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Les meilleurs films et séries télévisées à venir sur Netflix, HBO, Amazon Prime, Hulu en octobre 2020.

Photos de chacun des films dans un style d'art en mosaïque: le casting de Schitt's Creek debout dans une chambre d'hôtel; Parker Sawyer et Tika Sumpter marchent et rient ensemble; Ghostface regarde la caméra; Anna Taylor-Joy mange une cerise.
Schitt’s Creek dernière saison, Emma, Southside With You, et Cri 4 ne sont que quelques-uns des grands titres à venir en streaming ce mois-ci.
Illustration photo par Slate. Photos de The Weinstein Company, Attractions en bordure de route, Focus Features et Netflix.

Chaque mois, des tonnes de nouveaux films et émissions de télévision deviennent disponibles en streaming gratuitement pour les abonnés américains à Netflix, HBO Max, Amazon Prime et Hulu. Avec autant de services de streaming différents, il peut être difficile de tous les suivre, surtout si vous en faites partie. Ci-dessous, nous vous présentons le guide ultime du streaming. Nous vous laisserons décider quel service propose les meilleurs nouveaux titres. (Tous les titres arrivent le 1er octobre, sauf indication contraire.)


Norman Babcock regarde une lampe crâne verte brillante avec un cerveau exposé.

A regarder

Bonne montre
Instinct primaire
Noir 47

Chasse aux Wilderpeople
La plus longue cour (1974)
L’avant-poste (2020)
Plus étrange que la fiction (2006)
Le retour de Superman
Jeux de guerre
Nous avons toujours vécu au château
Église du samedi (6 octobre)
Moneyball (14 octobre)
Dans une vallée de violence (16 octobre)
Carol (20 octobre)
Plier l’arc (21 octobre)
Oui, mon Dieu, oui (21 octobre)
Metallica à travers le jamais (28 octobre)
Le 12e homme (31 octobre)

Montre effrayante
Cape Peur (1991)

Montre Binge
Les parkers Saisons 1-5
Ruisseau Schitt Saison 6 (7 octobre)
Moitié moitié Saisons 1-4 (15 octobre)
Un contre un Saisons 1-5 (15 octobre)

Montre soif

Montre familiale
Les pirates! Bande de misfits
ParaNorman (18 octobre)

Doux sons de Clint Eastwood Regarder
Gran Torino

Si vous vous ennuyez
Ace Ventura: quand la nature appelle
Survint une araignée
Bakugan: Alliance blindée Saison 2
Code Lyoko Saisons 1-4
Les ducs de Hazzard (2005)
Employé du mois (2006)
Ennemi aux portes
Mal Saison 1
Femme familière Saison 1
Food Wars!: Shokugeki no Soma: La deuxième assiette
État libre de Jones
Cavalier fantôme
Fantômes du passé de copines
Maison de 1000 cadavres
Nature humaine (2019)
Je pars maintenant
Carlos Almaraz: jouer avec le feu
Le Prince et moi
Poséidon (2006)
Sword Art Online: Alicization
La licorne Saison 1
Yogi Bear
Tu ne peux pas cacher Saison 1
Colombiana (4 octobre)
Dolly Parton: Me voici (6 octobre)
Éloignez-vous de l’amour (6 octobre)
Alice Junior (14 octobre)
Batman: la blague meurtrière (15 octobre)
Morphers Beast Power Rangers Saison 2, partie 1 (15 octobre)
Sans ami (16 octobre)
Le projet Hummingbird (21 octobre)

Programmation Netflix
Bom Dia, Verônica / Bonjour, Verônica
Carmen Sandiego Saison 3
Oktoberfest: bière et sang
Pasal Kau / Tout à cause de vous
La pire sorcière Saison 4
Depuis! Aller! Halloween de Cory Carson (2 octobre)
Ahí te encargo / Vous avez ceci (2 octobre)
La reliure (2 octobre)
Dick Johnson est mort (2 octobre)
Emily à Paris (2 octobre)
Òlòtūré (2 octobre)
Hommes sérieux (2 octobre)
Explodeur de chanson (2 octobre)
Vampires contre le Bronx (2 octobre)
David Attenborough: une vie sur notre planète (4 octobre)
StarBeam: héros d’Halloween (6 octobre)
Hubie Halloween (7 octobre)
Au lac (7 octobre)
Sourd U (9 octobre)
Coureurs espions rapides et furieux Saison 2: Rio (9 octobre)
La version de quarante ans (9 octobre)
Ginny Weds Sunny (9 octobre)
La hantise de Bly Manor (9 octobre)
Super Monstres: Dia de los Monsters (9 octobre)
Kipo et l’ère des Wonderbeasts Saison 3 (12 octobre)
La cabine avec Bert Kreischer (13 octobre)
Octonautes et la grande barrière de corail (13 octobre)
BLACKPINK: Illuminez le ciel (14 octobre)
Un guide de la garde des monstres (15 octobre)
L’amour comme la pluie qui tombe (15 octobre)
Enracinement pour Roona (15 octobre)
Distance sociale (15 octobre)
Alguien tiene que morir / Quelqu’un doit mourir (16 octobre)
Relooking de maison de rêve (16 octobre)
Grande Armée (16 octobre)
La Révolution (16 octobre)
Les derniers enfants sur terre Livre 3 (16 octobre)
Le procès du Chicago 7 (16 octobre)
Mystères non résolus Volume 2 (19 octobre)
Le bus scolaire magique chevauche à nouveau la connexion Frizz (20 octobre)
Mon prochain invité n’a pas besoin d’être présenté avec David Letterman Saison 3 (21 octobre)
Rebecca (21 octobre)
Cadavre (22 octobre)
Barbares (23 octobre)
Bouge toi (23 octobre)
Au-dessus de la lune (23 octobre)
Perdida (23 octobre)
Le gambit de la reine (23 octobre)
Sang de Zeus (27 octobre)
Chico Bon Bon: Singe avec une ceinture à outils Saison 4 (27 octobre)
Sarah Cooper: tout va bien (27 octobre)
Vilas: Serás lo que debas ser o no serás nada / Guillermo Vilas: Settling the Score (27 octobre)
Holidate (28 octobre)
Personne ne dort dans les bois ce soir (28 octobre)
Secrets de la tombe de Saqqara (28 octobre)
Bronx (30 octobre)
Le jour du Seigneur (30 octobre)
Sa maison (30 octobre)
Quelqu’un nourrit Phil Saison 4 (30 octobre)
Suburra Saison 3 (30 octobre)


Meg Ryan, portant un grand chapeau marron et un blazer gris, regarde Billy Crystal de profil.
Quand Harry rencontre Sally
Studios Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

A regarder
La couleur pourpre
Malcolm X (1992)
La matrice
Nous (2019)
Quand Harry rencontre Sally

Par le marteau de Grabthar, vous devez regarder
Galaxy Quest

Bonne montre
Analyses ça
Beavis et Butt-Head font l’Amérique
Meilleur du spectacle
Nuits Boogie
Propre et sobre
Le client
Confessions d’un esprit dangereux
Le jour des morts
Peau de cerf
Sale danse
Empire du Soleil
Entrez le dragon
Frénétique (1988)
La fréquence (2000)
Vendredi (1995)
Laque pour les cheveux (1988)
Laque pour les cheveux (2007)
Le terrain de chasse
Infâme (2006)
La guerre invisible
Arme mortelle
Arme mortelle 2
Jamais, rarement, parfois, toujours
La tempête parfaite

Présumé innoncent
Route révolutionnaire

Roger et moi la honte (2011)
Tasse en métal
Jour d’entrainement
Qu’est-ce que tu vas faire quand le monde est en feu?
Lina de Lima (2 octobre)
La Odisea De Los Giles (Aka Heroic Losers) (16 octobre)
Emma. (2020) (24 octobre)
Mano De Obra (Aka Workforce) (30 octobre)

Montre effrayante
Noël noir (2019) (31 octobre)
La malédiction de Frankenstein
Délivrance (1972)
Dracula est ressuscité de la tombe
La hantise (1999)
La colline a des yeux (2006)
Les collines ont des yeux II (2007)
Ça: Chapitre deux (27 octobre)
Horreur de Dracula
La momie
Le large
La chose

Montre familiale
Akeelah et l’abeille
Monstres contre extraterrestres
Sesame Street présente Follow That Bird
Superman contre l’élite
Où les choses sauvages sont (2009)

Montre Nostalgie
Austin Powers: Homme international de mystère
Austin Powers: L’espion qui m’a baisé
Arme mortelle 3
Arme mortelle 4
La matrice rechargée
Les révolutions matricielles
Vous avez un email

Montre Oldies
Boule de feu
Bombe (1933)
L’informateur (1935)
Dame calomniée
Miracle de Morgan’s Creek
Monsieur Roberts
Mutinerie sur le Bounty (1935)
Rien de sacré (1937)
Sables d’Iwo Jima (1949)
Ils étaient épuisables
L’homme mince (1934)
Les ailes des aigles

Montre problématique
Bébé à un million de dollars (2004)

Montre défoncée
Chats (2019) (10 octobre)
Cheech & Chong’s Up in Smoke

Si vous vous ennuyez
Superman All-Star
Dynasties américaines: les Kennedy
Réunion américaine (2012)
Analysez cela
L’homme le plus en colère de Brooklyn
Du boeuf
Boomerang (1992)
Les années Bush: la famille. Devoir. Puissance.
L’effet papillon
Chats et chiens (2001)
Les Chroniques de Riddick
City Slickers 2: La légende de l’or de Curly
Beauté collatérale
Cradle 2 the Grave
Créatures 2
Créatures 4
Peine de mort (Version étendue)
Dirty Dancing: Nuits de La Havane
Attrapeur de rêves (2003)
L’âge des ténèbres (2010)
La fin: dans les derniers jours de la Maison Blanche d’Obama
Fin, débuts
La gomme
Le vendredi après le prochain
La boussole dorée
Match de rancune
Harina (farine Aka)
Je suis Sam
Jonah Hex
Le dernier baiser (2006)
Le dernier mimzy
Lois de l’attraction
La vie telle que nous la connaissons
Petit bébé Bum
Petite grande ligue
La grande famille heureuse de Madea
Homme d’acier
Marie: une histoire vraie
Vendredi prochain
Open Water 2: à la dérive
Pac-Man et les aventures fantomatiques
Le slip pélican
Un meurtre parfait
Le fantôme de l’Opéra (2004)
Course pour la Maison Blanche Saison 1
Scooby Doo! Vacances hantées
Semi pro
Sherlock Holmes (2009)
Fils de Batman
South Park: le spécial pandémie
Acier (1997)
Superman / Batman: Apocalypse
Superman / Batman: ennemis publics
Tortues Ninja Teenage Mutant (1990)
Tortues Ninja Teenage Mutant 2
Tortues ninja adolescentes 3
Une ligne mince entre l’amour et la haine
Un temps pour tuer
Tricky Dick
Maréchaux américains
Vampire à Brooklyn
Une suite très Brady
We Will Rise: la mission de Michelle Obama pour éduquer les filles du monde entier
Les dix verges entières
Une descente (2020) (3 octobre)
Le Dieu du lycée (8 octobre)
Schtroumpfs Saison 3 (20 octobre)
Des fantômes Saison 2 (27 octobre)
Burning Ojai: Notre histoire de feu (28 octobre)
Vida Perfecta Saison 1 (29 octobre)

Programmation originale HBO
L’ABC de la rentrée scolaire: un hôtel de ville CNN / Sesame Street pour les familles (3 octobre)
Siempre Luis (6 octobre)
Wild Card: la chute d’une radio à grande gueule (7 octobre)
Charme City Kings (8 octobre)
Entre Nos Presents: Shayla Rivera: Ce n’est pas une science de fusée (9 octobre)
Aventure de détention Saison 2 (15 octobre)
Une offre spéciale de l’aile ouest qui profite lorsque nous votons tous (15 octobre)
L’arme parfaite (16 octobre)
L’utopie américaine de David Byrne (17 octobre)
537 Voix (21 octobre)
John Lewis: Bon problème (27 octobre)
L’âme de l’Amérique (27 octobre)

Premières de la saison
Un monde de calme
Égal (22 octobre)
Comment avec John Wilson Saison 1 (23 octobre)
L’annulation (25 octobre)
Les Fungies Saison 1B (8 octobre)


Antonio Banderas et Catherine Zeta-Jones s'entraînent avec des épées dans des vêtements d'époque du début du XIXe siècle.
Le masque de Zorro
Amblin / Columbia-Tri-Star

A regarder
Les défunts
Taureau furieux

Bonne montre
Pharmacie Cowboy
Fille drôle
Horror Noire: Une histoire de l’horreur noire
Joe (2014)
Esprits vampires
Le masque de Zorro (1998)
Quantum of Solace
Southside With You
Boules spatiales
Archiver (8 octobre)
Une très belle chose (14 octobre)
Cyrano, mon amour (21 octobre)
Je te verrai dans mes rêves (2015) (31 octobre)

