (!$visibility.isElementInViewport(el)) { ... } */ function isElementInViewport(el) { var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= ($window.innerHeight || $document.documentElement.clientHeight) && rect.right <= ($window.innerWidth || $document.documentElement.clientWidth); } / ** * @param {Element} el * @param {ClientRect} rect * @param {Number} preloadThreshhold * @param {Number} innerHeight * @return {Boolean} * / function shouldBePreloaded(el, rect, preloadThreshhold, innerHeight) { return <= innerHeight + preloadThreshhold && isElementNotHidden(el); } /** * Create a one-dimensional spacial hash of x * @param {number} x * @param {number} stepSize * @param {number} optimalK * @param {number} base * @return {number} */ function getLinearSpacialHash(x, stepSize, optimalK, base) { var index = Math.floor(x / (stepSize || 1)), remainder = x % stepSize, result = index.toString(base); if (optimalK > 1) {
result += getLinearSpacialHash(remainder, Math.floor(stepSize / base), optimalK – 1, base);

résultat de retour;
/ **
* @param {ClientRect} rect
* @param {number} innerHeight
* @returns {number}
* /

function getVerticallyVisiblePixels(rect, innerHeight) {
return min(innerHeight, max(rect.bottom, 0)) – min(max(, 0), innerHeight);
/ **
* Get offset of element relative to entire page
* @param {Element} el
* @returns {{left: number, top: number}}
* @see
* /

function getPageOffset(el) {
var offsetLeft = el.offsetLeft,
offsetTop = el.offsetTop;

while (el = el.offsetParent) {
offsetLeft += el.offsetLeft;
offsetTop += el.offsetTop;

revenir {
left: offsetLeft,
top: offsetTop
/ **
* Create a new Visible class to observe when elements enter and leave the viewport
* Call destroy function to stop listening (this is until we have better support for watching for Node Removal)
* @param {Element} el
* @param {{shownThreshold: number, hiddenThreshold: number}} [options]
* @class
* @example this.visible = new $visibility.Visible(el);
* /

Visible = function Visible(el, options) {
options = options || {};
this.el = el;
this.seen = false;
this.preload = false;
this.preloadThreshhold = options && options.preloadThreshhold || 0;
this.shownThreshold = options && options.shownThreshold || 0;
this.hiddenThreshold = options && min(options.shownThreshold, options.hiddenThreshold) || 0;
updateVisibility(this); // set immediately to visible or not

Visible.prototype = {
/ **
* Stop triggering.
* /
destroy: function destroy() {
// remove from list
list.splice(list.indexOf(this), 1);
/ **
* @name Visible#on
* @function
* @param {‘shown’|’hidden’} e EventName
* @param {function} cb Callback
* /

/ **
* @name Visible#trigger
* @function
* @param {‘shown’|’hidden’} e
* @param {{}}
* /


VisibleEvent = function VisibleEvent(type, options) {
var _this = this;

this.type = type;
Object.keys(options).forEach(function (key) {
_this[key] = options[key];
}; // listen for scroll events (throttled)

$document.addEventListener(« scroll », _throttle(onScroll, 200)); // public

this.getPageOffset = getPageOffset;
this.getLinearSpacialHash = getLinearSpacialHash;
this.getVerticallyVisiblePixels = getVerticallyVisiblePixels;
this.getViewportHeight = getViewportHeight;
this.getViewportWidth = getViewportWidth;
this.isElementNotHidden = isElementNotHidden;
this.isElementInViewport = isElementInViewport;
this.Visible = Visible;
}, {}];
require=(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require== »function »&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error(« Cannot find module ‘ »+o+ »‘ »);throw f.code= »MODULE_NOT_FOUND »,f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require== »function »&&require;for(var o=0;o= o.length) return { done: true }; return {done: false, valeur: o[i++] }; }, e: fonction e (_e) {lancer _e; }, f: F}; } throw new TypeError (« Tentative non valide d’itération d’une instance non itérable. nPour être itérables, les objets non-tableau doivent avoir un [Symbol.iterator]() méthode. « );} var normalCompletion = true, didErr = false, err; return {s: function s () {it = o[Symbol.iterator](); }, n: function n () {var step = (); normalCompletion = step.done; étape de retour; }, e: fonction e (_e2) {didErr = true; err = _e2; }, f: function f () {try {if (! normalCompletion && it.return! = null) it.return (); } enfin {if (didErr) throw err; }}}; }

function _unsupportedIterableToArray (o, minLen) {if (! o) return; if (typeof o === « string ») return _arrayLikeToArray (o, minLen); var n = (o) .slice (8, -1); if (n === « Object » && o.constructor) n =; if (n === « Map » || n === « Set ») return Array.from (o); if (n === « Arguments » || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return _arrayLikeToArray (o, minLen); }

function _arrayLikeToArray (arr, len) {if (len == null || len> arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } function mountLegacyServices() { Object.keys(window.modules).filter(function (key) { return typeof key === 'string' && key.match(/.legacy$/); }).forEach(function (key) { return window.require(key); }); } function tryToMount(fn, el, name) { essayez { fn(el); // init the controller } catch (e) { var elementTag = el.outerHTML.slice (0, el.outerHTML.indexOf (el.innerHTML)); console.error("Error initializing controller for "".concat(name, "" on "").concat(elementTag, """), e); } } / ** * mount client.js component controllers * / function mountComponentModules() { Object.keys(window.modules).filter(function (key) { return typeof key === 'string' && key.match(/.client$/); }).forEach(function (key) { var controllerFn = window.require(key); if (typeof controllerFn === 'function') { var name = key.replace('.client","'), instancesSelector = "[data-uri*="_components/".concat(name, "/"]"), defaultSelector = "[data-uri$="_components".concat(name, ""]"), instances = document.querySelectorAll(instancesSelector), defaults = document.querySelectorAll(defaultSelector); var _iterator = _createForOfIteratorHelper(instances), _step; essayez { for (_iterator.s(); !(_step = _iterator.n()).done;) { var el = _step.value; tryToMount(controllerFn, el, name); } } catch (err) { _iterator.e (err); } finally { _iterator.f (); } var _iterator2 = _createForOfIteratorHelper(defaults), _step2; essayez { for (_iterator2.s(); !(_step2 = _iterator2.n()).done;) { var _el = _step2.value; tryToMount(controllerFn, _el, name); } } catch (err) { _iterator2.e(err); } finally { _iterator2.f(); } } }); } // Make sure that a `window.process.env.NODE_ENV` is available in the client for any dependencies, // services, or components that could require it // note: the `` value is swapped for the actual environment variable in /lib/cmd/compile/scripts.js window.process = window.process || {}; window.process.env = window.process.env || {}; if (!window.process.env.NODE_ENV) { window.process.env.NODE_ENV = ''; } // note: legacy controllers that require legacy services (e.g. dollar-slice) must // wait for DOMContentLoaded to initialize themselves, as the files themselves must be mounted first mountLegacyServices(); mountComponentModules(); // ]]

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