Montre Binge
Le grand salon de la pâtisserie britannique Saison 1
M. Robot Saison 4 (6 octobre)

Montre problématique
Le pianiste (2003)

Montre Nostalgie
Un conte de chevalier (2001)

Montre effrayante
Les vampires de John Carpenter
Les prophéties de l’homme-papillon
La rancune 3

Montre défoncée
Battlefield Earth

Montre Super Gay
Terminator: destin sombre (9 octobre)

Si vous vous ennuyez
30 jours de nuit (2007)
40 & célibataire Saison 1
1992: Berlusconi Rising Saison 1
Le grand fossé américain: d’Obama à Trump Saison 1
Un coup d’eclat
Les liens du sang (2014)
Cisco Kid: Saison 1
Villes des enfers Saison 1
Dossiers Cold Case Classic Saison 1
Le « Da Vinci Code
Huit millimètres
Le joueur portait une arme à feu
Obtenez Shorty Saisons 1 à 3
Fille interrompue
Devine qui
Tueurs (2010)
La Sucursal
Menteur Saison 1
La voix la plus forte Saison 1
La grande famille heureuse de Madea
Les prophéties de l’homme-papillon
Mme Wilson Saison 1
Mystery Road Saison 1
La sécurité nationale (2003)
Niveau suivant
Noose pour un tireur
Infirmière (2014)
PBS Kids: histoires effrayantes! Saison 1
Señorita Justice
Contes de demain Saison 1
Merci d’avoir partagé
Triomphe de l’esprit
Tu ne tueras Saison 1
L’organisateur de mariage
Le transporteur ravitaillé (6 octobre)
Jack et Jill (2011) (10 octobre)
Histoire d’amour halal (15 octobre)
Jouer avec le feu (2019) (15 octobre)
À quoi vous attendre lorsque vous vous attendez (26 octobre)
Guerre Los Angeles (2011) (27 octobre)
Soorarai Pottru (2020) (29 octobre)

Originaux Amazon
Journal d’insectes spécial Halloween (2 octobre)
Spectacle Savage X Fenty. Vol. 2 (2 octobre)
Boîte noire (6 octobre)
Le mensonge (6 octobre)
Chasing the Crown: des rêveurs aux streamers (9 octobre)
Mauvais œil (13 octobre)
Nocturne (13 octobre)
Temps (16 octobre)
Ce que la Constitution signifie pour moi (16 octobre)
Mirzapur Saison 2 (23 octobre)
Chercheurs de vérité Saison 1 (30 octobre)


Wesley Snipes dans un trench-coat en cuir noir est entouré de personnages vêtus de rouge.
Cinéma New Line

A regarder
The Hurt Locker
Taureau furieux

Bonne montre
Un bel esprit
À travers la ligne (2015)
Le Do-Deca-Pentathlon
Pharmacie Cowboy
Bons cheveux
(11 octobre)
Joe (2014)
Judy et Punch
Mad Max au-delà du Thunderdome
Boules spatiales

Super mal
Roméo + Juliette de William Shakespeare
Scotch: un rêve d’or (11 octobre)
High Strung (2016) (15 octobre)
L’oiseau peint (16 octobre)
Cyrano, mon amour (20 octobre)

Montre familiale
Double, double, labeur et difficulté
Les pirates! Bande de misfits

Montre effrayante
La mer d’un bleu profond (1999)
Déchue (1998)
Cri 4 (2011) (8 octobre)
Le crâne

Montre Nostalgie
Lame 2
Blade Trinity
Auberge: Partie II
Maison aux 1000 cadavres (2003)
Serpents dans un avion

Pas digne de regarder
Wayne’s World 2

Montre Super Gay
Terminator: destin sombre (9 octobre)

  1. Qui est «Irina Nowak», la co-star de Borat dans la bande-annonce de sa nouvelle suite?

  2. Shakshuka brouillée est presque impossible de gâcher

  3. La frustration de regarder les Kardashians en tant que femme noire

  4. John Oliver dit que le combat contre la Cour suprême est déjà perdu, mais d’autres ne font que commencer

Si vous vous ennuyez
Fiancé de 90 jours: avant les 90 jours Saison 4
Fiancé de 90 jours: Saison 7
Après la vie (2010)
All-Star Halloween Spectacular: Spécial
Aliments bizarres avec Andrew Zimmern Saisons 9 et 10
Les liens du sang (2014)
Ville bleue
Mariée Killa Saison 1
La malédiction de Downers Grove
Cuisine fardée Saison 13
Dr Pimple Popper Saison 4
Les bourreaux (2018)
L’oeil (2008)
La liste Flay Saison 1
Filles contre garçons
Aller pour vendu Saison 1
Devine qui
Jeux d’épicerie de Guy Saisons 18-20
Championnat de pâtisserie d’Halloween Saisons 1 à 4
Guerres d’Halloween Saisons 3-8
La cuisine de l’enfer Saison 18
Ville de l’homicide: Charlotte Saison 1
Chasseur d’homicides: le lieutenant Joe Kenda Saison 9
L’âge de glace: la fusion (2006)
Entretien avec le vampire (1994)
Coups de pied et hurlements (2005)
Tueurs (2010)
Dame dans une cage
Homme avec une camionnette Saison 1
Martyrs (2016)
Moonshiners: Maître distillateur Saison 1
Le meurtre rentre à la maison Saison 1
Ma vie de 600 lb Saison 8
Mes pieds me tuent Saison 1
Infirmière 3D
Le portrait d’une dame
Vierges de la propriété Saison 18
Les tranquilles (2014)
L’homme de sable (2017)
Senorita Justice
Sk8 Dawg
Implantation de supermarché Saison 1
Doux 15: Quinceañera Saison 1
Merci d’avoir partagé
La petite souris (2008)
Triomphe de l’esprit
Amour tordu Saison 1
Vampire (2011)
Quand un étranger appelle (2006)
Zombie Killers: Elephant’s Graveyard
Dragon Ball Super Épisodes 1 à 131
Jeunesse sauvage (11 octobre)
Le mouvement des choses (12 octobre)
La purge Saison 2 (15 octobre)
Treadstone Saison 1 (15 octobre)
Bad Roomies (15 octobre)
Il est venu du désert (15 octobre)
La vie après le basket (15 octobre)
Jouer avec le feu (2019) (15 octobre)
L’escorte (2016) (15 octobre)
Maman m’a nommé shérif Terminer la saison 1 (17 octobre)
Demande d’ami (2016) (18 octobre)
F * ck c’est délicieux Saison 4 (20 octobre)
Patrie Saison 8 (26 octobre)
À quoi vous attendre lorsque vous vous attendez (26 octobre)
Mauvaise thérapie (29 octobre)

Premières de la saison
De liaison (2 octobre)
Saturday Night Live Saison 46 (NBC) (4 octobre)
Jeu de jeux d’Ellen Saison 4 (7 octobre)
Suivant Première de la série (7 octobre)
La bachelorette Saison 16 (14 octobre)
Aquarium à requins Saison 12 (17 octobre)
Vidéos sur la maison les plus drôles d’Amérique Saison 31 (19 octobre)
Requins de carte Première de la série (19 octobre)
Balayage de supermarché Première de la série (19 octobre)
Qui veut gagner des millions Saison 2 (19 octobre)
La voix Saison 19 (20 octobre)
Noirâtre Saison 7 (21 octobre)
Les Conners Saison 3 (21 octobre)
Les Goldberg Saison 8 (21 octobre)
Hypermarché Saison 6 (23 octobre)
Femme au foyer américaine Saison 5 (29 octobre)

Programmation originale Hulu
Monsterland Saison 1 (2 octobre)
Livres de sang (7 octobre)
Helstrom Saison 1 (16 octobre)
Mauvaise chevelure (23 octobre)

'));else {
if (!0 === d.b.getConfig("enableSendAllBids")) return;
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title: (t = e.native).products[0].title,
body: t.products[0].description,
sponsoredBy: t.advertiser.description,
icon: t.advertiser.logo,
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privacyIcon: t.privacy.optout_image_url,
cta: t.products[0].call_to_action,
price: t.products[0].price,
return t.url;
}, p.mediaType = h.c;
} else ? (p.vastUrl = e.displayurl, p.mediaType = h.d) : = e.creative;
}), c;
onTimeout: function onTimeout
T() && Criteo.PubTag.Adapters.Prebid.GetAdapter(t.auctionId).handleBidTimeout();
onBidWon: function onBidWon
T() && Criteo.PubTag.Adapters.Prebid.GetAdapter(t.auctionId).handleBidWon
onSetTargeting: function onSetTargeting
T() && Criteo.PubTag.Adapters.Prebid.GetAdapter(t.auctionId).handleSetTargeting

function T() {
return "undefined" != typeof Criteo && Criteo.PubTag && Criteo.PubTag.Adapters && Criteo.PubTag.Adapters.Prebid;

function C
return f.deepAccess(t, "mediaTypes.banner.sizes") || t.sizes;

function A(t, e) {
return Array.isArray(t[0]) ?
return e
}) : [e

function S
return t[0] + "x" + t[1];

function I
return void 0 === t[0] && void 0 === t[1] ? "2x2" : t[0] + "x" + t[1];

function R
return void 0 !== f.deepAccess(t, "") && void 0 !== f.deepAccess(t, "");

function x() {
try {
var t,
n = "criteo_fast_bid",
s = "// Hash: ",
a = y.getDataFromLocalStorage(n);
null !== a && (t = a.indexOf("n"), (e = a.substr(0, t).trim()).substr(0, s.length) !== s ? (f.logWarn("No hash found in FastBid"), y.removeDataFromLocalStorage(n)) : (r = e.substr(s.length), i = a.substr(t + 1), Object(p.verify)(i, r, g, b) ? (f.logInfo("Using Criteo FastBid"), (o = document.createElement("script")).type = "text/javascript", o.text = i, f.insertElement(o)) : (f.logWarn("Invalid Criteo FastBid found"), y.removeDataFromLocalStorage(n))));
} catch

382: function _(t, e, r) {
"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var a = r(383),
p = r(384);

e.verify = function (t, e, r, i) {
var o = new a.BigInteger(a.b64toHex(e)),
n = new a.BigInteger(a.b64toHex(r)),
s = o.modPowInt(i, n);
return a.removeExtraSymbols(s.toHexString()) === p.Sha256.hash
383: function _(t, e, r) {
"use strict";

var i;
Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var o = (g.prototype.toHexString = function () {
if (this.s < 0) return "-" + this.negate().toHexString(); var t, e = !1, r = "", i = this.t, o = this.DB - i * this.DB % 4; if (0 < i--) for (o < this.DB && 0 < (t = this[i] >> o) && (e = !0, r = c
o < 4 ? (t = (this[i] & (1 << o) - 1) << 4 - o, t |= this[--i] >> (o += this.DB - 4)) : (t = this[i] >> (o -= 4) & 15, o <= 0 && (o += this.DB, --i)), 0 < t && (e = !0), e && (r += c } return e ? r : "0"; }, g.prototype.fromHexString = function if (null !== t) { this.t = 0, this.s = 0; for (var e = t.length, r = !1, i = 0; 0 <= --e;) { var o = p(t, e); o < 0 ? "-" == t.charAt(e) && (r = !0) : (r = !1, 0 == i ? this[this.t++] = o : i + 4 > this.DB ? (this[this.t - 1] |= (o & (1 << this.DB - i) - 1) << i, this[this.t++] = o >> this.DB - i) : this[this.t - 1] |= o << i, (i += 4) >= this.DB && (i -= this.DB));

this.clamp(), r && g.ZERO.subTo(this, this);
}, g.prototype.negate = function () {
var t = T();
return g.ZERO.subTo(this, t), t;
}, g.prototype.abs = function () {
return this.s < 0 ? this.negate() : this; }, g.prototype.mod = function var e = T(); return this.abs().divRemTo(t, null, e), this.s < 0 && 0 < e.compareTo(g.ZERO) && t.subTo(e, e), e; }, g.prototype.copyTo = function for (var e = this.t - 1; 0 <= e; --e) { t[e] = this[e]; } t.t = this.t, t.s = this.s; }, g.prototype.lShiftTo = function (t, e) { for (var r = t % this.DB, i = this.DB - r, o = (1 << i) - 1, n = Math.floor(t / this.DB), s = this.s << r & this.DM, a = this.t - 1; 0 <= a; --a) { e[a + n + 1] = this[a] >> i | s, s = (this[a] & o) << r; } for (a = n - 1; 0 <= a; --a) { e[a] = 0; } e[n] = s, e.t = this.t + n + 1, e.s = this.s, e.clamp(); }, g.prototype.invDigit = function () { if (this.t < 1) return 0; var t = this[0]; if (0 == (1 & t)) return 0; var e = 3 & t; return 0 < (e = (e = (e = (e = e * (2 - (15 & t) * e) & 15) * (2 - (255 & t) * e) & 255) * (2 - ((65535 & t) * e & 65535)) & 65535) * (2 - t * e % this.DV) % this.DV) ? this.DV - e : -e; }, g.prototype.dlShiftTo = function (t, e) { for (var r = this.t - 1; 0 <= r; --r) { e[r + t] = this[r]; } for (r = t - 1; 0 <= r; --r) { e[r] = 0; } e.t = this.t + t, e.s = this.s; }, g.prototype.squareTo = function for (var e = this.abs(), r = t.t = 2 * e.t; 0 <= --r;) { t[r] = 0; } for (r = 0; r < e.t - 1; ++r) { var i =, e[r], t, 2 * r, 0, 1); (t[r + e.t] += + 1, 2 * e[r], t, 2 * r + 1, i, e.t - r - 1)) >= e.DV && (t[r + e.t] -= e.DV, t[r + e.t + 1] = 1);

0 < t.t && (t[t.t - 1] +=, e[r], t, 2 * r, 0, 1)), t.s = 0, t.clamp(); }, g.prototype.multiplyTo = function (t, e) { var r = this.abs(), i = t.abs(), o = r.t; for (e.t = o + i.t; 0 <= --o;) { e[o] = 0; } for (o = 0; o < i.t; ++o) { e[o + r.t] =, i[o], e, o, 0, r.t); } e.s = 0, e.clamp(), this.s != t.s && g.ZERO.subTo(e, e); }, g.prototype.divRemTo = function (t, e, r) { var i = t.abs(); if (!(i.t <= 0)) { var o = this.abs(); if (o.t < i.t) return null != e && e.fromHexString("0"), void (null != r && this.copyTo(r)); null == r && (r = T()); var n = T(), s = this.s, a = t.s, p = this.DB - C(i[i.t - 1]); 0 < p ? (i.lShiftTo(p, n), o.lShiftTo(p, r)) : (i.copyTo(n), o.copyTo(r)); var u = n.t, c = n[u - 1]; if (0 != c) { var d = c * (1 << this.F1) + (1 < u ? n[u - 2] >> this.F2 : 0),
h = this.FV / d,
f = (1 << this.F1) / d, l = 1 << this.F2, m = r.t, v = m - u, y = null == e ? T() : e; for (n.dlShiftTo(v, y), 0 <= r.compareTo(y) && (r[r.t++] = 1, r.subTo(y, r)), g.ONE.dlShiftTo(u, y), y.subTo(n, n); n.t < u;) { n[n.t++] = 0; } for (; 0 <= --v;) { var b = r[--m] == c ? this.DM : Math.floor(r[m] * h + (r[m - 1] + l) * f); if ((r[m] +=, b, r, v, 0, u)) < b) for (n.dlShiftTo(v, y), r.subTo(y, r); r[m] < --b;) { r.subTo(y, r); } } null != e && (r.drShiftTo(u, e), s != a && g.ZERO.subTo(e, e)), r.t = u, r.clamp(), 0 < p && r.rShiftTo(p, r), s < 0 && g.ZERO.subTo(r, r); } } }, g.prototype.rShiftTo = function (t, e) { e.s = this.s; var r = Math.floor(t / this.DB); if (r >= this.t) e.t = 0;else {
var i = t % this.DB,
o = this.DB - i,
n = (1 << i) - 1; e[0] = this[r] >> i;

for (var s = r + 1; s < this.t; ++s) { e[s - r - 1] |= (this[s] & n) << o, e[s - r] = this[s] >> i;

0 < i && (e[this.t - r - 1] |= (this.s & n) << o), e.t = this.t - r, e.clamp(); } }, g.prototype.drShiftTo = function (t, e) { for (var r = t; r < this.t; ++r) { e[r - t] = this[r]; } e.t = Math.max(this.t - t, 0), e.s = this.s; }, g.prototype.subTo = function (t, e) { for (var r = 0, i = 0, o = Math.min(t.t, this.t); r < o;) { i += this[r] - t[r], e[r++] = i & this.DM, i >>= this.DB;

if (t.t < this.t) { for (i -= t.s; r < this.t;) { i += this[r], e[r++] = i & this.DM, i >>= this.DB;

i += this.s;
} else {
for (i += this.s; r < t.t;) { i -= t[r], e[r++] = i & this.DM, i >>= this.DB;

i -= t.s;

e.s = i < 0 ? -1 : 0, i < -1 ? e[r++] = this.DV + i : 0 < i && (e[r++] = i), e.t = r, e.clamp(); }, g.prototype.clamp = function () { for (var t = this.s & this.DM; 0 < this.t && this[this.t - 1] == t;) { --this.t; } }, g.prototype.modPowInt = function (t, e) { var r = new (t < 256 || e.isEven() ? d : f)(e); return this.exp(t, r); }, g.prototype.exp = function (t, e) { if (4294967295 < t || t < 1) return g.ONE; var r, i = T(), o = T(), n = e.convert(this), s = C for (n.copyTo(i); 0 <= --s;) { e.sqrTo(i, o), 0 < (t & 1 << s) ? e.mulTo(o, n, i) : (r = i, i = o, o = r); } return e.revert(i); }, g.prototype.isEven = function () { return 0 == (0 < this.t ? 1 & this[0] : this.s); }, g.prototype.compareTo = function var e = this.s - t.s; if (0 != e) return e; var r = this.t; if (0 != (e = r - t.t)) return this.s < 0 ? -e : e; for (; 0 <= --r;) { if (0 != (e = this[r] - t[r])) return e; } return 0; }, g.prototype.am1 = function (t, e, r, i, o, n) { for (; 0 <= --n;) { var s = e * this[t++] + r[i] + o; o = Math.floor(s / 67108864), r[i++] = 67108863 & s; } return o; }, g.prototype.am2 = function (t, e, r, i, o, n) { for (var s = 32767 & e, a = e >> 15; 0 <= --n;) { var p = 32767 & this u = this[t++] >> 15,
c = a * p + u * s;
o = ((p = s * p + ((32767 & c) << 15) + r[i] + (1073741823 & o)) >>> 30) + (c >>> 15) + a * u + (o >>> 30), r[i++] = 1073741823 & p;

return o;
}, g.prototype.am3 = function (t, e, r, i, o, n) {
for (var s = 16383 & e, a = e >> 14; 0 <= --n;) { var p = 16383 & this u = this[t++] >> 14,
c = a * p + u * s;
o = ((p = s * p + ((16383 & c) << 14) + r[i] + o) >> 28) + (c >> 14) + a * u, r[i++] = 268435455 & p;

return o;
}, g);

function g
null !== t && this.fromHexString

function T() {
return new o(null);

function C
var e,
r = 1;
return 0 != (e = t >>> 16) && (t = e, r += 16), 0 != (e = t >> 8) && (t = e, r += 8), 0 != (e = t >> 4) && (t = e, r += 4), 0 != (e = t >> 2) && (t = e, r += 2), 0 != (e = t >> 1) && (t = e, r += 1), r;

e.BigInteger = o, e.nbi = T, e.nbits = C;

for (var n = [], s = "0".charCodeAt(0), a = 0; a <= 9; ++a) { n[s++] = a; } for (s = "a".charCodeAt(0), a = 10; a < 36; ++a) { n[s++] = a; } for (s = "A".charCodeAt(0), a = 10; a < 36; ++a) { n[s++] = a; } function p(t, e) { var r = n[t.charCodeAt(e)]; return null == r ? -1 : r; } e.intAt = p; var u = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; function c return u.charAt } e.int2char = c; e.b64toHex = function for (var e = "", r = 0, i = 0, o = 0; o < t.length && "=" != t.charAt(o); ++o) { var n = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/".indexOf(t.charAt(o)); n < 0 || (r = 0 == r ? (e += c(n >> 2), i = 3 & n, 1) : 1 == r ? (e += c(i << 2 | n >> 4), i = 15 & n, 2) : 2 == r ? (e += c(i), e += c(n >> 2), i = 3 & n, 3) : (e += c(i << 2 | n >> 4), e += c(15 & n), 0));

return 1 == r && (e += c(i << 2)), e; }, e.removeExtraSymbols = function return t.replace(/^1f+00/, "").replace("3031300d060960864801650304020105000420",""); }; var d = (h.prototype.convert = function return t.s < 0 || 0 <= t.compareTo(this.m) ? t.mod(this.m) : t; }, h.prototype.revert = function return t; }, h.prototype.reduce = function t.divRemTo(this.m, null, t); }, h.prototype.mulTo = function (t, e, r) { t.multiplyTo(e, r), this.reduce(r); }, h.prototype.sqrTo = function (t, e) { t.squareTo(e), this.reduce(e); }, h); function h this.m = t; } var f = (l.prototype.convert = function var e = T(); return t.abs().dlShiftTo(this.m.t, e), e.divRemTo(this.m, null, e), t.s < 0 && 0 < e.compareTo(o.ZERO) && this.m.subTo(e, e), e; }, l.prototype.revert = function var e = T(); return t.copyTo(e), this.reduce(e), e; }, l.prototype.reduce = function for (; t.t <= this.mt2;) { t[t.t++] = 0; } for (var e = 0; e < this.m.t; ++e) { var r = 32767 & t[e], i = r * this.mpl + ((r * this.mph + (t[e] >> 15) * this.mpl & << 15) & t.DM; for (t[r = e + this.m.t] +=, i, t, e, 0, this.m.t); t[r] >= t.DV;) {
t[r] -= t.DV, t[++r]++;

t.clamp(), t.drShiftTo(this.m.t, t), 0 <= t.compareTo(this.m) && t.subTo(this.m, t); }, l.prototype.mulTo = function (t, e, r) { t.multiplyTo(e, r), this.reduce(r); }, l.prototype.sqrTo = function (t, e) { t.squareTo(e), this.reduce(e); }, l); function l this.m = t, = t.invDigit(), this.mpl = 32767 &, this.mph = >> 15, = (1 << t.DB - 15) - 1, this.mt2 = 2 * t.t; } function m var e = T(); return e.fromHexString(t.toString()), e; } e.nbv = m, o.ZERO = m(0), o.ONE = m(1), i = "Microsoft Internet Explorer" == navigator.appName ? ( = o.prototype.am2, 30) : "Netscape" != navigator.appName ? ( = o.prototype.am1, 26) : ( = o.prototype.am3, 28), o.prototype.DB = i, o.prototype.DM = (1 << i) - 1, o.prototype.DV = 1 << i; o.prototype.FV = Math.pow(2, 52), o.prototype.F1 = 52 - i, o.prototype.F2 = 2 * i - 52; }, 384: function _(t, e, r) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var i = (S.hash = function t = S.utf8Encode(t || ""); for (var e = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298], r = [1779033703, 3144134277, 1013904242, 2773480762, 1359893119, 2600822924, 528734635, 1541459225], i = (t += String.fromCharCode(128)).length / 4 + 2, o = Math.ceil(i / 16), n = new Array(o), s = 0; s < o; s++) { n[s] = new Array(16); for (var a = 0; a < 16; a++) { n[s][a] = t.charCodeAt(64 * s + 4 * a) << 24 | t.charCodeAt(64 * s + 4 * a + 1) << 16 | t.charCodeAt(64 * s + 4 * a + 2) << 8 | t.charCodeAt(64 * s + 4 * a + 3) << 0; } } var p = 8 * (t.length - 1) / Math.pow(2, 32), u = 8 * (t.length - 1) >>> 0;

for (n[o - 1][14] = Math.floor(p), n[o - 1][15] = u, s = 0; s < o; s++) { for (var c = new Array(64), d = 0; d < 16; d++) { c[d] = n[s][d]; } for (d = 16; d < 64; d++) { c[d] = S.q1(c[d - 2]) + c[d - 7] + S.q0(c[d - 15]) + c[d - 16] >>> 0;

for (var h = r[0], f = r[1], l = r[2], m = r[3], v = r[4], y = r[5], b = r[6], g = r[7], d = 0; ré < 64; d++) { var T = g + S.z1(v) + S.Ch(v, y, b) + e[d] + c[d], C = S.z0(h) + S.Maj(h, f, l); g = b, b = y, y = v, v = m + T >>> 0, m = l, l = f, f = h, h = T + C >>> 0;

r[0] = r[0] + h >>> 0, r[1] = r[1] + f >>> 0, r[2] = r[2] + l >>> 0, r[3] = r[3] + m >>> 0, r[4] = r[4] + v >>> 0, r[5] = r[5] + y >>> 0, r[6] = r[6] + b >>> 0, r[7] = r[7] + g >>> 0;

for (var A = new Array(r.length), g = 0; g < r.length; g++) { A[g] = ("00000000" + r[g].toString(16)).slice(-8); } return A.join(""); }, S.utf8Encode = function (e) { try { return new TextEncoder().encode(e).reduce(function (t, e) { return t + String.fromCharCode(e); }, ""); } catch return unescape(encodeURIComponent(e)); } }, S.ROTR = function (t, e) { return e >>> t | e << 32 - t; }, S.z0 = function return S.ROTR(2, t) ^ S.ROTR(13, t) ^ S.ROTR(22, t); }, S.z1 = function return S.ROTR(6, t) ^ S.ROTR(11, t) ^ S.ROTR(25, t); }, S.q0 = function return S.ROTR(7, t) ^ S.ROTR(18, t) ^ t >>> 3;
}, S.q1 = function
return S.ROTR(17, t) ^ S.ROTR(19, t) ^ t >>> 10;
}, S.Ch = function (t, e, r) {
return t & e ^ ~t & r;
}, S.Maj = function (t, e, r) {
return t & e ^ t & r ^ e & r;
}, S);

function S() {}

e.Sha256 = i;
}, [380]);
pbjsChunk([187], {
481: function _(e, r, t) {
e.exports = t(482);
482: function _(e, r, t) {
"use strict";

Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", {
value: !0
}), t.d(r, "spec", function () {
return m;
var b = t(0),
y = t(2),
h = t(3),
i = t(11),
l = t.n(i),
a = t(483),
n = t.n(a),
s = t(1);

function v(e) {
return (v = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == _typeof(Symbol.iterator) ? function (e) {
return _typeof(e);
} : function (e) {
return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : _typeof(e);

var o = [y.b, y.d],
g = 100,
w = 300,
x = 3600,
I = !0,
P = {
JPY: 1

function p(e) {
var r = {};
return = e.bidId, r.ext = {}, r.ext.siteID = e.params.siteId, !e.params.hasOwnProperty("id") || "string" != typeof && "number" != typeof ? r.ext.sid = "".concat(e.params.size[0], "x").concat(e.params.size[1]) : r.ext.sid = String(, e.params.hasOwnProperty("bidFloor") && e.params.hasOwnProperty("bidFloorCur") && (r.bidfloor = e.params.bidFloor, r.bidfloorcur = e.params.bidFloorCur), r;

function d(e) {
return Array.isArray(e) && 2 === e.length && n()(e[0]) && n()(e[1]);

function c(e, r) {
if (d(e)) return e[0] === r[0] && e[1] === r[1];

for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) { if (e } } function u(e, r, t, i) { var a = []; if (window.headertag && "function" == typeof window.headertag.getIdentityInfo) { var n, s = window.headertag.getIdentityInfo(); if (s && "object" === v(s)) for (var o in s) { !s.hasOwnProperty(o) || !(n = s[o]).responsePending && && "object" === v( && Object.keys( && a.push(; } } var d, p = {}; = e[0].bidderRequestId, p.imp = t, = {}, p.ext = {}, p.ext.source = "prebid", e[0].schain && (p.source = { ext: { schain: e[0].schain } }), 0 < a.length && (p.user = {}, p.user.eids = a), document.referrer && "" !== document.referrer && ( = document.referrer), r && (r.gdprConsent && ((d = r.gdprConsent).hasOwnProperty("gdprApplies") && (p.regs = { ext: { gdpr: d.gdprApplies ? 1 : 0 } }), d.hasOwnProperty("consentString") && (p.user = p.user || {}, p.user.ext = { consent: d.consentString || "" })), r.uspConsent && b.deepSetValue(p, "regs.ext.us_privacy", r.uspConsent), r.refererInfo && ( = r.refererInfo.referer)); var c = {}, u = r && r.bidderCode || "ix", m = h.b.getConfig(u); if (m) { if ("object" === v(m.firstPartyData)) { var f = m.firstPartyData, y = "?"; for (var l in f) { f.hasOwnProperty(l) && (y += "".concat(encodeURIComponent(l), "=").concat(encodeURIComponent(f[l]), "&")); } y = y.slice(0, -1), += y; } "number" == typeof m.timeout && (c.t = m.timeout); } return c.s = e[0].params.siteId, c.v = i, c.r = JSON.stringify(p), = "j", = 1, 8.1 === i && ( = 1), { method: "GET", url: "", data: c }; } var m = { code: "ix", gvlid: 10, supportedMediaTypes: o, isBidRequestValid: function isBidRequestValid(e) { if (!d(e.params.size)) return b.logError("ix bidder params: bid size has invalid format."), !1; if (!c(e.sizes, e.params.size)) return b.logError("ix bidder params: bid size is not included in ad unit sizes."), !1; if (e.hasOwnProperty("mediaType") && !b.contains(o, e.mediaType)) return !1; if (e.hasOwnProperty("mediaTypes") && !b.deepAccess(e, "mediaTypes.banner.sizes") && !b.deepAccess(e, "")) return !1; if ("string" != typeof e.params.siteId && "number" != typeof e.params.siteId) return b.logError("ix bidder params: siteId must be string or number value."), !1; var r, t, i = e.params.hasOwnProperty("bidFloor"), a = e.params.hasOwnProperty("bidFloorCur"); return !!(!i && !a || i && a && (r = e.params.bidFloor, t = e.params.bidFloorCur, Boolean("number" == typeof r && "string" == typeof t && t.match(/^[A-Z]{3}$/)))) || (b.logError("ix bidder params: bidFloor / bidFloorCur parameter has invalid format."), !1); }, buildRequests: function buildRequests(e, r) { for (var t, i, a = [], n = [], s = [], o = null, d = 0; d < e.length; d++) { (o = e[d]).mediaType !== y.d && !b.deepAccess(o, "") || (o.mediaType === y.d || c(, o.params.size) ? s.push(function (e) { var r = p(e); = b.deepClone(, = e.params.size[0], = e.params.size[1]; var t = b.deepAccess(e, ""); return t && ("instream" === t ? = 1 : "outstream" === t ? = 4 : b.logWarn("ix bidder params: video context '".concat(t, "' is not supported"))), r; }(o)) : b.logError("Bid size is not included in video playerSize")), o.mediaType !== y.b && !b.deepAccess(o, "mediaTypes.banner") && (o.mediaType || o.mediaTypes) || n.push((i = void 0, (i = p(t = o)).banner = {}, i.banner.w = t.params.size[0], i.banner.h = t.params.size[1], i.banner.topframe = b.inIframe() ? 0 : 1, i)); } return 0 < n.length && a.push(u(e, r, n, 7.2)), 0 < s.length && a.push(u(e, r, s, 8.1)), a; }, interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(e, r) { var t = []; if (!e.hasOwnProperty("body") || !e.body.hasOwnProperty("seatbid")) return t; for (var i, a, n, s, o = e.body, d = o.seatbid, p = 0; p < d.length; p++) { if (d[p].hasOwnProperty("bid")) for (var c = d[p].bid, u = JSON.parse(, m = 0; m < c.length; m++) { var f = function (r, e) { if (r) return l()(e, function (e) { return === r; }); }(c[m].impid, u.imp); i = c[m], a = o.cur, n = f, s = void 0, s = {}, P.hasOwnProperty(a) ? s.cpm = i.price / P[a] : s.cpm = i.price / g, s.requestId = i.impid, s.dealId = b.deepAccess(i, "ext.dealid"), s.netRevenue = I, s.currency = a, s.creativeId = i.hasOwnProperty("crid") ? i.crid : "-", b.deepAccess(i, "ext.vasturl") ? (s.vastUrl = i.ext.vasturl, s.width =, s.height =, s.mediaType = y.d, s.ttl = x) : ( = i.adm, s.width = i.w, s.height = i.h, s.mediaType = y.b, s.ttl = w), s.meta = {}, s.meta.networkId = b.deepAccess(i, "ext.dspid"), s.meta.brandId = b.deepAccess(i, "ext.advbrandid"), s.meta.brandName = b.deepAccess(i, "ext.advbrand"), t.push(s); } } return t; }, transformBidParams: function transformBidParams(e) { return b.convertTypes({ siteID: "number" }, e); }, getUserSyncs: function getUserSyncs(e) { return e.iframeEnabled ? [{ type: "iframe", url: "" }] : []; } }; Object(s.registerBidder)(m); } }, [481]); pbjsChunk([184], { 493: function _(e, t, r) { e.exports = r(494); }, 494: function _(e, t, r) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r.d(t, "spec", function () { return l; }); var s = r(0), d = r(3), n = r(1), a = r(9); function g() { return (g = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var r = arguments for (var n in r) {, n) && (e[n] = r[n]); } } return e; }).apply(this, arguments); } var o, i, c, u = Object(a.b)(), l = { code: "kargo", isBidRequestValid: function isBidRequestValid(e) { return !(!e || !e.params) && !!e.params.placementId; }, buildRequests: function buildRequests(e, t) { var r, n = d.b.getConfig("currency"), a = n && n.adServerCurrency || "USD", o = {}, i = {}; s._each(e, function (e) { o[e.bidId] = e.params.placementId, i[e.bidId] = e.sizes; }), 0 < e.length && e[0].userId && e[0].userId.tdid && (r = e[0].userId.tdid); var c = g({}, { sessionId: l._getSessionId(), requestCount: l._getRequestCount(), timeout: t.timeout, currency: a, cpmGranularity: 1, timestamp: new Date().getTime(), cpmRange: { floor: 0, ceil: 20 }, bidIDs: o, bidSizes: i, prebidRawBidRequests: e }, l._getAllMetadata(r, t.uspConsent)), u = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(c)); return g({}, t, { method: "GET", url: "".concat("","/api/v2/bid"), data: "json=".concat(u), currency: a }); }, interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(e, t) { var r = e.body, n = []; for (var a in r) { var o = r[a], i = void 0; o.metadata && o.metadata.landingPageDomain && (i = { clickUrl: o.metadata.landingPageDomain }), n.push({ requestId: a, cpm: Number(o.cpm), width: o.width, height: o.height, ad: o.adm, ttl: 300, creativeId:, dealId: o.targetingCustom, netRevenue: !0, currency: t.currency, meta: i }); } return n; }, getUserSyncs: function getUserSyncs(e) { var t = [], r = l._generateRandomUuid(), n = l._getClientId(); if (e.iframeEnabled && r && n) for (var a = 0; a < 5; a++) { t.push({ type: "iframe", url: "{UUID}?seed={SEED}&idx={INDEX}".replace("{UUID}", n).replace("{SEED}", r).replace("{INDEX}", a) }); } return t; }, _readCookie: function _readCookie(e) { if (!u.cookiesAreEnabled()) return null; for (var t = "".concat(e, "="), r = document.cookie.split(";"), n = 0; n < r.length; n++) { for (var a = r[n]; " " === a.charAt(0);) { a = a.substring(1, a.length); } if (0 === a.indexOf } return null; }, _getCrbFromCookie: function _getCrbFromCookie() { try { var e = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(l._readCookie("krg_crb"))); if (e && e.v) { var t = JSON.parse(atob(e.v)); if } return {}; } catch (e) { return {}; } }, _getCrbFromLocalStorage: function _getCrbFromLocalStorage() { try { return JSON.parse(atob(l._getLocalStorageSafely("krg_crb"))); } catch (e) { return {}; } }, _getCrb: function _getCrb() { var e = l._getCrbFromLocalStorage(); return Object.keys(e).length ? e : l._getCrbFromCookie(); }, _getKruxUserId: function _getKruxUserId() { return l._getLocalStorageSafely("kxkar_user"); }, _getKruxSegments: function _getKruxSegments() { return l._getLocalStorageSafely("kxkar_segs"); }, _getKrux: function _getKrux() { var e = l._getKruxSegments(), t = []; return e && (t = e.split(",")), { userID: l._getKruxUserId(), segments: t }; }, _getLocalStorageSafely: function _getLocalStorageSafely(e) { try { return u.getDataFromLocalStorage(e); } catch (e) { return null; } }, _getUserIds: function _getUserIds(e, t) { var r = l._getCrb(), n = { kargoID: r.userId, clientID: r.clientId, crbIDs: r.syncIds || {}, optOut: r.optOut, usp: t }; return e && (n.tdID = e), n; }, _getClientId: function _getClientId() { return l._getCrb().clientId; }, _getAllMetadata: function _getAllMetadata(e, t) { return { userIDs: l._getUserIds(e, t), krux: l._getKrux(), pageURL: window.location.href, rawCRB: l._readCookie("krg_crb"), rawCRBLocalStorage: l._getLocalStorageSafely("krg_crb") }; }, _getSessionId: function _getSessionId() { return o = o || l._generateRandomUuid(); }, _getRequestCount: function _getRequestCount() { return i === window.location.pathname ? ++c : (i = window.location.pathname, c = 0); }, _generateRandomUuid: function _generateRandomUuid() { try { var e = new Uint8Array(16); crypto.getRandomValues(e), e[6] = -177 & e[6] | 64, e[8] = -65 & e[8] | 128; var t = Uint8Array(e), function (e) { return ("00" + e.toString(16)).slice(-2); }).join(""); return t.slice(0, 8) + "-" + t.slice(8, 12) + "-" + t.slice(12, 16) + "-" + t.slice(16, 20) + "-" + t.slice(20); } catch (e) { return ""; } } }; Object(n.registerBidder)(l); } }, [493]); pbjsChunk([110], { 677: function _(e, r, t) { e.exports = t(678); }, 678: function _(e, r, t) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.d(r, "FASTLANE_ENDPOINT", function () { return o; }), t.d(r, "VIDEO_ENDPOINT", function () { return l; }), t.d(r, "SYNC_ENDPOINT", function () { return a; }), t.d(r, "spec", function () { return h; }), r.hasVideoMediaType = c, r.masSizeOrdering = S, r.determineRubiconVideoSizeId = C, r.getPriceGranularity = j, r.hasValidVideoParams = k, r.hasValidSupplyChainParams = T, r.encodeParam = w, r.resetUserSync = function () { R = !1; }; var g = t(0), i = t(1), b = t(3), u = t(2); function v(e, r) { return function (e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return e; }(e) || function (e, r) { if ("undefined" == typeof Symbol || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(e))) return; var t = [], i = !0, n = !1, o = void 0; try { for (var a, s = e[Symbol.iterator](); !(i = (a = && (t.push(a.value), !r || t.length !== r); i = !0) { ; } } catch (e) { n = !0, o = e; } finally { try { i || null == s.return || s.return(); } finally { if (n) throw o; } } return t; }(e, r) || function (e, r) { if (!e) return; if ("string" == typeof e) return n(e, r); var t =, -1); "Object" === t && e.constructor && (t =; if ("Map" === t || "Set" === t) return Array.from(e); if ("Arguments" === t || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test }(e, r) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }(); } function n(e, r) { (null == r || r > e.length) && (r = e.length);

for (var t = 0, i = new Array(r); t < r; t++) { je } return i; } function y() { return (y = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = arguments[r]; for (var i in t) {, i) && (e[i] = t[i]); } } return e; }).apply(this, arguments); } function p(e, r, t) { return r in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, r, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[r] = t, e; } function x(e) { return (x = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == _typeof(Symbol.iterator) ? function (e) { return _typeof(e); } : function (e) { return e && "function" == typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : _typeof(e); })(e); } var o = "", l = "", a = "", d = { FASTLANE: { id: "", keyv: "dt.keyv", pref: "dt.pref" }, PREBID_SERVER: { id: "id", keyv: "keyv" } }, f = { 1: "468x60", 2: "728x90", 5: "120x90", 8: "120x600", 9: "160x600", 10: "300x600", 13: "200x200", 14: "250x250", 15: "300x250", 16: "336x280", 17: "240x400", 19: "300x100", 31: "980x120", 32: "250x360", 33: "180x500", 35: "980x150", 37: "468x400", 38: "930x180", 39: "750x100", 40: "750x200", 41: "750x300", 42: "2x4", 43: "320x50", 44: "300x50", 48: "300x300", 53: "1024x768", 54: "300x1050", 55: "970x90", 57: "970x250", 58: "1000x90", 59: "320x80", 60: "320x150", 61: "1000x1000", 64: "580x500", 65: "640x480", 66: "930x600", 67: "320x480", 68: "1800x1000", 72: "320x320", 73: "320x160", 78: "980x240", 79: "980x300", 80: "980x400", 83: "480x300", 85: "300x120", 90: "548x150", 94: "970x310", 95: "970x100", 96: "970x210", 101: "480x320", 102: "768x1024", 103: "480x280", 105: "250x800", 108: "320x240", 113: "1000x300", 117: "320x100", 125: "800x250", 126: "200x600", 144: "980x600", 145: "980x150", 152: "1000x250", 156: "640x320", 159: "320x250", 179: "250x600", 195: "600x300", 198: "640x360", 199: "640x200", 213: "1030x590", 214: "980x360", 221: "1x1", 229: "320x180", 230: "2000x1400", 232: "580x400", 234: "6x6", 251: "2x2", 256: "480x820", 257: "400x600", 258: "500x200", 259: "998x200", 264: "970x1000", 265: "1920x1080", 274: "1800x200", 278: "320x500", 282: "320x400", 288: "640x380" }; g._each(f, function (e, r) { return f[e] = r; }); var h = { code: "rubicon", gvlid: 52, supportedMediaTypes: [u.b, u.d], isBidRequestValid: function isBidRequestValid(e) { if ("object" !== x(e.params)) return !1; for (var r = 0, t = ["accountId","siteId","zoneId"]; r < t.length; r++) { if (e.params[t[t[r]]= parseInt(e.params[t[t[r]]), isNaN(e.params[t[t[r]])) return g.logError("Rubicon: wrong format of accountId or siteId or zoneId."), !1; } var i = m(e, !0); return !!i && ("video" !== i || k(e)); }, buildRequests: function buildRequests(e, u) { var n, r = e.filter(function (e) { return "video" === m(e); }).map(function (e) { e.startTime = new Date().getTime(); var r, t, i = { id: e.transactionId, test: b.b.getConfig("debug") ? 1 : 0, cur: ["USD"], source: { tid: e.transactionId }, tmax: b.b.getConfig("TTL") || 1e3, imp: [{ exp: 300, id: e.adUnitCode, secure: 1, ext: p({}, e.bidder, e.params), video: g.deepAccess(e, "") || {} }], ext: { prebid: { cache: { vastxml: { returnCreative: !1 } }, targeting: { includewinners: !0, includebidderkeys: !1, pricegranularity: j(b.b) }, bidders: { rubicon: { integration: b.b.getConfig("rubicon.int_type") || "pbjs" } } } } }; "rubicon" !== e.bidder && (i.ext.prebid.aliases = p({}, e.bidder, "rubicon")), t = "function" != typeof e.getFloor || b.b.getConfig("rubicon.disableFloors") ? parseFloat(g.deepAccess(e, "params.floor")) : "object" !== x(r = e.getFloor({ currency: "USD", mediaType: "video", size: A(e, "video") })) || "USD" !== r.currency || isNaN(parseInt(r.floor)) ? void 0 : parseFloat(r.floor), isNaN if (!r) return; "object" === x(b.b.getConfig("app")) ? = b.b.getConfig("app") : = { page: I(t, e) }; "object" === x(b.b.getConfig("device")) && (r.device = b.b.getConfig("device")); && ["site","device"].forEach(function (e) { r[e] && (r[e].content = y({ language: }, r[e].content)); }); }(i, e, u), function (e, r) { "object" === x(e.imp[0].video) && void 0 === e.imp[0].video.skip && (e.imp[0].video.skip =; "object" === x(e.imp[0].video) && void 0 === e.imp[0].video.skipafter && (e.imp[0].video.skipafter =; "object" === x(e.imp[0].video) && void 0 === e.imp[0].video.pos && ("atf" === r.params.position ? e.imp[0].video.pos = 1 : "btf" === r.params.position && (e.imp[0].video.pos = 3)); var t = A(r, "video"); e.imp[0].video.w = t[0], e.imp[0].video.h = t[1]; }(i, e); var n, o = _(e, "PREBID_SERVER"); o && g.deepSetValue(i, "user.ext.digitrust", o), u.gdprConsent && ("boolean" == typeof u.gdprConsent.gdprApplies && (n = u.gdprConsent.gdprApplies ? 1 : 0), g.deepSetValue(i, "regs.ext.gdpr", n), g.deepSetValue(i, "user.ext.consent", u.gdprConsent.consentString)), u.uspConsent && g.deepSetValue(i, "regs.ext.us_privacy", u.uspConsent), e.userId && "object" === x(e.userId) && (e.userId.tdid || e.userId.pubcid || e.userId.lipb || e.userId.idl_env) && (g.deepSetValue(i, "user.ext.eids", []), e.userId.tdid && i.user.ext.eids.push({ source: "", uids: [{ id: e.userId.tdid, ext: { rtiPartner: "TDID" } }] }), e.userId.pubcid && i.user.ext.eids.push({ source: "pubcommon", uids: [{ id: e.userId.pubcid }] }), e.userId.lipb && e.userId.lipb.lipbid && (i.user.ext.eids.push({ source: "", uids: [{ id: e.userId.lipb.lipbid }] }), i.user.ext.tpid = { source: "", uid: e.userId.lipb.lipbid }, Array.isArray(e.userId.lipb.segments) && e.userId.lipb.segments.length && g.deepSetValue(i, "", e.userId.lipb.segments)), e.userId.idl_env && i.user.ext.eids.push({ source: "", uids: [{ id: e.userId.idl_env }] })), !0 === b.b.getConfig("coppa") && g.deepSetValue(i, "regs.coppa", 1), e.schain && T(e.schain) && g.deepSetValue(i, "source.ext.schain", e.schain); var a, s = y({}, e.params.inventory, b.b.getConfig("fpd.context")), d = y({}, e.params.visitor, b.b.getConfig("fpd.user")); g.isEmpty(s) && g.isEmpty(d) || (a = { bidders: [u.bidderCode], config: { fpd: {} } }, g.isEmpty(s) || ( = s), g.isEmpty(d) || (a.config.fpd.user = d), g.deepSetValue(i, "ext.prebid.bidderconfig.0", a)); var c = g.deepAccess(e, "fpd.context.pbAdSlot"); return "string" == typeof c && c && g.deepSetValue(i.imp[0].ext, "", c), e.storedAuctionResponse && g.deepSetValue(i.imp[0], "", e.storedAuctionResponse.toString()), g.deepSetValue(i.imp[0], "ext.prebid.auctiontimestamp", u.auctionStart), { method: "POST", url: l, data: i, bidRequest: e }; }); return !0 !== b.b.getConfig("rubicon.singleRequest") ? r.concat(e.filter(function (e) { return "banner" === m(e); }).map(function (e) { var i = h.createSlotParams(e, u); return { method: "GET", url: o, data: h.getOrderedParams(i).reduce(function (e, r) { var t = i[r]; return g.isStr }, "") + "slots=1&rand=".concat(Math.random()), bidRequest: e }; })) : (n = e.filter(function (e) { return "banner" === m(e); }).reduce(function (e, r) { return (e[r.params.siteId] = e[r.params.siteId] || []).push(r), e; }, {}), r.concat(Object.keys(n).reduce(function (r, e) { var t, i; return t = n[e], i = 10, (e, r) { return r % i == 0 ? t.slice(r, r + i) : null; }).filter(function (e) { return e; }).forEach(function (e) { var i = h.combineSlotUrlParams( (e) { return h.createSlotParams(e, u); })); r.push({ method: "GET", url: o, data: h.getOrderedParams(i).reduce(function (e, r) { var t = i[r]; return g.isStr }, "") + "slots=".concat(e.length, "&rand=").concat(Math.random()), bidRequest: e }); }), r; }, []))); }, getOrderedParams: function getOrderedParams(e) { var r = /^tg_v/, t = /^tg_i/, i = ["account_id","site_id","zone_id","size_id","alt_size_ids","p_pos","gdpr","gdpr_consent","us_privacy","rp_schain","tpid_tdid","","tg_v.LIseg","","dt.keyv","dt.pref","rf","p_geo.latitude","p_geo.longitude","kw"].concat(Object.keys(e).filter(function (e) { return r.test(e); })).concat(Object.keys(e).filter(function (e) { return t.test(e); })).concat(["tk_flint","x_source.tid","x_source.pchain","p_screen_res","rp_floor","rp_secure","tk_user_key"]); return i.concat(Object.keys(e).filter(function (e) { return -1 === i.indexOf(e); })); }, combineSlotUrlParams: function combineSlotUrlParams(n) { if (1 === n.length) return n[0]; var i = n.reduce(function (r, t, i) { return Object.keys r.hasOwnProperty(e) || (r[e] = new Array(n.length)), r[e].splice(i, 1, t[e]); }), r; }, {}), o = new RegExp("^([^;]*)(;\1)+$"); return Object.keys(i).forEach(function (e) { var r = i[e].join(";"), t = r.match(o); je[e] = t ? t[1] : r; }), i; }, createSlotParams: function createSlotParams(e, r) { e.startTime = new Date().getTime(); var t, i = e.params, n = A(e, "banner"), o = v(i.latLong || [], 2), a = o[0], s = o[1], d = b.b.getConfig("rubicon.int_type"), c = { account_id: i.accountId, site_id: i.siteId, zone_id: i.zoneId, size_id: n[0], alt_size_ids: n.slice(1).join(",") || void 0, rp_floor: .01 < (i.floor = parseFloat(i.floor)) ? i.floor : .01, rp_secure: "1", tk_flint: "".concat(d || "pbjs_lite","_v3.23.0"), "x_source.tid": e.transactionId, "x_source.pchain": i.pchain, p_screen_res: [window.screen.width, window.screen.height].join("x"), tk_user_key: i.userId, "p_geo.latitude": isNaN(parseFloat(a)) ? void 0 : parseFloat(a).toFixed(4), "p_geo.longitude": isNaN(parseFloat(s)) ? void 0 : parseFloat(s).toFixed(4), "tg_fl.eid": e.code, rf: I(e, r) }; "function" != typeof e.getFloor || b.b.getConfig("rubicon.disableFloors") || (t = e.getFloor({ currency: "USD", mediaType: "banner", size: "*" }), c.rp_hard_floor = "object" !== x var u = y({}, i.visitor, b.b.getConfig("fpd.user")); Object.keys(u).forEach(function (e) { null != u[e] && "keywords" !== e && (c["tg_v.".concat(e)] = "object" !== x(u[e]) || Array.isArray(u[e]) ? u[e].toString() : JSON.stringify(u[e])); }); var p = y({}, i.inventory, b.b.getConfig("fpd.context")); Object.keys(p).forEach(function (e) { null != p[e] && "keywords" !== e && (c["tg_i.".concat(e)] = "object" !== x(p[e]) || Array.isArray(p[e]) ? p[e].toString() : JSON.stringify(p[e])); }); var l = (i.keywords || []).concat(g.deepAccess(b.b.getConfig("fpd.user"), "keywords") || [], g.deepAccess(b.b.getConfig("fpd.context"), "keywords") || []); = Array.isArray(l) && l.length ? l.join(",") : ""; var f = g.deepAccess(e, "fpd.context.pbAdSlot"); "string" == typeof f && f && (c["tg_i.dfp_ad_unit_code"] = f.replace(/^/+/, "")); var m = _(e, "FASTLANE"); return y(c, m), !0 === b.b.getConfig("coppa") && (c.coppa = 1), e.schain && T(e.schain) && (c.rp_schain = h.serializeSupplyChain(e.schain)), c; }, serializeSupplyChain: function serializeSupplyChain(e) { if (!T(e)) return ""; var r = e.ver, t = e.complete, i = e.nodes; return "".concat(r, ",").concat(t, "!").concat(h.serializeSupplyChainNodes(i)); }, serializeSupplyChainNodes: function serializeSupplyChainNodes(e) { var t = ["asi","sid","hp","rid","name","domain"]; return (r) { return (e) { return encodeURIComponent(r[e] || ""); }).join(","); }).join("!"); }, interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(d, e) { var c = e.bidRequest; if (!(d = d.body) || "object" !== x(d)) return []; if (d.seatbid) { var r = g.deepAccess(d, "ext.errors.rubicon"); Array.isArray(r) && 0 < r.length && g.logWarn("Rubicon: Error in video response"); var o = []; return d.seatbid.forEach(function (n) { ( || []).forEach(function (e) { var r = { requestId: c.bidId, currency: d.cur || "USD", creativeId: e.crid, cpm: e.price || 0, bidderCode:, ttl: 300, netRevenue: !1 !== b.b.getConfig("rubicon.netRevenue"), width: e.w || g.deepAccess(c, "") || g.deepAccess(c, ""), height: e.h || g.deepAccess(c, "") || g.deepAccess(c, "") }; && (r.seatBidId =, e.dealid && (r.dealId = e.dealid); var t, i = g.deepAccess(d, "ext.responsetimemillis.rubicon"); c && i && (c.serverResponseTimeMs = i), g.deepAccess(e, "ext.prebid.type") === u.d ? (r.mediaType = u.d, (t = g.deepAccess(e, "ext.prebid.targeting")) && "object" === x }); }), o; } var t =; return "object" !== x(c) || Array.isArray(c) || "video" !== m(c) || "object" !== x if ("ok" !== r.status) return e; var i, n, o, a, s = Array.isArray(c) ? c return s && "object" === x(s) ? (i = { requestId: s.bidId, currency: "USD", creativeId: r.creative_id || "".concat( || "","-").concat(r.advertiser || ""), cpm: r.cpm || 0, dealId:, ttl: 300, netRevenue: !1 !== b.b.getConfig("rubicon.netRevenue"), rubicon: { advertiserId: r.advertiser, networkId: }, meta: { advertiserId: r.advertiser, networkId: } }, r.creative_type && (i.mediaType = r.creative_type), r.creative_type === u.d ? (i.width =, i.height =, i.vastUrl = r.creative_depot_url, i.impression_id = r.impression_id, i.videoCacheKey = r.impression_id) : ( = (o = r.script, a = r.impression_id, "nnnx3c!-- Rubicon Project Ad Tag --x3en

nn")), n = v(f[r.size_id].split("x").map(function (e) {
return Number(e);
}), 2), i.width = n[0], i.height = n[1]), i.rubiconTargeting = (Array.isArray(r.targeting) ? r.targeting : []).reduce(function (e, r) {
return e[r.key] = r.values[0], e;
}, {
rpfl_elemid: s.adUnitCode
}), e.push(i)) : g.logError("Rubicon: bidRequest undefined at index position:".concat
}, []).sort(function (e, r) {
return (r.cpm || 0) - (e.cpm || 0);
getUserSyncs: function getUserSyncs(e, r, t, i) {
if (!R && e.iframeEnabled) {
var n = "";
return t && "string" == typeof t.consentString && ("boolean" == typeof t.gdprApplies ? n += "?gdpr=".concat(Number(t.gdprApplies), "&gdpr_consent=").concat(t.consentString) : n += "?gdpr_consent=".concat(t.consentString)), i && (n += "".concat(n ? "&" : "?","us_privacy=").concat(encodeURIComponent(i))), R = !0, {
type: "iframe",
url: a + n
transformBidParams: function transformBidParams(e) {
return g.convertTypes({
accountId: "number",
siteId: "number",
zoneId: "number"
}, e);

function _(e, r) {
var t,
i = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== e ? e : {}, n = 1 < arguments.length ? r : void 0; if (!n || !d[n]) return null; var o = d[n]; var a = function () { var e = g.deepAccess(i, ""); if (e) return e; var r = window.DigiTrust && (b.b.getConfig("digiTrustId") || window.DigiTrust.getUser({ member: "T9QSFKPDN9" })); return r && r.success && r.identity || null; }(); if (!a || a.privacy && a.privacy.optout) return null; var s = (p(t = {},,, p(t, o.keyv, a.keyv), t); return o.pref && (s[o.pref] = 0), s; } function I(e, r) { var t = b.b.getConfig("pageUrl"), t = e.params.referrer ? e.params.referrer : t || r.refererInfo.referer; return ? t.replace(/^http:/i, "https:") : t; } function A(e, r) { var t = e.params; if ("video" === r) { var i = []; return && && ? i = [,] : Array.isArray(g.deepAccess(e, "")) && 1 === ? i =[0] : Array.isArray(e.sizes) && 0 < e.sizes.length && Array.isArray(e.sizes[0]) && 1 < e.sizes[0].length && (i = e.sizes[0]), i; } var n = []; return Array.isArray(t.sizes) ? n = t.sizes : void 0 !== g.deepAccess(e, "mediaTypes.banner.sizes") ? n = s(e.mediaTypes.banner.sizes) : Array.isArray(e.sizes) && 0 < e.sizes.length ? n = s(e.sizes) : g.logWarn("Rubicon: no sizes are setup or found"), S(n); } function s(e) { return g.parseSizesInput(e).reduce(function (e, r) { var t = parseInt(f[r], 10); return t && e.push }, []); } function c(e) { return "object" === x(g.deepAccess(e, "")) && void 0 !== g.deepAccess(e, "mediaTypes.".concat(u.d)); } function m(e, r) { var t = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== r && r; return c(e) ? -1 === ["outstream","instream"].indexOf(g.deepAccess(e, "mediaTypes.".concat(u.d, ".context"))) ? void (t && g.logError("Rubicon: must be outstream or instream")) : A(e, "video").length < 2 ? void (t && g.logError("Rubicon: could not determine the playerSize of the video")) : (t && g.logMessage("Rubicon: making video request for adUnit", e.adUnitCode), "video") : 0 === A(e, "banner").length ? void (t && g.logError("Rubicon: could not determine the sizes for banner request")) : (t && g.logMessage("Rubicon: making banner request for adUnit", e.adUnitCode), "banner"); } function S(e) { var n = [15, 2, 9]; return e.sort(function (e, r) { var t = n.indexOf(e), i = n.indexOf(r); return -1 < t || -1 < i ? -1 === t ? 1 : -1 === i ? -1 : t - i : e - r; }); } function C(e) { var r = parseInt(g.deepAccess(e, "")); return isNaN(r) ? "outstream" === g.deepAccess(e, "mediaTypes.".concat(u.d, ".context")) ? 203 : 201 : r; } function j(e) { return { ranges: { low: [{ max: 5, increment: .5 }], medium: [{ max: 20, increment: .1 }], high: [{ max: 20, increment: .01 }], auto: [{ max: 5, increment: .05 }, { min: 5, max: 10, increment: .1 }, { min: 10, max: 20, increment: .5 }], dense: [{ max: 3, increment: .01 }, { min: 3, max: 8, increment: .05 }, { min: 8, max: 20, increment: .5 }], custom: e.getConfig("customPriceBucket") && e.getConfig("customPriceBucket").buckets }[e.getConfig("priceGranularity")] }; } function k(r) { var t = !0, e =[]), i =, n = { mimes: e, protocols: e, maxduration: i, linearity: i, api: e }; return Object.keys(n).forEach(function (e) {, "" + e)) !== n[e] && (t = !1, g.logError("Rubicon:" + e + " is required and must be of type: " + n[e])); }), t; } function T(e) { var r = !1, t = ["asi","sid","hp"]; return e.nodes && ((r = e.nodes.reduce(function (e, r) { return e ? t.every(function (e) { return r[e]; }) : e; }, !0)) || g.logError("Rubicon: required schain params missing")), r; } function w(e, r) { return "rp_schain" === e ? "rp_schain=".concat(r) : "".concat(e, "=").concat(encodeURIComponent(r)); } var R = !1; Object(i.registerBidder)(h); } }, [677]); pbjsChunk([93], { 719: function _(e, t, r) { e.exports = r(720); }, 720: function _(e, t, r) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), r.d(t, "spec", function () { return o; }), r.d(t, "_isInbounds", function () { return a; }), t._getPlatform = v; var n = r(1), y = r(0), i = r(2), c = r(3), g = r(10), d = r(44); function h(e, t) { return function (e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) return e; }(e) || function (e, t) { if ("undefined" == typeof Symbol || !(Symbol.iterator in Object(e))) return; var r = [], n = !0, i = !1, s = void 0; try { for (var o, a = e[Symbol.iterator](); !(n = (o = && (r.push(o.value), !t || r.length !== t); n = !0) { ; } } catch (e) { i = !0, s = e; } finally { try { n || null == a.return || a.return(); } finally { if (i) throw s; } } return r; }(e, t) || function (e, t) { if (!e) return; if ("string" == typeof e) return s(e, t); var r =, -1); "Object" === r && e.constructor && (r =; if ("Map" === r || "Set" === r) return Array.from(e); if ("Arguments" === r || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(r)) return s(e, t); }(e, t) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance.nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }(); } function s(e, t) { (null == t || t > e.length) && (t = e.length);

for (var r = 0, n = new Array
n[r] = e[r];

return n;

function u() {
return (u = Object.assign || function (e) {
for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var r = arguments for (var n in r) {, n) && (e[n] = r[n]); } } return e; }).apply(this, arguments); } function p(e, t, r) { return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: r, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e } var b = "sonobi", l = Object(y.generateUUID)(), o = { code: b, supportedMediaTypes: [i.b, i.d], isBidRequestValid: function isBidRequestValid(e) { if (!e.params) return !1; if (!e.params.ad_unit && !e.params.placement_id) return !1; if (!Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "mediaTypes.banner") && !Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "")) return !1; if (Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "mediaTypes.banner")) { if (!Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "mediaTypes.banner.sizes") && !e.params.sizes) return !1; } else if (Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "")) { if ("outstream" === Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "") && !e.params.sizes) return !1; if ("instream" === Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "") && !Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "")) return !1; } return !0; }, buildRequests: function buildRequests(e, t) { var r = (e) { var t = function (e) { if (e.params.ad_unit) return e.params.ad_unit; return e.params.placement_id; }(e); return /^[/]?[d]+[[[/].+[/]?]?$/.test }), n = {}; r.forEach(function (e) { u(n, e); }); var i = { key_maker: JSON.stringify(n), ref: t.refererInfo.referer, s: Object(y.generateUUID)(), pv: l, vp: v(), lib_name: "prebid", lib_v: "3.23.0", us: 0 }; c.b.getConfig("userSync") && c.b.getConfig("userSync").syncsPerBidder && ( = c.b.getConfig("userSync").syncsPerBidder), d.a.canBidderRegisterSync("iframe", b) ? i.ius = 1 : i.ius = 0, Object(y.deepAccess)(e[0], "params.hfa") && (i.hfa = Object(y.deepAccess)(e[0], "params.hfa")), e[0].params.referrer && (i.ref = e[0].params.referrer), t && t.gdprConsent && (i.gdpr = t.gdprConsent.gdprApplies ? "true" : "false", t.gdprConsent.consentString && (i.consent_string = t.gdprConsent.consentString)); var s = function var e = function () { var e = window.DigiTrust && (c.b.getConfig("digiTrustId") || window.DigiTrust.getUser({ member: t })); return e && e.success && e.identity || null; }(); if (!e || e.privacy && e.privacy.optout) return null; return e; }("fhnS5drwmH"); s && (i.digid =, i.digkeyv = s.keyv), e[0].schain && (i.schain = JSON.stringify(e[0].schain)), Object(y.deepAccess)(e[0], "userId") && 0 < Object.keys(e[0].userId).length && (i.userid = JSON.stringify(e[0].userId)); var o = e[0].params.keywords; if (o && ( = o), t && t.uspConsent && (i.us_privacy = t.uspConsent), Object(y.isEmpty)(n)) return null; var a = ""; return Object(y.deepAccess)(e[0], "params.bid_request_url") && (a = Object(y.deepAccess)(e[0], "params.bid_request_url")), { method: "GET", url: a, withCredentials: !0, data: i, bidderRequests: e }; }, interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(e, l) { var f = e.body, m = [], v =; return 0 === Object.keys(f.slots).length || Object.keys(f.slots).forEach(function (e) { var t = f.slots[e], r = e.split("|").slice(-1)[0], n = function (e, t) { for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { if (e[r].bidId === t) return e[r]; } }(l.bidderRequests, r), i = null; "video" === t.sbi_ct && (i = "video","outstream" === Object(y.deepAccess)(n, "") && (i = "outstream")); var s, o, a, c, d, u, p, b = j(i, v); t.sbi_aid && t.sbi_mouse && t.sbi_size && (a = void 0 === (o = (s = h(t.sbi_size.split("x"), 2))[0]) ? 1 : o, d = void 0 === (c = s[1]) ? 1 : c, u = { requestId: r, cpm: Number(t.sbi_mouse), width: Number(a), height: Number(d), ad: b(f.sbi_dc, t.sbi_aid), ttl: 500, creativeId: t.sbi_crid || t.sbi_aid, aid: t.sbi_aid, netRevenue: !0, currency: "USD" }, t.sbi_dozer && (u.dealId = t.sbi_dozer), "video" === i ? (u.mediaType = "video", u.vastUrl = b(f.sbi_dc, t.sbi_aid), delete, delete u.width, delete u.height) : "outstream" === i && n && (u.mediaType = "video", u.vastUrl = b(f.sbi_dc, t.sbi_aid), u.renderer = function (e, t) { var r = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, n = g.a.install({ id: t.aid, url: "", config: r, loaded: !1, adUnitCode: e }); try { n.setRender(O); } catch (e) { Object(y.logWarn)("Prebid Error calling setRender on renderer", e); } return n.setEventHandlers({ impression: function impression() { return Object(y.logMessage)("Sonobi outstream video impression event"); }, loaded: function loaded() { return Object(y.logMessage)("Sonobi outstream video loaded event"); }, ended: function ended() { Object(y.logMessage)("Sonobi outstream renderer video event"); } }), n; }(n.adUnitCode, u, Object(y.deepAccess)(n, "renderer.options")), p = Object(y.deepAccess)(n, "params.sizes"), Array.isArray(p) && Array.isArray(p[0]) && (p = p[0]), p && (u.width = p[0], u.height = p[1])), m.push(u)); }), m; }, getUserSyncs: function getUserSyncs(e, t) { var r = []; try { e.pixelEnabled && t[0].body.sbi_px.forEach(function (e) { r.push({ type: e.type, url: e.url }); }); } catch (e) {} return r; } }; function f(e) { return Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "") ? "" : e.params.sizes ? Object(y.parseSizesInput)(e.params.sizes).join(",") : Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "mediaTypes.banner.sizes") ? Object(y.parseSizesInput)(Object(y.deepAccess)(e, "mediaTypes.banner.sizes")).join(",") : e.sizes ? Object(y.parseSizesInput)(e.sizes).join(",") : void 0; } function m(e) { return e.params.floor ? "|f=".concat(e.params.floor) : ""; } var j = function j(i, s) { return function (e, t) { return "video" === i || "outstream" === i ? (r = t, n = s, "https://".concat(e, "").concat(r, "&ref=").concat(encodeURIComponent(n))) : '‘;
var r, n;

var a = function a(e) {
var r = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== e ? e : window; return function () { var e = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : 0, t = 1 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; return r.innerWidth >= e && r.innerWidth < t; }; }; function v() { var e = 0 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : window, t = a(e), r = 992, n = 768; return t(0, 768) ? "mobile" : t(n, r) ? "tablet" : "desktop"; } function O(i) { i.renderer.push(function () { var e = h(i.getSize().split("x"), 2), t = e[0], r = e[1], n = new window.SbiOutstreamRenderer(); n.init({ vastUrl: i.vastUrl, height: r, width: t }), n.setRootElement(i.adUnitCode); }); } Object(n.registerBidder)(o); } }, [719]); pbjsChunk([85], { 741: function _(e, r, t) { e.exports = t(742); }, 742: function _(e, r, t) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.d(r, "spec", function () { return n; }); var a = t(1), d = t(0), p = 12, o = 11, c = 0, u = 22, n = { code: "teads", supportedMediaTypes: ["video","banner"], isBidRequestValid: function isBidRequestValid(e) { var r, t, a = !1; return void 0 !== e.params && (r = i(d.getValue(e.params, "placementId")), t = i(d.getValue(e.params, "pageId")), a = r && t), a || d.logError("Teads placementId and pageId parameters are required. Bid aborted."), a; }, buildRequests: function buildRequests(e, r) { var t =, a = { referrer: function (e) { var r = ""; e && e.refererInfo && e.refererInfo.referer && (r = e.refererInfo.referer); return r; }(r), data: t, deviceWidth: screen.width, hb_version: "3.23.0" }; e[0].schain && (a.schain = e[0].schain); var n, d, i, s = r.gdprConsent; return r && s && (n = "boolean" == typeof s.gdprApplies, d = "string" == typeof s.consentString, i = n ? function (e, r, t) { var a = p; e ? function (e, r) { return e && 1 === r ? e.hasGlobalScope || e.hasGlobalConsent : !(!e || 2 !== r) && !e.isServiceSpecific; }(r, t) && (a = o) : a = c; return a; }(s.gdprApplies, s.vendorData, s.apiVersion) : u, a.gdpr_iab = { consent: d ? s.consentString : "", status: i, apiVersion: s.apiVersion }), r && r.uspConsent && (a.us_privacy = r.uspConsent), { method: "POST", url: "", data: JSON.stringify(a) }; }, interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(e) { var t = []; return (e = e.body).responses && e.responses.forEach(function (e) { var r = { cpm: e.cpm, width: e.width, height: e.height, currency: e.currency, netRevenue: !0, ttl: e.ttl, ad:, requestId: e.bidId, creativeId: e.creativeId, placementId: e.placementId }; e.dealId && (r.dealId = e.dealId), t.push(r); }), t; } }; function I(e) { var r, t = {}, a = d.getValue(e.params, "placementId"), n = d.getValue(e.params, "pageId"); return t.sizes = (r = e, d.parseSizesInput(function (e) { var r = d.deepAccess(e, ""), t = d.deepAccess(e, ""), a = d.deepAccess(e, "mediaTypes.banner.sizes"); return d.isArray(a) || d.isArray(r) || d.isArray return d.isArray(e) && (d.isArray(e[0]) ? e.forEach(function (e) { r.push(e); }) : r.push(e)), r; }, []) : e.sizes; }(r))), t.bidId = d.getBidIdParameter("bidId", e), t.bidderRequestId = d.getBidIdParameter("bidderRequestId", e), t.placementId = parseInt(a, 10), t.pageId = parseInt(n, 10), t.adUnitCode = d.getBidIdParameter("adUnitCode", e), t.auctionId = d.getBidIdParameter("auctionId", e), t.transactionId = d.getBidIdParameter("transactionId", e), t; } function i(e) { return 0 < parseInt(e); } Object(a.registerBidder)(n); } }, [741]); pbjsChunk([76], { 761: function _(r, e, t) { r.exports = t(762); }, 762: function _(r, e, t) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.d(e, "tripleliftAdapterSpec", function () { return s; }); var n = t(2), i = t(1), o = t(0), u = t(3); function p(r) { return function (r) { if (Array.isArray(r)) return d(r); }(r) || function (r) { if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator in Object(r)) return Array.from(r); }(r) || function (r, e) { if (!r) return; if ("string" == typeof r) return d(r, e); var t =, -1); "Object" === t && r.constructor && (t =; if ("Map" === t || "Set" === t) return Array.from(r); if ("Arguments" === t || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test }(r) || function () { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }(); } function d(r, e) { (null == e || e > r.length) && (e = r.length);

for (var t = 0, n = new Array(e); t < e; t++) { n } return n; } var a = !0, c = null, s = { code: "triplelift", supportedMediaTypes: [n.b], isBidRequestValid: function isBidRequestValid(r) { return void 0 !== r.params.inventoryCode; }, buildRequests: function buildRequests(r, e) { var t, n = "", i = function (r) { var e = {}, t = r[0].schain; e.imp = (r, e) { return { id: e, tagid: r.params.inventoryCode, floor: r.params.floor, banner: { format: r.sizes.filter(l).map(function (r) { return { w: r[0], h: r[1] }; }) } }; }); var n = [].concat(p(function (r) { return f(r, "tdid","","TDID"); }(r)), p(function (r) { return f(r, "idl_env","","idl"); }(r)), p(function (r) { return f(r, "criteoId","","criteoId"); }(r))); 0 < n.length && (e.user = { ext: { eids: n } }); t && (e.ext = { schain: t }); return e; }(r); return n = o.tryAppendQueryString(n, "lib","prebid"), n = o.tryAppendQueryString(n, "v","3.23.0"), e && e.refererInfo && (t = e.refererInfo.referer, n = o.tryAppendQueryString(n, "referrer", t)), e && e.timeout && (n = o.tryAppendQueryString(n, "tmax", e.timeout)), e && e.gdprConsent && (void 0 !== e.gdprConsent.gdprApplies && (a = e.gdprConsent.gdprApplies, n = o.tryAppendQueryString(n, "gdpr", a.toString())), void 0 !== e.gdprConsent.consentString && (c = e.gdprConsent.consentString, n = o.tryAppendQueryString(n, "cmp_cs", c))), e && e.uspConsent && (n = o.tryAppendQueryString(n, "us_privacy", e.uspConsent)), !0 === u.b.getConfig("coppa") && (n = o.tryAppendQueryString(n, "coppa", !0)), n.lastIndexOf("&") === n.length - 1 && (n = n.substring(0, n.length - 1)), o.logMessage("tlCall request built: " + n), { method: "POST", url: n, data: i, bidderRequest: e }; }, interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(r, e) { var t = e.bidderRequest; return (r.body.bids || []).map(function (r) { return function (r, e) { var t = {}, n = e.width || 1, i = e.height || 1, u = e.deal_id || "", o = e.crid || ""; 0 != e.cpm && && (t = { requestId: r.bids[e.imp_id].bidId, cpm: e.cpm, width: n, height: i, netRevenue: !0, ad:, creativeId: o, dealId: u, currency: "USD", ttl: 300, tl_source: e.tl_source }); return t; }(t, r); }); }, getUserSyncs: function getUserSyncs(r, e, t, n) { var i = function (r) { if (!r) return; if (r.iframeEnabled) return "iframe"; if (r.pixelEnabled) return "image"; }(r); if (i) { var u = ""; return "image" === i && (u = o.tryAppendQueryString(u, "px", 1), u = o.tryAppendQueryString(u, "src","prebid")), null !== c && (u = o.tryAppendQueryString(u, "gdpr", a), u = o.tryAppendQueryString(u, "cmp_cs", c)), n && (u = o.tryAppendQueryString(u, "us_privacy", n)), [{ type: i, url: u }]; } } }; function f(r, e, t, n) { return = e, function (r) { return r && r.userId && r.userId[o]; })).filter(function (r) { return !!r; }).map((i = t, u = n, function (r) { return { source: i, uids: [{ id: r, ext: { rtiPartner: u } }] }; })); var i, u, o; } function l(r) { return 2 === r.length && "number" == typeof r[0] && "number" == typeof r[1]; } Object(i.registerBidder)(s); } }, [761]); pbjsChunk([75], { 763: function _(e, r, t) { e.exports = t(764); }, 764: function _(e, r, t) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(r, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), t.d(r, "spec", function () { return v; }); var m = t(0), s = t(1), o = t(10), c = t(2), f = "Bid from response has no auid parameter - ", l = "Bid from response has no adm parameter - ", p = "Array of bid objects is empty", g = "Can't find in requested bids the bid with auid - ", u = "Seatbid array from response has empty item", y = "Response is empty", b = "Response has empty seatbid array", h = "Seatbid from response has no array of bid objects - ", v = { code: "trustx", supportedMediaTypes: [c.b, c.d], isBidRequestValid: function isBidRequestValid(e) { return !!e.params.uid; }, buildRequests: function buildRequests(e, r) { var a, o, p = [], u = {}, c = {}, f = {}, l = "net"; (e || []).forEach(function (e) { "gross" === e.params.priceType && (l = "gross"), o = e.bidderRequestId; var r = e.params.uid, t = e.adUnitCode; p.push(r); var s, n = m.parseSizesInput(e.sizes); a || m.isEmpty(e.params.keywords) || (0 < (s = m.transformBidderParamKeywords(e.params.keywords)).length && s.forEach(E), a = s), c[r] || (c[r] = {}); var d = c[r]; ré adUnitCode: t, bids: [e], parents: [] }; var i = d n.forEach(function (e) { f[e] = !0, u[r] || (u[r] = {}), u[r][e] ? u[r][e].push(i) : u[r][e] = [i], i.parents.push({ parent: u[r], key: e, uid: r }); }); }); var t = { pt: l, auids: p.join(","), sizes: m.getKeys(f).join(","), r: o, wrapperType: "Prebid_js", wrapperVersion: "3.23.0" }; return a && (t.keywords = JSON.stringify(a)), r && (r.refererInfo && r.refererInfo.referer && (t.u = r.refererInfo.referer), r.timeout && (t.wtimeout = r.timeout), r.gdprConsent && (r.gdprConsent.consentString && (t.gdpr_consent = r.gdprConsent.consentString), t.gdpr_applies = "boolean" == typeof r.gdprConsent.gdprApplies ? Number(r.gdprConsent.gdprApplies) : 1), r.uspConsent && (t.us_privacy = r.uspConsent)), { method: "GET", url: "", data: m.parseQueryStringParameters bidsMap: u }; }, interpretResponse: function interpretResponse(e, r, t) { var s = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== t ? t : o.a; e = e && e.body; var n, d = [], i = r.bidsMap, a =; return e ? e.seatbid && !e.seatbid.length && (n = b) : n = y, !n && e.seatbid && e.seatbid.forEach(function (e) { !function (e, d, r, t, s) { if (!e) return; var n; e.auid || (n = f + JSON.stringify(e)); { var i, a, o, p, u; e.adm ? (i = d[e.auid]) ? (a = "".concat(e.w, "x").concat(e.h), i[a] && (o = i[a][0], p = o.bids.shift(), u = { requestId: p.bidId, bidderCode: v.code, cpm: e.price, width: e.w, height: e.h, creativeId: e.auid, currency: "USD", netRevenue: "gross" !== r, ttl: 360, dealId: e.dealid }, "video" === e.content_type ? (u.vastXml = e.adm, u.mediaType = c.d, u.adResponse = { content: u.vastXml }, p.renderer || p.mediaTypes && && "outstream" !== || (u.renderer = function (e, r) { var t = r.install({ id:, url: e.url, loaded: !1 }); try { t.setRender(w); } catch (e) { m.logWarn("Prebid Error calling setRender on renderer", e); } return t; }({ id: p.bidId, url: "" }, s))) : ( = e.adm, u.mediaType = c.b), t.push(u), o.bids.length || o.parents.forEach(function (e) { var r = e.parent, t = e.key, s = e.uid, n = r -1 < n && r }))) : n = g + e.auid : n = l + JSON.stringify(e); } n && m.logError(n); }(function (e) { e ? ?[0] || m.logError(p) : m.logError(h + JSON.stringify(e)) : m.logError(u); return e && &&[0]; }(e), i, a, d, s); }), n && m.logError(n), d; }, getUserSyncs: function getUserSyncs(e) { if (e.pixelEnabled) return [{ type: "image", url: "" }]; } }; function E(e) { var r; r = e.value, m.isArray(r) && 0 < r.length && "" === e.value[0] && delete e.value; } function w(e) { e.renderer.push(function () { window.ANOutstreamVideo.renderAd({ targetId: e.adUnitCode, adResponse: e.adResponse }); }); } Object(s.registerBidder)(v); } }, [763]); pbjs.processQueue(); }, {}]; window.modules["via.legacy"] = [function(require,module,exports){"use strict"; DS.service("via", function () { "use strict"; // remove `via` from url, to be used after amplitude logs it to prevent users from sharing such urls function removeFromLocation() { var url = new URL(location.href); url.searchParams.delete("via"); history.replaceState(null, "", url.toString()); } // and add `via` param to any outbound links function addViaToUrl(href, via) { if (!href || href.substr(0, 1) === "#") { return href; // don't add to jumps on the current page, e.g. "Skip to main content" } var url = new URL(href); var apexDomain = new URL(location.href).hostname.split(".").slice(-2).join("."); if (url.hostname.indexOf(apexDomain) === -1) { return href; // don't add it to external links } url.searchParams.set("via", via); return url.toString(); } // keys correspond to "page_types" in editable_components.yml var PREFIXES = { article: "article", homepage: "homepage", "vertical front": "section", "rubric front": "rubric" }; var pageType; function setPageType(amplitudePageType) { pageType = PREFIXES[amplitudePageType]; } var DELIMITER = "_"; function concatVia(node, via) { var tag = node.dataset && node.dataset.via; if (tag) { via = (via.length ? tag + DELIMITER : tag) + via; } return via; } function addToClickedLinks() { document.documentElement.addEventListener("click", function (e) { var a; var via = ""; // detect link nodes and collect via directives to append to the href var node =; // the element where this event originated may have been removed from the dom, e.g. in the case of the OIL CMP which disappears after you interact with it while (node && node !== e.currentTarget) { if (node.tagName === "A") { a = node; } via = concatVia(node, via); node = node.parentNode; } if (a && via) { if (pageType) { via = pageType + DELIMITER + via; } a.href = addViaToUrl(a.href, via); } }); } function addToSubmittedForms() { document.documentElement.addEventListener("submit", function (e) { var form =; // collect via directives var via = ""; var node =; while (node !== e.currentTarget) { via = concatVia(node, via); node = node.parentNode; } if (via) { if (pageType) { via = pageType + DELIMITER + via; } // dynamically create a hidden input for the form url var input = document.createElement("input"); input.type = "hidden"; = "via"; input.value = via; form.appendChild(input); } }); } // start listening only once, when first injected addToClickedLinks(); addToSubmittedForms(); return { setPageType: setPageType, removeFromLocation: removeFromLocation }; }); }, {}]; window.modules["visibility.legacy"] =[function(require,module,exports){"use strict"; DS.service("$visibility",["$document","$window","_throttle","Eventify", function ($document, $window, _throttle, Eventify) { var list = [], Visible, VisibleEvent; /** * @param {number} a * @param {number} b * @returns {*} * @see */ function min(a, b) { return a < b ? a : b; } /** * @param {number} a * @param {number} b * @returns {*} * @see */ function max(a, b) { return a > b ? a : b;
* Fast loop through watched elements

function onScroll() {
* updates seen property
* @param {Visble} item
* @param {{}} evt
* @fires Visible#shown
* @fires Visible#hidden

function updateSeen(item, evt) {
var px = evt.visiblePx,
percent = evt.visiblePercent; // if some pixels are visible and we’re greater/equal to threshold

if (px && percent >= item.shownThreshold && !item.seen) {
item.seen = true;
setTimeout(function () {
item.trigger(« shown », new VisibleEvent(« shown », evt));
}, 15); // if no pixels or percent is less than threshold
} else if ((!px || percent < item.hiddenThreshold) && item.seen) { item.seen = false; setTimeout(function () { item.trigger("hidden", new VisibleEvent("hidden", evt)); }, 15); } } /** * sets preload property * @param {Visible} item * @param {{}} evt * @param {Number} innerHeight * @fires Visible#preload */ function updatePreload(item, evt, innerHeight) { if (!item.preload && item.preloadThreshhold && shouldBePreloaded(, evt.rect, item.preloadThreshhold, innerHeight)) { item.preload = true; setTimeout(function () { item.trigger("preload", new VisibleEvent("preload", evt)); }, 15); } } /** * Trigger events * @param {Visible} item */ function updateVisibility(item) { var rect = item.el.getBoundingClientRect(), innerHeight = $window.innerHeight || $document.documentElement.clientHeight, px = getVerticallyVisiblePixels(rect, innerHeight), percent = px / (rect.height || innerHeight), evt = { target: item.el, rect: rect, visiblePx: px, visiblePercent: percent }; updateSeen(item, evt); updatePreload(item, evt, innerHeight); } /** * Return normalized viewport height * @return {number} */ function getViewportHeight() { return $window.innerHeight || $document.documentElement.clientHeight || $document.body.clientHeight; } /** * Return normalized viewport width * @return {number} */ function getViewportWidth() { return $window.innerWidth || $document.documentElement.clientWidth || $document.body.clientWidth; } /** * make sure an element isn't hidden by styles or etc * @param {Element} el * @return {Boolean} */ function isElementNotHidden(el) { return el && el.offsetParent !== null && !el.getAttribute("hidden") && getComputedStyle(el).display !== "none" && getComputedStyle(el).visibility !== "hidden"; } /** * Apparently the fastest way... * @param {Element} el * @returns {boolean} * @example if (!$visibility.isElementInViewport(el)) { ... } */ function isElementInViewport(el) { var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= ($window.innerHeight || $document.documentElement.clientHeight) && rect.right <= ($window.innerWidth || $document.documentElement.clientWidth); } /** * @param {Element} el * @param {ClientRect} rect * @param {Number} preloadThreshhold * @param {Number} innerHeight * @return {Boolean} */ function shouldBePreloaded(el, rect, preloadThreshhold, innerHeight) { return <= innerHeight + preloadThreshhold && isElementNotHidden(el); } /** * Create a one-dimensional spacial hash of x * @param {number} x * @param {number} stepSize * @param {number} optimalK * @param {number} base * @return {number} */ function getLinearSpacialHash(x, stepSize, optimalK, base) { var index = Math.floor(x / (stepSize || 1)), remainder = x % stepSize, result = index.toString(base); if (optimalK > 1) {
result += getLinearSpacialHash(remainder, Math.floor(stepSize / base), optimalK – 1, base);

return result;
* @param {ClientRect} rect
* @param {number} innerHeight
* @returns {number}

function getVerticallyVisiblePixels(rect, innerHeight) {
return min(innerHeight, max(rect.bottom, 0)) – min(max(, 0), innerHeight);
* Get offset of element relative to entire page
* @param {Element} el
* @returns {{left: number, top: number}}
* @see

function getPageOffset(el) {
var offsetLeft = el.offsetLeft,
offsetTop = el.offsetTop;

while (el = el.offsetParent) {
offsetLeft += el.offsetLeft;
offsetTop += el.offsetTop;

return {
left: offsetLeft,
top: offsetTop
* Create a new Visible class to observe when elements enter and leave the viewport
* Call destroy function to stop listening (this is until we have better support for watching for Node Removal)
* @param {Element} el
* @param {{shownThreshold: number, hiddenThreshold: number}} [options]
* @class
* @example this.visible = new $visibility.Visible(el);

Visible = function Visible(el, options) {
options = options || {};
this.el = el;
this.seen = false;
this.preload = false;
this.preloadThreshhold = options && options.preloadThreshhold || 0;
this.shownThreshold = options && options.shownThreshold || 0;
this.hiddenThreshold = options && min(options.shownThreshold, options.hiddenThreshold) || 0;
updateVisibility(this); // set immediately to visible or not

Visible.prototype = {
* Stop triggering.
destroy: function destroy() {
// remove from list
list.splice(list.indexOf(this), 1);
* @name Visible#on
* @function
* @param {‘shown’|’hidden’} e EventName
* @param {function} cb Callback

* @name Visible#trigger
* @function
* @param {‘shown’|’hidden’} e
* @param {{}}


VisibleEvent = function VisibleEvent(type, options) {
var _this = this;

this.type = type;
Object.keys(options).forEach(function (key) {
_this[key] = options[key];
}; // listen for scroll events (throttled)

$document.addEventListener(« scroll », _throttle(onScroll, 200)); // public

this.getPageOffset = getPageOffset;
this.getLinearSpacialHash = getLinearSpacialHash;
this.getVerticallyVisiblePixels = getVerticallyVisiblePixels;
this.getViewportHeight = getViewportHeight;
this.getViewportWidth = getViewportWidth;
this.isElementNotHidden = isElementNotHidden;
this.isElementInViewport = isElementInViewport;
this.Visible = Visible;
}, {}];
require=(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require== »function »&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error(« Cannot find module ‘ »+o+ »‘ »);throw f.code= »MODULE_NOT_FOUND »,f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require== »function »&&require;for(var o=0;o

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